Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 92

"Who's that?" I whispered to Frank as we were walking up to Mikey's driveway. We were all going to meet there to ride together to the hospital. I saw a girl I had not seen before, holding hands with Bob. Frank shrugged, the least bit. She smiled, shyly. I noticed that she was really pretty in a pure way. She had medium length, black hair that ended at the beginning of her armpits. It was silky smooth, just like her skin which was a creamy but pale color. She looked young, maybe because of her height. I don't know how but I was a few inches taller, in all my 5'3 glory. The girl was beautiful in an absurd way. Her features were delicate and small but her lips were brightly colored and she was wearing a pair of jeans with a red tank top over a black turtleneck. She looked fragile and skinny. Maybe, this was Bob's new girl. No one said anything to her or about her, so I put the matter to rest.

"Ready to go?" Gerard asked us and we nodded.

"You know..we all can't fit." I commeneted, counting all of the people surrounding me. Frank, Ryanne, Bob, Ray, Gerard, me, and that girl. That was seven people. Too many for one car.

"Gee!" Ryanne called out, looking at Gerard. It took her a while to realize that he was there, apperently.

"Ryanne!" Gerard laughed, pulling her close to him. She kisses his nose and I saw the girl Bob was with, smile sweetly. She looked away when she saw me watching her. Bob held the girl closer and kissed her head, gently. I noticed that she was shivering. It was about 65 out. Definitely not shivering weather, now. "Frank, do you want to drive Helena's car?"

"Okay, I will. Who wants to ride with me? Well, other than Helly and Ryanne, of course." Frank answered, holding out his hand so I could give him the keys. I did as I was supposed to and watched everyone else.

"I'll keep Ryanne with me. Bob and Nissa do you want to go with them?"

Nissa. Her name is Nissa.

Bob looked over at 'Nissa' who only shrugged. So, Bob nodded and walked her over to us. "I feel like a shithead, now." He spoke, slowly with the small girl still clinging to him. "I didn't introduce her to you did I?" We shook our heads, glad to finally find out. "This is Nissa Maree and she is my..." he paused, searching for the words. "girlfriend."

Nissa Maree grinned when she heard the word, 'girlfriend'. They apperently hadn't made it clear with each other, until now, that they were dating. We all went off to go in the car. As Frank drove off, I realized that I had a flicker of jealous ruining through my veins.

You do not like Bob. That's ridiculous. You love Frank.
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Nissa = very dedicated fan. You get Bob in this story, babe. Wow, that was weird. lol
