Status: Backburner

This Is Complicated at Best

Alexis Hanson has everything most people would ever want. Her family has money, she's athletic, she's pretty, she's got great friends, and even greater brothers.

Justin Michaels just moved in across the street and is what every girl dreams about, tall, muscular, dark hair, athletic, great eyes, and a great body. Justin and his family belong to going insane.

What happens when these seemingly prefect teens run into each other? Will there be death and pain or something else?

Disclaimer: Even though this is the third story in a series you only have to go back to the first story and read the chapters entitled, 'Alexis' there might be a 'Scott' and possibly a 'Blake'. You don't have to read the other chapters or the second story. Especially if you do not like slash. BUT there are hints of slash in this but nothing more then a kiss.
  1. ***ing Journal
  2. First Day of School
    August 24, 2011
  3. Trying Out
    August 24, 2011 p.m.