In Love With All Of These Vampires.


A vampire's life is never over. It just keeps going on and on. Life is never a disaster, it's only ever a dream. Because my dreams always come true eventually, because I can't ever die. For blood keeps me alive and well, so why should I even dream of my death? It's so ever far away, there isn't anything left to say.

I stood from up from my perch in the willow behind my house. Tonight I'd be getting my letter saying if I was accepted in the school that I had applied at, or not. The school I had applied at was a mix school. For werewolves, the enemy of vampires, and vampires, the enemy of werewolves.

Mother strode out of the mansion and held up a single black envelope. "Helena, dear, a letter has arrived for you in the mail." She called out. I turned, and jumped off of my branch and fell lightly to the ground without making a sound.

"You mean they finally got back to me after almost a year?" I mumbled. Shocked that I actually got something. I grabbed the letter, and started reading it.

Helena of the Lamia,
We have read your application for Mitternacht Klasse and we would like to say that we are overjoyed with having you in our school. Classes start in about a week, so you'll have plenty of time to get your supplies and pack your clothing and personal belongings.

Our school has been built on a small island found only by the super natural beings of vampires and werewolves in the forbidden area of the Bermuda Triangle. In a week, you will have been taken to the Pacific Ocean close to the Triangle's perimeter and shipped out to the island by boat with all of your vampire class.

The werewolves will also have a similar approach to the Triangle's perimeter, but in a seperate boat, and also several miles away from your boarding deck that's be on the island. When you get to Mitternacht Klasse, you will leave your baggage on the deck and follow Boony, the vampire class' chaperone, to the castle in which you'll be staying at. I do hope you find your way alright, I don't want you to be lost or confused on your first day.

Also, we'll be having a feast the next night at midnight with both of the classes combined. You'll all have to learn that the past is behind us, and we're going to try and create a new kind of peace. This feast will contain all the needs for vampires and werewolves, plus there will be dancing in the ballroom afterwards to get both classes to meet and to learn that differences are all behind us.

Please enjoy your year at Mitternacht Klasse.

Headmaster Schneider

I looked up from the letter into my mother's ruby red eyes, and saw my father watching from his bedroom window in the attic, his black beady eyes staring at us with no emotion at all. "Well, I better get packing then."

Mother smiled, and wrapped her arm around my shoulders, and stared into my eyes, a mix of black and red, and escorted me to the mansion. "Then get packing, because you, my daughter, are the first of your siblings to create peace in this family, without your father knowing."

"Sometimes I wonder if he will find out." I whisper.

"He will when we visit after the first month, which is required of the parents to see if they care enough to see you." She chuckled softly, and turned toward the stairs. "Start packing, you only have a week."

And she disappeared up the stairs, all that was left to be seen before she vanished was the train of her gown.

As I entered my cell, which was in the basement, I turned towards my coffin, the only thing other than clothes that I owned, and smiled wickedly, my red and black eyes glowing with evil.

"Finally, I'll be out of the house and yard thanks to Mitternacht Klasse." I whispered, starting to pack. This would be an interesting year.
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Alright, so this is the beginning. Not the best, but you get the idea hopefully.
Read. Comment. Enjoy.
Now it's Destiny's turn, since I finished up.