Status: Done.

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty

Sean remembered the first time he had seen the Disney movie ‘Sleeping Beauty’ with his sister, and what a life changing dilemma it brought with it. At six years old you don’t think about it, in fact, you know nothing about it, it’s just sleep. You role your eyes back and gently close your eye lids, and apart from that, there’s nothing really to it. Sleeping became nothing but a chore and a means of passing time before another day.

When Sean was seventeen however, the thought came abruptly back to him when his class were studying Insomnia. For around two months his entire class spent days looking at pictures of poor people who hadn’t slept in days, it was then Sean decided you needed sleep to be beautiful. Sleeping as an act was beautiful too; a person gently resting on soft sheets, eyes tightly shut, slow and easy breathing and sweet noises of pure bliss ever so often.

Sean snuck in the back door of his apartment, aware that his lover would either be asleep or ready to get pissed at him for coming home late, again. Every few days, Sean would find some excuse to go out and not come home anytime soon, every lie Gustav believed. Sean wasn’t sure when Gustav would finally catch on, but when he did, he’d surely get an ear full.

Gustav could really get bitchy when he wanted. He had a tight lipped smile and eyes that could set water on fire, which is one of the reasons Sean preferred not to have sex with his lover. He just couldn’t do that, it’s not that Gustav’s ugly, hell no, the guys a freaking model for Christ’s sake. Sure if he wasn’t so loyal he could have any guy he wanted, but for some reason Gustav seemed to feel comfortable around Sean.

What Sean really loved about Gustav was the way he slept. Gustav would strip down into only his boxers and lie, back flat against the sheets like you see in ‘Sleeping Beauty’ and he was. Sometimes Gustav talked in his sleep, quietly muttering random things like “gotta buy those Mumford and Son’s tickets” or just simply “Sean.” This would always make Sean laugh, but that wasn’t the best thing Gustav did. Usually every night, Gustav would lift up his pointy hips and whine like a small child, occasionally moaning Sean’s name. That just about kills Sean.

Sean walked through the hall and into the living room where the television was still on but there was no sign of his blue eyed lover. He retreated back up the hall and ever so quietly opened up the bedroom door, afraid of starting an argument with Gustav about noise. Honestly, Sean liked having a go at Gustav, because no matter how divaish Gustav got, he’d always give in eventually.

There he was, silently and beautifully asleep on top of the covers. Gustav, due to the fact he weighed the same as a sixteen year old girl, didn’t sink into the covers like any normal twenty-seven year old would. Sean kicked off his shoes to prevent the heavy footsteps while moving across the room, as he did however; he kicked something that was lying on the floor, making it hit against the wall. Gustav moved his hips slightly to the left before letting out a girly sigh. Even when asleep you could tell Gustav was a raging homosexual.

Sean stopped at the edge of the bed and started to strip down; he just couldn’t get his clothes off fast enough. Clumsily he undid all the buttons of his button up shirt the tackled his elusive belt, which snapped open and let him take a nice deep breath. He envied Gustav sometimes; Gustav had a nice, lean, almost feminine figure, even if he was a little on the thin side. He supposed you had to work with what you got, and as Gustav always said, “at least you’re younger.” Not that Gustav was old or anything, but he always did complain that he wished he was a few years younger, even though it was only a matter of months between them.

Without disturbing Gustav, Sean easily slid into bed on his side, but still holding his breath. The Welshman smiled lightly as Gustav made another little murmuring noise, this time mumbling about his love for Sharpie pens. Sean could sit and dwell on Gustav’s cute, inchoate sleep mumbling forever but he hadn’t gotten off in three whole days, a record for him.

As slowly as possible, Sean made his way closer to his sleeping boyfriend and as gracefully as possible, climbed on top of him. He always wondered how the weight of him didn’t disturb Gustav’s slumber, but it didn’t and that was all that mattered. Sean blew into his hands, trying to warm them up so he didn’t jolt Gustav awake with freezing cold hands, then he got set to work.

Touching Gustav’s milky white skin was like injecting himself with heroin for Sean, it gave him the same sort of sensation that an addict would get when the deadly drug was rushing round their veins. He leaned down and kissed the right side of Gustav’s closely shaven cheek, just below his much defined cheek bone. The snappy tingles shot from his lips right down to his nether reign, making him groan, God, that was just kissing.

Subtly he rolled his hips against Gustav’s, releasing a shallow groan as he did so, this was so fucking easy. His finger tips either ran up and down Gustav’s flat chest, or threaded into the older mans dark brown hair and tugging on it gently. In between swearing in Welsh, Sean silently thanked the Lord that Gustav was a heavy sleeper, or else he’d be royally fucked.

At the moment his breath hitched, so did Gustav’s from beneath him, then Gustav did something he hadn’t done in a long time; wake up at two o’clock in the morning. Like a jack-in-the-box, Gustav sat bolt upright, ungracefully cracking heads with his peroxide blond haired boyfriend. Both of them let out very un-masculine yelps at the sound of the crack and the fact that Sean was groaning and moaning on top of Gustav.

“Sean, what the fuck are you doing, trying to rape me?” Gustav hollered out (a tad bit to overdramatically.) The slender man sat up properly and stared daggers into Sean’s bare skin with those icy blue eyes, he was in full bitch mode. “Sean? Sean, why were you on top of me?”

Sean bit his lower lip and looked around their room, searching for answer that wasn’t there. He couldn’t tell him the truth because; “I get off when you’re asleep because that really turns me on,” isn’t a good thing to admit to someone with a red belt in karate. “Well…”

“If you wanted to fuck,” Gustav said as he leaned closer and breathed against Sean’s neck, “you just had to ask.”
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I'm not sure if I like this or not.