Status: Uhh.. trying this out. :D

Fall Into Me



“Cosette! Cosette!” Heidi’s familiar high-pitched voice rang in the library.

“I’m up here.” I grumbled and climbed down the ladder.

“Come on, we have some guests later. Master Aro wants you to dress up for this.” Heidi said and I sighed as I let her drag me to my room. She put a light coat of make-up on my face and then dressed me up in a purple cocktail dress. I looked like a fairy. A shitty fairy.

“You look so beautiful.” Heidi gushed and I remained silent. Rule number one: never EVER tell Heidi that you look like a shitty fairy if you want to see tomorrow. Rule number 2: NEVER EVER touch your hair if you like your body parts just where they are. And, rule number 3: Don’t EVER tell her that you have too much make-up on if you know what’s good for you.

“Huh? Thanks.” I said quietly and followed her to the throne room where my dad, uncles, and everyone in the guard was. I stood beside my dad’s throne and tried not to look like a depressed emo teenager. My dad looked up at me and handed the thick volume to a guard.

“What seems to be the problem, Cosette?” He asked in a fatherly tone.

“Nothing, dad.” I whispered and looked to my left. Big mistake. Alec stood there in all his glory. He looked so serious that it scared me.

“Alright. If you say so.” He said, still unconvinced that nothing was bothering me. Then, a few people walked in. Jane, Felix, and Demetri were with three other people. 2 were golden-eyed vampires and one was a human. Just like me. Whoop dee doo.

“Ah. Bella is alive after all.” Dad said in his typical overly-joyed tone and welcomed his guests. I ignored them for a few minutes and then looked down at them as if they were scum.

*Bella’s P.O.V.*

When we entered the throne room of the Volturi, I was shocked because it was really huge for an underground castle. But, that wasn’t what shocked me the most. I was awe-struck at the girl standing by Aro’s throne. She looked so angelic with her pale skin, dark brown hair, flawless legs, and vibrant blue eyes. The purple dress she was wearing brought out her pale complexion and made her look like a goddess. She was ignoring us, but then she turned to glare at Edward, Alice and I. That scared me.

“Ah. I see you’ve noticed my lovely Cosette.” Aro said happily as he stepped up to Cosette and took her hand then led her forward. She looked like she was focusing hard not to think of something but I shrugged it off.

“This is Cosette Rosaline Volturi. My lovely daughter.” Aro introduced her to us. She didn’t smile like her father. She just looked blankly at us and let go of her father’s hand.

“Dad, stop embarrassing me.” She whispered and put her hands to her side.

“I’m so sorry. Something is bothering her. She’s not usually like this.” Aro excused his daughter’s actions. I wonder how she ended up here. I’ll just have to ask Edward later. I looked at Cosette and saw that she was biting her tongue to keep from saying something. Probably not to embarrass her father.

“Alec, kindly escort Cosette.” Aro said aloud and I saw Cosette tense a bit. Alec walked up to her and offered his hand which she took gracefully. They walked off to one side and she let go of Alec’s hand before looking straight ahead.

*Cosette’s P.O.V.*
I bet dad really intended to do that. All my efforts of not thinking about what was bothering me.. down the drain. I stood beside Alec and looked ahead. To say I was tense is an understatement. I was REALLY tense. A fight broke out and Alec left me there. I couldn’t care less if our guests died. So, I ignored them and picked at my nails to entertain myself.

“Come, Cosette. It’s time to go.” Alec said emotionlessly and I looked up at him before taking his outstretched hand. This reminded me of the wedding scene in Les Miserables. Only, they were already married and Marius said ‘Come, Cosette. This day’s blessings are not over yet.’.

We walked out of the throne room and we didn’t let go of each other’s hand. We continued to walk off and we passed Edward, Bella and Alice in the reception area.

“Alec.” I whispered and then face-palmed when I heard the words bounce off the walls. He ignored me. I stopped dead in my tracks and he continued walking; dragging me along.

“ALEC! God damn it!!!! STOP WALKING FOR A WHILE AND FUCKING LISTEN TO ME!” I yelled and tried to get my hand out of his grasp. And we all know that that failed miserably.

“WHY SHOULD I!?” He shouted angrily as he stood infront of me. His eyes looked so amazing in the dim light and he looked like he was glowing faintly. I shook those thoughts out of my head and glared at him.

“Because! GAH! You are so… UGH!” I yelled; frustrated. He grabbed my hand again and I felt tingles dance across my whole body.

“You are so stubborn.” He said in my face. His minty breath fanned across my face and I felt my insides turn to Jell-O. Despite all that, I turned away from him and glared at the wall.

“What are you two shouting about?” Felix asked. All of them must’ve heard our little argument. What’s new?

“Nothing.” Alec and I said at the same time. Felix started to walk away and eventually left us alone to pick up where we left off.

“I was born this way.” I answered. I know, I know. Quoting Lady Gaga wasn’t really necessary, but I had nothing else to say to his statement. I looked at his face and saw that he was trying to fight a smile creeping on his face. In the end, he won. The smile disappeared and his serious façade was back on.

“Come on.” He said quietly and dragged me up to my room.

“Just stay here until after we feed.” Alec said and shut the door. Who was he for me to listen to him? So, me, being me, I slipped into a dark blue shirt that said ‘Unforgettable St. Monica ’10-‘11’ (A/N: That’s my section for senior year. ;D Just had to put that there.) and a pair of denim shorts, and finally, my black strappy heels.

“Whatever, Alec.” I muttered and snuck out of my room then pranced up to the reception area.

“Hey, Gianna, tell my dad and anyone who asks that I’ll be… I’ll tell them myself.” I said and walked up to the large, ornate doors. I heard people screaming and smiled slightly. I was well-aware of the three pairs of eyes watching me. Screw them. I pounded on the door but no one opened it.

“Dad! I’ll just go around town! Shop for clothes and shit like that. I’ll be back whenever.” I shouted and walked away from that place.

“Cosette, It’s only 3 PM.” Gianna stated.

“Damn. The sun’s still up. I hate the sun. Well, screw it. I want to get away from Alec.” I said and rushed up to the plaza. The sun was still up and I winced as I saw all of the people staring oddly at me as if I was an alien of some sort.

“I live here. Damn it.” I stated and shut the door before I walked off.

The shops all around town were happy. All because I bought something from them. Which I do every week.

“I thought I told you to stay in your room."
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright.. really? 6 readers? No comments... :/

I know I sound demanding.. because I AM!!! LOL

Comments, please..

:) -Jen