Status: Uhh.. trying this out. :D

Fall Into Me



I turned around and saw Alec and all his glory. Thank God that the sun had just set and the only thing illuminating the cold night were the street lamps.

“Do I ever listen to you?” I asked him. He rolled his eyes and got almost all of my bags from my hands.

“No. That’s why Master Aro requested me to guard you at all times.” He answered and I glared at him.

“WHAT THE HELL!? I don’t need a babysitter! I’m 17 fucking years-old!” I yelled at him. It seems like every second that we’re together can’t pass without us yelling at each other.

“And I’m a thousand years-old. Now, come on. I still need to tell those Cullens to leave.” He said and dragged me to the castle. I started screaming once he shut the door. He groaned in frustration and clamped a hand over my mouth. I screamed further and licked his palm. He quickly got his hand off me and I started stomping my feet like a spoiled bitch.

“I. DON’T. WANT. A. BABYSITTER! DAAAAD!” I screamed and stomped to the throne room. The doors opened before I could kick them open, so I marched up to my dad who had a confused look on his face.

“What is it, Cosette?” He asked softly.

“You know what’s up! I don’t want a babysitter! Dad! I’m 17 years-old! I can do drugs next year! Not that I would do them. But, you get the point! I’m TOO OLD for babysitters! Especially NOT Alec! Do I ever listen to him!? NO! I hate him; he hates me! Do the math, dad! You’re over a billion years old! DO. THE. MATH! DO! IT!!!! Do you really want me to die through the hands of your golden boy?! DAD! Listen to me!” I went all-out on a rant. My dad chuckled and I started stomping and squealing angrily.

“This is for your own good, Cosette. Alec wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Dad said calmly and I stared at him as if he was on crack.

“WHAAAAT!? Won’t hurt a fly?! WHAT!? He wouldn’t hurt a fly but he surely would kill me! Maybe he’d take me out to a dark forest and rape me before he sucks my blood dry, then him being him he might hang me upside down on a tree and light me on fire. Then, he’d just sit there and enjoy the camp fire! HELL! He might even roast a marshmallow while my corpse burns. And he doesn’t EAT!” I continued ranting as I paced back and forth while running my hands through my hair and pulling at the ends.

“No more CSI for you, young lady.” Dad stated and patted my hair down before kissing my forehead.

“Jane, dear, take Cosette up to her room. No more CSI, alright, Cosette?” He said softly and I nodded remorsefully. Jane looped her arm through mine and I sighed as we walked to my room.

“That was one interesting rant you gave there.” Jane teased and giggled. I glared at the floor.

“I was just saying what was in my mind. Maybe Alec would do that.” I cringed and Jane laughed lightly.

“Rape you? Drink your blood? Hang you upside down? Light your body on fire? That sounds like all of the CSI episodes combined.” She said and I scowled.

“Ha. Ha. Ha.” I said and entered my room. Alec was there and he was lounging on my sofa. I glared at him and plopped down on my bed.

“No more CSI, Cosette. I’m on guard duty tonight.” Jane said and left us alone. I scowled and grabbed the remote then turned the TV on. I tuned into Iron Chef America and watched Bobby Flay eat a grilled cantaloupe.

“Disgusting.” Alec muttered.

“Who was asking for your opinion?” I snapped.

“Was I talking to you?” He countered.

“You didn’t specify a name.” I grumbled and kicked my shoes off. I threw them at a corner and laid back on my bed. We stayed silent after that and just watched Iron Chef America.

“I heard you earlier, you know.” Alec said quietly.

“What? My screaming? You were meant to hear it.” I stated.

“Can you stay civil for just a minute!?” Alec snapped.

“FINE! Fine…. Just this once.” I shouted the first word.

“I heard your rant earlier.” He said softly and I swear I almost fainted.

“R-really?” I asked nervously.

“Yes. Do you really think that I’m that sadistic?” He asked. I blushed madly.

“I… I don’t have time for this.” I quickly put my walls back up again and turned away from him. I picked at my duvet and curled up in a fetal position.

“Alright.” Alec sighed.

*Alec’s P.O.V.*

FINALLY! Cosette let an inch of her guard down. Yes, we fight all the time and we scream at each other every chance we get, but despite all of that, I fancy her. It’s not like me to fall for humans. But, Cosette is not JUST a human. She’s more than that. She’s my Cosette. She’s perfect; far beyond compare. Her words hurt me from time to time, and sometimes I let her see that she hurt me, but, after that… it’s as if nothing happened.

The girl who yells at her father all the time, the one who sings in the shower, listens to rock music, paints her nails black, trolls Rebecca Black 24/7, and acts like a bitch towards me. That’s the girl I’m in love with. My one and only Cosette. I just wish I was the Marius in her life.

“I… I don’t have time for this.” She said quietly and turned her body sideward before curling up in a fetal position.

“Alright.” I answered and sighed heavily. Why did I even bother to hope that she would act civil for an hour or so? I got up from her sofa and turned the TV off after I heard her even breathing. That meant she was asleep.

“Why can’t you love me?” I whispered and mentally hit myself for saying that out loud. I walked to her bookshelf and pulled out a random photo album. Then, I sat back down on the sofa and flipped through page after page of her childhood. In almost every page, there was a picture of me and her. I think there was a time in her life that she actually treated me as a friend and not as a nemesis. I don’t even know why she acts that way around me.

For 8 hours, I sat there and flipped through album after album of memories. Cosette stirred a bit and stretched out on the bed. She threw the covers off her body and sat up straight then stretched again. She looked so funny but heavenly with her wrinkled clothes and messy bed hair.

“You’re still here?” She asked groggily.

“Uh. Yes.” I answered.

“Oh yeah. You’re my babysitter.” She said and walked to her bathroom. She slammed the door and I heard her take a shower then brush her teeth before wrapping a bathrobe around her body and then stepping out of the bathroom and dashing to her closet.

“’Cause an empty room can be so loud
It’s too many tears to drown them out
So hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on
When you love someone
And they break your heart
Don’t give up on love
Have faith, restart
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on” Cosette sang as she got dressed. I basked in the beauty of her voice and was snapped out of my reverie by Jane’s silent and almost demonic laughter. I bet if I could still get goose bumps, I’d have them right now.

“Just tell her already.” She said and sat down beside me. I looked down at my hands and then back up at her.

“No, thank you. For all we know, she might ram my head into a wall, or worse, decapitate me and tear me to shreds then leave me there.” I said quietly and Jane laughed.

“No more CSI for you too. And, she can’t do that. She’s still human. You two think so much alike. She was ranting the same thing yesterday. Felix and Demetri had a kick out of that.” My sister laughed and I smiled a bit.
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Second update for today.. I'm still working on chapter 5...

comments are greatly appreciated.. :D Tell me what you guys think.
