Sequel: For The First Time
Status: Please rate and msg, its my first story!

My Beautiful Mistake.


"... and then he stormed off," I mumbled, "I don't understand... I thought he was as happy to see me as I was to see him."

Jake listened in silence. It was dark outside already, the stars glimmering brightly around the moon. Mum and Rosa were sleeping next door already. With the baby a month and another trimester away, I was making Jake sit on the computer and look for baby names.

However, the task hadn't turned out as easy as I expected. There were come hundred different sites, with a thousand different themes, each listing a million names or so. So far, half an hour into the chore, I'd penned down twenty three names we both liked already.

"He can't hurt you and get away like that," Jake said, looking angry when he turned his head to face me, "I think I need to have a talk with him."

I frowned. "What do you mean? It's not like he came here to hurt me... something just set him off."

"What do you think that was?" he asked.

"I dunno exactly... from the time I mentioned the pregnancy he seemed ticked off. And then he asked me to tell him how it all happened, and I did, and he seemed more frustrated than ever," I told him, "Just when I thought things were looking up again my ex best friend starts acting like he can't stand me..."

"What do you mean 'things looking up'?" Jake asked, "Jules, is something else bothering you?"

I sighed, holding my head in my hands. "Well... this whole job thing is kinda stressing me out... I mean if I can't find one now during summer holidays, when school starts here its going to be impossible to do anything... especially since I'll be in my third trimester by then... and not to mention huge."

"Look," he said, getting up from the chair and sitting next to me on the couch, "if there's anybody out there who's ready to give you a job we'll find him.. if there isn't we'll just make do with what we have. My practices with the band are going great, in another month we'll be recording the final gig and then the albums are out. I mean there's a good chance we could be the next big thing Jules... we'll have more than enough money not to mention."

"But what if that doesn't happen?" I asked, "don't get me wrong, I have complete faith in you Jake, but the entertainment industry isn't exactly a piece of cake to thrive in..."

"You're in a bad mood," he noted, "nothing I'm going to say now will convince you. Why don't you go to sleep? I'll check out a few more sites and hit the bed too."

I half smiled. "Sleep sounds like a good idea... but I don't trust you with the naming thing. Who knows how many good names you'll overlook and short list something like..." I scanned the notepad in my hand. I'd divided each page into two columns named 'me' and 'him', each having our favorite ones.

"...Gertrude," I said, "I mean seriously? You want a daughter named Gertie?"

He laughed. "Well I think its any day better than this.." he said, snatching the notepad from me, "Patrick. What do you plan on calling him? Patty?"

"We could call him Rick," I suggested, laughing with him as I tried to get the notepad back from him. Unfortunately for me he was too tall and I was too huge to be lithe.

"Over my dead body," he said, "and oh, here's the best from you: Alba. Is it supposed to be short for Alabama or something?"

"Fine," I said, "over your dead body it is. Why didn't I think of it before? If you were dead, I could take the pleasure of cutting your whole list full of names like 'Louise' and 'Mandy' and oh, here's a good one, 'Polly.' Lets also give her a last name 'Pocket' and complete it right?"

"You're going to pay for that," he said, lightheartedly as he stashed the notepad somewhere and came to where I was again, "You're paying big time."

He kissed me tenderly and played with my hair simultaneously. I smiled when he momentarily broke off. "That's your punishment? I'll be looking for ways to annoy you now.."

He chuckled and we kissed again. It made me push unpleasant thoughts like Cody's behavior and the 'job' I was supposed to report to tomorrow evening - something I was hiding from Jake. But after making love that night, while he slept, all those thoughts came running back to my mind, making me feel queasy.
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Hope u lykd this! And to all of those awesome ppl who intend to comment, cud u pls also add whether u lyk Jake more or Cody coz that is going to affect the ending! Thanks!

P.S: I've changed Jake's pic on the summary section. TaraAngel101 sugessted I portray him as Rob Pattinson. I'm just trying him, lemme know if u want the ol' Jake back!

P.S.S: I've already written the first ch. of the sequel of the story. Its called 'For The First Time' like the song you know... so for the layout I'd love it if someone could make me a banner! I swear I've made some pathetic attempts, and believe me, it'd look a hell lot better if someone who'd good at it could make one for me.

So if you're doing it, just make sure the name of the story, and Jake and Julia are there, and then wen ur done you can leave a comment giving me the link. Thanks!