Status: Uhh.. trying this out. :D

Fall Into Me

Evil Love


After watching Les Mis on DVD, Alec had to go to my dad. :| I sat down on the couch and relished the quietness of the room because Colette was asleep. I grabbed my guitar and started strumming.

“It’s the age-old story how an evil boy meets an evil girl
We’ve got a love strong enough to rule the whole wide world
We both maniacally laugh at all the same stuff
You can’t foil a plan that’s built upon evil love.” I sang that song I heard from Phineas and Ferb about a month ago. Who ever knew that I would sing songs from cartoons to keep myself entertained? I laid back on the couch and turned the TV on. The news lady was blabbering about the wedding of the century.

“WHAT!? Prince William’s getting married!?” I screamed hysterically. I would’ve spat something out of my mouth but, sadly, I wasn’t eating or drinking anything. Colette didn’t even stir. All she does is sleep. Sleep. Eat. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Eat.

“What’s wrong with you now?” Jane asked as she walked in my room.

“There’s this awesome thing called knocking.” I said sarcastically and she laughed.

“Haven’t heard of it. So?” She asked and sat down next to me.

“Prince William’s getting married. FML. There go my chances of becoming the queen of England. The Prince of Monaco’s still single, isn’t he?” I asked her.

“You’re boyfriend’s the Prince of the Volturi. Besides, you’re already the Princess of the Volturi.” Jane answered ang laughed.

“I can’t go around saying… ‘Hi, my name’s Cosette Volturi and I’m the Princess of the Volturi. An ancient vampire clan set on keeping the vampire world balanced. Bow down to me in respect.’. That’s not exactly subtle.” I said and acted all frantic about the wedding. I jumped out of my seat when I heard my door slam closed. Jane and I looked up only to see a really pissed Alec. I got up and put an hand on his arm. He smiled a small smile at me and plopped down beside Jane and glared at the TV like a Pre-menstrual woman.

“What happened?” I asked Alec softly and turned the TV off.

“I have to go to Seattle the day after tomorrow.” He said angrily and I kissed his lips gently.

“Why?” I asked again. Jane looked away out of respect. This was a private thing even if she knew what Alec was talking about and even if Alec was her twin.

“Newborn army. We have to dispose of them if needed.” He answered and I sat down on his lap.

“I’ll go with you. Colette can stay here with mom.” I said softly and he looked at me then shook his head.

“No. It’s too dangerous.” He answered and I scowled.

“Leave the human girlfriend. Fine. Leave me alone. Leave Colette and I here.” I said stubbornly and he huffed.

“If it was up to me…” He grumbled.

“But, it’s not up to you, is it, Alec!? IS IT!?” I yelled out of frustration. He doesn’t want to leave Colette and I here and he doesn’t want to leave but he doesn’t want to take me along. I looked at Jane but didn’t see her there. She must've left. I looked at Alec with tears brimming my eyes and grit my teeth.

“NO, IT’S NOT! THAT’S WHY I’M ANGRY!” He yelled back and also stood up. He towered over me so I had to look up at him. We heard Colette cry so I picked her up and hugged her to my chest as I rocked her back to sleep.

“Leave for all I care, Alec.” I said angrily and stomped out of my room. I raced past Jane’s room and walked up the spiral staircase. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

“Mom.” I mumbled and knocked on her door. She opened her door and hugged me to her chest. I cried and she guided me to her bed. We sat down and she tucked Colette in her bed before she turned to me.

“Your father and I used to fight when the guard wasn’t complete yet. He always had to go out to find humans. He didn’t want me to go with him to keep me safe. Alec just wants the same thing. He wants to keep you and Colette safe.” She said softly and patted my hair down.

“It’s him I want to keep safe. Those are newborns they’re up against. It’s not that I don’t have faith in him… but… newborns are aggressive. They can take Alec away in an instant. And, a newborn army… that’s not good.” I said through tears and looked at my feet.

“He’ll be fine, Cosette. Alec has been training since he was turned. And, he’s been alive since 800 AD.” She reassured me.

“Can I stay here for a while? Alec and I kind of yelled at each other.” I mumbled and she hugged me.

“Of course. I can hear you two even without vampire hearing.” She whispered and sang to me. It was the lullaby she and dad used to sing to me when I was a kid. Te Amare. (A/N: It’s by Laura Pausini and Miguel Bose. I really LOVE that song. My mom actually sang that to me when I was 12. I wonder how she knew that I would like this song. Oh well, she’s my mom. She knows everything about me.)


7 PM came and I went back to my room. Alec was in there and he looked so miserable. When I closed the door behind me, he immediately engulfed me in a hug and kissed my lips passionately.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered against his lips. He shook his head and hugged me again.

“No. I’m the one who’s sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I talked to Master Aro.” He said softly.

“What did he say?” I asked quietly and remembered Colette. She was squirming between Alec and I. I smiled and broke off from the hug. He scooped Colette up in his arms and kissed her forehead.

“He said that you could come. But his most favorite granddaughter can not.” He answered and rocked Colette in his arms.

“Do you want me there with you?” I asked him.

“Cosette… I…” He was at a loss for words.

“Do. You. Want. Me. There?” I asked softly but sternly.

“I do. But what about Colette?” He asked me.

“Mom has been dying to take care of her. It will be hard leaving her here but I also need to take care of you. I don’t know what Colette and I will do if we lost you.” I mumbled and Alec smiled. He kissed my lips lightly and I smiled back at him.

“I love you.” He whispered and I blushed. Those three words still sent tingles throughout my body like a live wire.

“I love you too.” I answered and we smiled at each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
Prince William and Kate Middleton are gonna get married today. I must be jealous or something. (it has always been my dream to marry a prince or a movie star... :D) I always walk out of my room when something about them is on the news. I think envy is my fatal flaw.
