Wonderful Wonder.


The previous night I had carried a locket within my pocket, but on the crisp Saturday morning that it was, I was carrying a flask of tea. The shop of which the young woman had entered contained a café in the very back, but I couldn't watch the entrance if I sat all the way back there. And people smelled odd in there. Like soap. I don't like the smell of soap, it's awfully fresh. The scent of brewed tea and crushed leaves is much nicer. That was my smell, it was a good smell. I trusted that smell, reminded me of Below. Below was also known as Wonderland. It was a crazy place. Though, I couldn't reminisce for too much longer, for there she was. Walking in as though she owned the place, but couldn't be bothered to care for the place she metaphorically owned.

She didn't even look at me, I assumed that meant she hadn't looked at the locket, or rather, opened it. Had she opened she probably would have been able to tell why I was there, who I was and what I was waiting for. I didn't mind at that moment, though. Young Crow could find out about it later. I wasn't fussy, never was. Well, I was on a few things, perhaps.

Adjusting the Bowler cap resting upon my head, I slowly began moving over to her. Crow was in the milk aisle, I was in the aisle right next to it. The cheese aisle. It stank. Everything seemed to stink today, but that was not what I was meant to be focusing on. She was.

Casually leaning forward and picking up a piece of Bree, I threw it at her. It was how we were going to introduce ourselves to one another. It hit her shoulder, which caused her to look up from getting deep pink milk with an ever deeper scowl on her face.

"What the hell was that?" Crow grumbled, moving forward with her bottle in her hand. A part of me thought she would use it to bludgeon me, another part of me agreed.
"Would you believe me if I told you it slipped out of my hand in your direction?" Bear in mind, the two of us were stood a good four feet apart.
"No!" She told me, her voice raising a little.
"Hi! I'm Hatter, how are you?" My mother, or someone I believed to be my mother had once told me friendliness was the route of all good in the world. I thought it was tea and hats, we had had many a bicker about it. Crow looked up at me, she wasn't short, really. But neither was I, I was quite tall.
"...Why did you throw cheese at me?"
I held my hand out.
"You're Crow, yes?"
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HHNGG. Sorry about the wait, lack of ...energy. 8D