Status: Comments and suggestions are welcome! :)

Best I've Never Had

Back to the Start

I heard David call my name, but I quickened my pace. Doors opened in a few minutes so I would make my escape then. I would get lost in the swarm of people, never having to face David. 

I held back, and drifted to the side of the crowd. Running away from my problems wouldn't solve anything. Well, maybe by the end of the show I would come up with something to say. 

Someone pushed me forward and I was back in the swarm. I pulled my ticket out of my pocket and handed it to the security guard. He ripped off the part he needed and I followed the crowd toward the stage. 

I didn't really care what row I got, but thanks to all the pushing and shoving I got second row, right in the middle. 

Action Item went on first, followed by Hot Chelle Rae. Both bands were amazing, and I sang along to what songs I knew. 

I couldn't help feeling nervous for The Downtown Fiction's set. I felt my palms get sweaty as the lights dimmed and the crowd screamed. The curtain opened and the lights flashed back on. 

"I know the sun still shines when you're not around, I'm taking it easy in the worst part of town, and now I find it wasn't meant to last, I've one to thing and that's thanks for nothing kiss my ass!" Cameron sang, and the crowd screamed with him. 

The boys finished their set, but the crowd was too tightly packed in to escape. I huffed and finally gave up, going with the flow of the crowd. 

With all the pushing, again I moved, from second row to front row. I held onto the railing for my life, as the girls around me fought for my place. The lights dimmed again and I saw the familiar banner of The Summer Set plastered on the drums. 

First a girl came out, who I recognized as Jess, followed by Stephen, John, and Josh. I crowd roared as Brian finally took the stage. 

The pushing was horrendous, and I could feel the crunching of my ribs as I was knocked against the railing. I think I got the wind knocked our of me when Brian reached his hand out to the crowd near me. 

I caught a glimpse of David watching from the side of the stage, but he disappeared shortly after. 

As The Summer Set continued their set, my body was very close to breaking in half. Not wearing shoes might have been the stupidest thing I've ever done, as I could see my feet were bruised and bleeding. 

I felt a tug on my arm and immediately pulled away. The hand brushed against my arm as I turned around to see who kept touching me. 

David was standing behind me, holding out his hand so he could pull me out of the crowd and to the back. I remember zig zagging through the crowd and seeing David, then I was seeing stars. 


"Maggie, baby wake up."

My lids were so heavy and I was too tired to tell whoever was talking to stop. I felt someone's hand on my forehead. The cold sensation felt wonderful as I reached for the hand.

"I think she's waking up."

I opened my eyes slowly to see a circle of faces surrounding me. 

"What happened?" I muttered, trying to sit up, but the movement made my head spin.

"I pulled you out of the crowd, and then you just kind of collapsed," a voice said above me. 

It suddenly all came back to me; the concert, feeling like I was dying, David pulling me out. I realized the hand I was holding onto was David's, and that my head was resting on his leg. 

Around me I saw Stephen, John, Brian, Cameron, who was holding my other hand, and Jess. 

I tried sitting up again and was successful this time. I propped myself against David, his hand still gripping mine.

"Want anything?" Stephen asked quietly. 

"Water would be lovely," I replied, forcing a small smile. 

"How did I get here? Where are we?" I asked, furrowing my brow in confusion. 

I looked around and saw what appeared to be a bedroom. 

"We're at the hotel across the street, and David and Cameron carried you over here," Brian said, sitting next to me and placing a hand on my thigh. 

The door opened and everyone turned to see who walked in. 

"I got the water," Stephen said confused as to why everyone was looking at him. 

"Thanks," I said, standing up to get the cup, but felt wobbly on my feet. 

I felt everyone tense up as Stephen, Brian, Cameron, and David made a move to steady me. 

"I'm okay," I reassured them, taking the water and sitting back down on the bed. 

"You guys go back outside and meet the fans. I'll hang around back here until I can stand without falling over," I joked.

"You sure?" Brian asked cautiously as I smiled and nodded. 

"Feel better Maggie," John smiled, giving my leg a pat.

"It was nice seeing you!" Jess gushed as Stephen rolled his eyes and came up behind Jess. 

"Nice seeing you Maggie," Stephen smiled shyly. 

"The lady said move!" Cameron yelled, jumping up and pushing everyone left in the room out the door. 

"I'll be out in a second," David said as Cameron shrugged and shut the door. 

"David...?" I trailed off, confused why David didn't leave with the everyone else. 

"I have to say something. When we broke up, I was an asshole. I don't even know what I was thinking, not coming after you. I fucked up, Maggie," David said as I played with my fingers nervously. 

"Well you were an asshole, cheating on me with Tait, never calling me or even bothering to see me. Even when I was on tour, you never put in any effort to see me. You were always busy with this or that," I retorted, turning to face David. 

"I know," he said simply.

I'm not sure if I was more surprised with David's response, or when he kissed me.

"David," I muttered trying to push him away.

He deepened the kiss, grabbing my waist and pulling me onto his lap. 

A flag in my brain went up, telling me I should stop. Then again, it was David.

I straddled his waist and felt his hands slide under my shirt...
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay new chapter! I know I haven't posted since November, but I'm thinking there are only going to be one or two more chapters :( I might do a sequel, depends on what you guys want (: