Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 99

Frank's POV

"H-How can I make you forgive me?" I suddenly plead. I could have everyone mad at me. Everyone. Gerard, Bob, Ray, Mikey, and anyone who cared. But, not Helena or Ryanne. Ryanne, of course, didn't understand what happened. I knew Helena did though. I couldn't let her be angry. I needed her. It was times like these when you realize how much you love someone. You finally know exactly how much you need them and their love. It's a test of relationships.

But, why did I have to test it?

Why did I have to hurt the beautiful girl that is in front of me?

"F-Frank, I...I don't know." Helena said, staring down. She played with her fingers nervously and then looked up, slowly. She put her hand on her head, somewhat. I guessed it was because of...what I did. I never meant to hurt her. My pain and agony and jealousy got the best of me.

"Helena, I cannot believe I did this. I've messed up everything. I have caused you pain. I was so scared that would leave me for Bob or something. I guess I just wanted to make sure you would stay. But, I handled everything the wrong way and I...I still love you, baby. More than ever, actually." I watched her face brighten up a minute but she made one wrong move and was in pain again.

"I love you too." She whispered, after wincing from the sting of pain crawling up her back. "And, I'm sorry too. I felt horrible for liking Bob, I really did. I didn't want you to know anything about it. I just never expected you to do something like that. You seemed different." Helena paused a moment as if searching for words. "I forgive you, Frank."

"You do?" I squealed, definitely not sounding as manly.

"Yeah," I saw light flicker in her eyes. "I do."

"I love you so much," I said, soothingly. Then, I did something I always wanted to do but never had the courage - confidence, too, maybe. I picked Helena right on up and gave her a big smooch on the lips. I never believed that I was strong enough or good enough to do this. But, this outburst turned out to be a good thing. I had to be extra careful because of how bad Helena was feeling. I couldn't possibly live with myself if I hurt her more.

Helena's POV

"Helena, I cannot believe I did this." Frank started saying, staring into my eyes. "I've messed up everything. I ahve caused you pain. I was scared that would leave me for Bob or something. I guess I just wanted to make sure you would stay. But, I handled everything the wrong way and I...I still love you, baby. More then ever, actually."

I had no choice but forgive him. We had both made mistakes. I loved him. I didn't love Bob like that. Sure, I still had a baby crush on him. But, I knew...Frank and I were meant to be. We had been together for two years, I couldn't ruin it now.

Frank swooped me up, giving me a big kiss on the lips. Just as we were getting started, there was a knock on the door. Frank and I pulled back, but he didn't put me back on the couch. I wrapped my arms around him for support, hoping I wouldn't slip and fall to the ground. Then, I would probably not be able to move for a month.

"Nissa?" I heard Bob say, in the doorway.

No way. No way. No way. What the hell is she doing at Mikey's house?

"Hi, baby." That girl said, walking into the living room with Bob. There were a few 'hey Nissa's. going around the room. Bob and Nissa sat down on the couch together and she put her hand in his lap. This time, I didn't cringe when she smiled at him. I was just pissed at what she said to me.

"Do you want to go home?" Frank whispered in my ear, after watching me glare at Nissa. Her and Bob were over on the sofa whispering about something. She seemed a little upset. I nodded at Frank who set me down, gently. "Hey guys, I think we're gonna go home."

"Frank, I don't know if it's still such a good idea for you and Helena to stay together." Gerard mumbled, kissing Ryanne's nose. I watched him move a piece of hair slightly out of his face, unsure.

"Wh-What? Gerard it'll be fine. I won't do anything wrong." Frank answered, his voice breaking.

"Why is it that you always say that and then my daughter comes back hurt or pregnant?" Gerard snipped back.

"Well...we live together,Gerard. I don't know..." Frank's voice trailed off, looking at me in his arms.

"Whatever." Gerard mumered. "Go on."

"Bye." Frank and I said in unison. But, before we could leave NIssa stood up.

"H-Helena?" She looked over at me, standing on the floor. "Can I talk to you first?" I nodded, not expecting this. She motioned for me to come over to her. I did as she asked and watched as Bob moved away from us, quickly. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I was wrong about you. And..maybe we could be friends?"

And by the time I left Mikey's house that day, I had plans to eat lunch with my new 'friend', Nissa, the next day.

Wow, we bounce back fast.