Ten Reasons Why Nick Hates Tom

Meet Nick - he's a smart kid, high grades, a pretty cool guy with a mad temper. He likes to stick his finger to the world and say a giant 'fuck you' if they don't like him - because that's his attitude. He's loud, hyper, and doesn't know when to stop pushing your buttons.

Then there's Frankie - the gorgeous girl who knows a lot more than it seems. She's a pretty chill girl, louder than a fog horn, always walking around with one ear bud connected to her ear. She's cute, and shy, and Nick's girlfriend.

Well, ex-girlfriend.

Enter Tom - the male version of Frankie. He's quiet, shy, and a native from New Zealand. He likes to sit back and watch the action, not really get involved with it - unless it's for someone close to him.

Frankie and Tom get close - very close.

Nick doesn't approve of Tom. He really doesn't. He just wants what's best for Frankie.

Too bad he doesn't know what that is himself.
  1. Prologue
    Why Nick started hating Tom