Status: Uhh.. trying this out. :D

Fall Into Me



*Cosette’s P.O.V.*
After my song.. Alec ran up to me and twirled me around. Thank God all of the people were too busy dancing to notice. I giggled and kissed his lips.

“I love you.” He said softly and kissed me again.

“I love you too.” I answered as he led us to the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist then he pulled me close. I giggled and kissed his neck.

“Colette’s with Jane.” He whispered softly and I nodded.

“I was about to ask. Are you a mind reader or something?” I whispered and giggled quietly.

“I may have acquired the ability to read your mind…” He trailed off and kissed my neck. I shivered with pleasure and he chuckled.

“Really? And from where?” I asked.

“From your heart.” He joked and I rolled my eyes as we twirled around.

“Funny.” I said and hit his shoulder lightly. We laughed quietly and felt eyes on our backs but we ignored them. Who were they to judge?

“I love you.” He whispered in my ear and I snuggled closer to him.

“I love you too.” I answered and wished the feel of his skin against mine. Stop it, Cosette. That’s for the honeymoon.


The party progressed into the wee hours and I was dead tired even before it ended. I was leaning on Alec for support as he carried a sleeping Colette.

“Cosette, love, wake up.” Alec murmured and shook me lightly as he chuckled.

“I want to sleep.” I muttered and swatted his hand away.

“You’re already sleeping. Come, love.” He said and held my hand then we trudged forward. The music faded and all I heard were our footsteps.

“Are we there yet?” I grumbled as I leaned my face against Alec’s shoulder.

“Wake up, love.” He whispered and chuckled.

“Laugh all you want, Alec ‘Williamson’.” I answered with a muffled voice.

“Ugh. Can you not use that blasted surname?” Alec said exasperatedly. I smiled and kissed his shoulder through his clothes.

“Nope. I’m gonna be Mrs. Cosette Williamson. And there’s nothing you can do about it. Maybe in ten years we can have another wedding then I can be Mrs. Cosette Volturi.” I whispered and he chuckled.

“Of course. “ Alec answered and I nodded.

“Can we go home yet?” We heard Isabella Swan mumble. That woke me up; big time. I stopped Alec dead in his tracks and listened in.

“Cullen will hear your thoughts. There’s no use in eavesdropping, love.” Alec said ‘Cullen’ hatefully.

“Pish posh, honey.” I said and waved my hands for emphasis.

“I’m sure that the party will be over soon. Dad likes to end the parties as soon as I’m dead.” I said softly and peered around the corner. She and Edward Cullen were there. They looked at me and nodded curtly. I walked up to them and shook their hands.

“Sorry about how I treated you last time. I was in a bad mood back then. Pleasure to meet you, Edward, Bella.” I said and smiled at them.

“It’s alright.” Bella mumbled shyly.

“You can use one of our guest rooms while you wait. Every room in this hall is vacant.” I said and pointed to the wide and empty hall. Colette stirred and let out a soft cry then moved her lips as if she was feeding from a bottle.

“Well, we must be going now. My little Colette is hungry.” I said chirpily and walked off with Alec.

“Love, you know how much Jane dislikes them.” Alec whispered once we were in my room. He shut the door behind us and I changed Colette into her sleeping clothes. I looked at Alec and smiled.

“Well, what Jane doesn’t know won’t hurt her. I don’t dislike them. Unless they give me a reason to dislike them. I’m a reasonable person.” I said proudly and Alec chuckled.

“Says the girl who wanted a lion for her 4th birthday. Yes, reasonable. Reasonable, indeed, love.” He said and kissed my lips. I pouted as I got dressed in my pajamas. We lay down on my bed and wrapped the silk covers around us. Colette lay asleep in her crib with a lullaby playing quietly.

“I don’t remember wanting a lion.” I whispered and admired Alec’s handsomeness. I traced the outline of his face and kissed his lips lightly.

“Human memories fade.” Alec said softly and pecked my lips.

“No, they don’t. I still remember that day when we went to the beach. You refused to take your shirt off even though it was overcast. The girls in those skimpy bikinis were checking you out but you just ignored them and looked at me. We made a sand castle and then Felix fell on it because Demetri pushed him.” I narrated quietly and Alec chuckled. He traced my lips with his index finger and pecked my lips again.

“Important memories don’t fade. Let’s just put it that way.” He said softly and we smiled at each other before engulfing each other in a kiss. A passion-filled kiss that made my head want to explode.

“Good morning, love.” Alec greeted with a smile on his face which reminded me of my song last night. He was sitting beside me with Colette still sleeping in his arms.

“Good morning, honey. Did she wake up?” I asked and pecked his lips.

“Yeah. I gave her some milk then she slept again. All my little angel does is eat and sleep. Just like you. Only, you were loud. You always spoke baby gibberish whenever you were awake and you ate everything in sight. When we would take something out of your mouth and hand you always cried like hell.” He stated and I grinned. It’s a little weird to have your boyfriend saying what you were like as a baby.

“I was quite the little devil, wasn’t i?” I joked and he laughed as he shook his head.

“You have anything to do today? Guard duty?” I asked him as I brushed my hair and teeth.

“No. Master Aro told me to keep you two company.” He answered and plopped down on the couch.

“Alright. What do you want to do today?” I asked him as I changed into a pair of my shorts and his white v neck shirt.

“As long as you’re with me, I’m good.” He answered and I ‘aww’ed. After I did my daily necessities, I ran out of the bathroom and kissed his lips.

“You are too good to be true. We can watch Les Mis. The 25th anniversary concert.” I suggested.

“And, why?” He asked inquisitively.

“Ohh.. nothing… I just want to see Nick Jonas in old clothes.” I said and giggled. He rolled his eyes.

“Alright. But, if he ever fawns over you if and when we see him… if we ever go to America.. I will snap his neck in half.” He threatened and I looked at him as if he was crazy.

“Are you crazy? He’s Nick Jonas!! You can kill Justin Bieber for all I care!” (A/N: HAHA! Take that, obsessed Beliebers. And, if you’re a Belieber and a reader of mine… sorry… hahaha! Don’t hate me.)

“Who is this Justin Bieber?” Alec asked.

“You need to watch TV more. He’s this kid… and he’s short. He trips over thin air and likes to his his head on revolving glass doors. He has a high, squeaky voice and his girlfriend’s Selena Gomez. Like, the one who stole Nick Jonas from Miley Cyrus. Why can’t Disney stars be more like Demi?” I whined and he laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry if it took so long to update... my mom's been badgering me to clean my room... so.. i cleaned it.. i even redecorated it to look like a really nice, pink room. she even gave me the sheets that my dad bought when he went to Thailand.. HAHAHA! I'll snap a photo for all of you once i put it on my bed.. it's made of silk, it's pink and it has cool designs on it... it makes me feel like a princess.. a princess in her overly pink and purple room.. hahaha..

Thanks to Tahlia who has been constantly commenting on this story.. ;D Love you, Tahlz!
