Status: Uhh.. trying this out. :D

Fall Into Me

We're Like Different Stars



“Jane, does this suit me?” I asked my best-est friend in the universe as I twirled around in the flow-y white sun dress. As much as I hate the sun, I still have to go outside so that I won’t get sick. Oh how I hate mortality. Good thing my dad plans on changing me soon enough.

“Of course. You should pair that off with your new ballet flats.” Jane praised and I smiled gratefully at her.

“Oh yeah. I forgot I even had those.” I said and giggled.

“Because you have tons of shoes.” Alec—Jane’s twin—interjected. I glared at him and he ignored me.

“Didn’t your mother ever teach you to knock?” I snapped at him.

“I don’t remember her.” Alec answered in his cocky tone. I intensified my glare and he kept cool.

“Still, that’s not an excuse to come barging in my room.” I seethed and Jane put a cold hand on my shoulder.

“Let it go. And I’m not just saying that because he’s my twin.” Jane said softly and I nodded.

“Fine.” I answered and plopped down on my bed.

“What is it, Alec?” Jane asked her twin. My nemesis.

“Master Aro wants to see you. There’s a vampire in the throne room that needs to be disposed-of.” Alec said in his velvety voice. Oh, dear Lord. Since when did I think his voice was velvety?

Since FOREVER, dumbass.

Shut up, brain. I wasn’t asking you.

“Who will guard Cosette while I’m gone?” Jane asked.

“I have specific orders to keep her out of harm’s way.” Alec muttered and I felt my whole world crumble down.

“NO! Don’t leave me, Jane! He’ll MURDER me and probably blame it on my dead hamster. The one that he numbed and crushed in front of my 7 year-old self!” I said hysterically and Jane shook her head.

“He will not.” Jane said and gave me a hug before she left. I would have clung on to her leg and begged her to stay but that would have just given Alec something to laugh about.

“Stay away from me.” I said and stepped away from him. He smirked a very sexy evil smirk which made my insides turn into Jell-O.

“I intend on doing that.” He said and sat down on my couch.

“Alright.” I grumbled and walked back to my closet and changed back to my regular clothes. A pair of shorts and a white tank top.

“You have stubby legs. Why wear shorts?” Alec insulted. I fumed at that.

“Your face looks like shit. Why not have a face lift? Better yet, why not die? PERMANENTLY.” I hurled my insult at him. We hurled insults at each other until someone came in and cleared their throat. We glared at the intruder and saw that it was Demetri.

“Am I interrupting something?” He asked with his body halfway through the door.

“Yes. Leave. NOW.” Alec and I said at the same time and Demetri disappeared like a flash of light.

“Well, you act like you’re all high and mighty when with just a flick of my finger I can kill you.” Alec said and I rolled my eyes.

“You’d really kill me wouldn’t you? You MUST be gay. Don’t want anyone surpassing your beauty, yeah?” I snapped at him and I crossed my arms over my chest as I cocked my eyebrow at him.

“Don’t tear each other’s heads off.” Jane’s familiar voice cut through the tense air like a knife.

“I hate her/him!” Alec and I yelled and pointed at each other.

“You two are acting like children. You’re over 500 years-old, Alec. You must be the mature one.” Jane scolded and I smirked.

“And, you, Cosette. You MUST stop your constant arguments with Alec. The more you hate, the more you love.” Jane quoted and I made a grossed-outface even though my heart had a field day with that.


After Jane stopped our insult-o-rama, Alec and I were FORCED to run some errands for my dad. i.e., buying him useless human stuff like paper, pens, a LAPTOP, and 10 iPads. Damn. That man can spend. Whatever. Dibs on one iPad.

I listened to ‘Gonna Get ‘Cha Good’ by the Jonas Brothers on my iPhone and started bobbing my head to the tune as Alec and I walked to a computer store. He held the useless supplies in a bag. I pulled one earbud from my ear and looked at the sales person there. Sadly, there was only a bitchy-looking saleslady who was eyeing Alec. I glared at her and she turned to me and then looked at me apologetically.

“I’ll take one MacBook Air and 10 iPads. 160GB memory capacity for the iPads. Also, one iPad should be studded with pink rhinestones. Install every known useful game app on every one. Please and thank you.” I said and she nodded before fixing everything. I sat down next to Alec and he looked at me.

“Are you always so bossy?” He asked quietly.

“You would know.” I said and turned away from him.

“I was just asking.” He muttered and I rolled my eyes at him.

“We’re so different. Like… galaxies apart different.” I whispered and played ‘Last Time Around’ by Nick Jonas and The Administration.

“Can I listen to that?” Alec asked and scooted closer to me. I inched away from him and handed him one earbud. We probably looked like we were getting along. My heart was having another field day but I took in some deep breaths and calmed it down. Thankfully, Alec wasn’t paying attention to my rapid heart beat.
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Alright.. For this summer break.. I am BACK!!!

I'll start college in 2 moths and I am so freaking excited!!! A little sad but excited. HAHA!
