Status: This is a verse novel. Warning: Involves abuse.


The effect of difference

Next day, I'm walking
to school
cccccmy backpack hanging from one arm
cccccmy hair curling into the wind, knotting
into a tangle.
cccccIf only I hadn't lost my hair ties.
Okay, so I didn't lose

Every one was cut to pieces by someone
in my family
or someone who broke in

but why would someone break in
to cut an invisible person's hair ties
cccccto pieces?
And I can't get any new ones because
no one hears me
when I ask.

I tug at my hair and sigh.
I'm going to look like I
didn't brush it at all
by the time I get to school.

So I pause
as I see a public toilet block
in a nearby park.
There must be mirrors in

So then I rush into it, hoping, hoping
and yes there are mirrors.
A temporary grin lights up my face.

Digging in my bag, I
find my pencil case.
Digging in my pencil case, I
find my scissors.

Turn to the mirror.
cccccSnip, snip, snip.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for the comment; worldclass :D