Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 89

"That was fucking hilarious." I giggled, breathlessly.

"It was." He paused a moment, making a face. "Can we get dressed now?"

"Oh..." I looked at our bare bodies. "No. You're hot when you're naked."

"You are too but, I am cold!" Frank faked-shivered. I through his shirt at his chest.

"Whatever, fuck you." I replied, jokingly. We both put our clothes on and Frank layed on the couch, extending his short legs on the arm of the chair. I jumped on him, causing him to make an 'ummph' sound. I laughed, kissing him on his nose. I watched him blush. He wrapped his arms around my waist, dragging me closer to him. I was still all the way on top of him, probably squishing him tremendously. Who cares, though? He probably liked it.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear. I whispered the same back in the same manner as him. I rolled over on my stomach, facing him.

"Hey," Frank said a few minutes later. "Do you smell...smoke?" I sat up, moving off of Frank. I took a deep breath in and out and smelled exactly what he was talking about. I nodded, feeling him push himself up too. "It' door."

"My dad? Ryanne? MIKEY?!?" I screamed, running out the door. Frank followed, taking my arm.

When I saw the fire burning in the air, I swear I couldn't breathe. I watched it until it looked like an illusion. This couldn't be happening. My uncle was in there. My dad. My baby. My whole fucking life was going to be ruined if someone wouldn't save them. I couldn't speak though. Next thing I knew, firetrucks were speeding down our road with concerned firemen spewing out of the sides. One rushed in and a minute later came back out, dragging an unconcious Mikey with him. Then, Gerard came out with a fireman who was holding Ryanne. I felt as if I was going to collasp. I couldn't move. Frank had run off to see if everything was okay. He must of the been the one who called the firemen. Gerard was okay at the least. Ryanne seemed to be breathing fine. They weren't taking her anywhere. But, we all had to watch Mikey suffer. He had awaken now. He just needed help with breathing. Where was my Ryanne? I looked around and finally saw her in Frank's hands. They had the fire out by now. The rest was a blur.

Everything is okay, now?

Oh I think not.
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Sorry, the ending kinda sucked.