Saint Lain Academy: School for the Undead

Letter of Qualification

Throughout our lives we all wonder about what happens after we die. Each of us worries about what lies after death, what will become of us when our tiny segment on this Earth comes to its inevitable end, is there even a god to watch over our souls, or an afterlife to look forward to at all? Our lives are so short and full of so many things we don't understand, human beings naturally strive to learn everything that goes on around them no matter how small it may be. Even though I knew it was impossible to find an answer to these questions while still alive, I also worried about those kind of things. When I was alive it was an unanswerable series of questions that constantly plagued my mind. Now that I'm no longer alive I find that death is even more complicated than living ever was. Although I am sad to say it, complicated as it is, death in itself is much more interesting than life. Though I suppose you could argue and say that I wasn't really dead. Being undead was sort of a strange thing to be, both alive and yet dead at the same time. It was a change in my circumstances that I had no idea was coming my way and yet even after reaching my own end, all those questions I had about death still remain unanswered.

I woke up in the woods surrounded by trees and an eerie silence that was unnatural for such an environment. It was almost as though nature had sensed the death in the air and had chosen to avoid it. My jeans and shirt were torn, dirty, and covered with my own dried blood. After a quick examination I found no marks on my body which made no sense at all. I was sure that I had died, I could easily remembered running through these woods earlier today, desperatly trying to escape my pursuer. I remembered the feeling of the cold steel as it past into my flesh over and over again after my failed escape, but yet here I stood without a mark on me. And if this situation wasn't confusing enough, after a quick look around I noticed a perfectly white envelope laying neatly next to where I was just a moment ago. I picked it up and written in the most amazing handwritting I had ever seen was my name, David Ledger. I opened it and read the following:

Dear Mr. Ledger,

Due to the circumstances of recent events, you have qualified to attend classes at Saint Lain Academy. Should you choose to attend, you will be among the few to be provided a full scholorship to our very exclusive academy. Tuition as well as living arrangements are of course fully covered under the scholorship that which you have qualified. Saint Lain Academy specializes in teaching those who fall under the special circumstances such as those you have recently undergone, it is truly a one of a kind school. If you wish to attend please sign your name on the line below. We look forward to hearing from you.
Jonathan Lain
Chairman of Saint Lain Academy

I had to read it twice before I could fully understand exactly what this letter explained. A school that teaches those who fall under similar circumstances as I have fallen? Does that mean Saint Lain Academy is a school for those who have died? A school that teaches the undead actually exists? As crazy as it sounded I was actually thinking about signing my name in order to respond to the letter. I was dead, I knew that for a fact. I pressed my hand up to my chest and felt no heartbeat simply to engrave the fact into my mind. Since I was dead I could no longer return to the life I had once lived, everything was different now. I had no idea what was going on and had no where to go, I was alone. This letter seemed like the only way to find out why I was dead but still alive If nothing else I could at least find out exactly what I was. I made up my mind to sign my name and seemingly out of nowhere, a pen appeared on the ground where the letter had formerly rested. I picked it up and signed David Ledger on the indicated line and it was at that moment when my life, both as a member of the undead and as a student at Saint Lain Academy, began.