Status: done.

You Drain The Life From Me.

Everybody needs somebody sometimes

"Band meeting!" called John and Garrett.

John and I had driven to the party, and on the way there, we discussed who I was going to tell and how I was going to tell them. We decided that we would have a band meeting, and that I would explain to them I was pregnant with Stephen's baby.

The six of us gathered in Pat's room. I sat on the bed in-between John and Garrett. Kennedy sat on Pat's computer chair. Jared and Pat chose to settle down on bean bags.

"What's up, John Ohh?"

My heart raced. I didn't know how they would take it.

"Leigh has something to tell you all."

Would they think I was joking? Would they think less of me? Would they think I was a slut?
Would they abandon me?

I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I felt the need to vomit once again. Two pairs of worried eyes stared at me, and three pairs of curious ones did the same.

"What is it, Leigh?" Jared asked.

"You know you can tell us anything!" Pat assured me.

"We'll be here for you, no matter what. You should know that," Kennedy said.

I took a deep breath, trusting that the boys would still love me no matter what. Nothing could change how much we cared for each other. But still, I was hesitant to tell them. I was starting to question whether or not they should know. But then again, a little extra help and support wouldn't hurt.

"Guys, a couple weeks ago, I...I found out that I-I'm pr-pregn-n--"

I couldn't even finish the sentence before sobs made their way through my mouth and I started to hiccup. Tears streamed down my face and immediately, John's arm was around my shoulders and my head was resting on his chest, his white v-neck getting soaked with salty tears.

They had heard enough to understand what I was trying to say.

A collective gasp sounded and there was no sound in the room, save for my sobs and hiccups.

"Shh, Leigh, it's okay," John soothed, stroking my hair.

"Leigh, how...when...why...who...?" the questions tumbled out of Jared's mouth with quite some speed.

For once in his life, Pat was speechless.

Kennedy sat there, his mouth open in the shape of an O.

"It's Ste-Stephen's." Beside me, I heard Garrett clear his throat and I saw him clench his fists.

"So that's why you haven't been drinking..." mumbled Pat.

"I kn-know this might make me seem like a slut, and a whore, and whatever, and I'll understand if you think that--"

"How could you even begin to think that we would think of you as any of those things?" Jared gently asked.

"We've raised you better than that, Leigh," Kennedy added.

"Yeah, you're not a slut. Stephen's like the only boyfriend you've had other than Garre--" Pat's sentence was cut off as Jared elbowed him in the arm.

"Thanks guys," I replied. And I meant it. "You have no idea how much your support means to me. I have no idea how I'm gonna get through this, but I'm just glad that I don't have to do it alone."

Each of them got up and hugged me, tight. Pat jumped up and down and started to clap. "Does this mean I get to plan a baby shower?!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler. A sucky, necessary filler. I hope you guys are still reading this story. Comment? Subscribe? Please? I updated twice because I felt the need to make up for lost time.