Status: For a contest...

All the wrong things

Chapter one.

Randy sat at the bottom of his bed,planning the best April fool's prank ever on his best friend, Kimmy. Randy ran his hand through his black, highlighted red-ish hair, closed his crystal green eyes, and flopped onto his bed, thinking up a prank.

Then Randy got it. The ultimate prank ever. Randy bolted towards his phone and dialed Kimmy's number franticly.

One ring... Two...Three...

"Hello?" Kimmy's soft voice said.
"Hey! Kimmy, let's meet in like, twenty minutes at the usual place, 'kay?" Randy said, a tone in his voice hinting that she has no choice.
"Uh... Yeah, sure. Twenty minutes it is then," Kimmy said, then hung up.

Randy did a quick victory dance around his room then started getting ready for his ultimate prank. Quickly, he slipped into a white tee and some skinny-not too skinny- jeans that he totally rocked and botled out of his home. He halted at the steps of stone and realized something--he forgot his shoes. Idiot!, he mentally lectured.

Spinning on his heels, he went back inside his home and pulled on some navy blue converses and quickly left his home.

Randy took shortcuts towards the "usual spot" and ended up there within minutes. The usual spot, was a fountain/waterfall that seemed magical, it's where Randy and Kimmy first met.

Randy's girlfriend, Isablelle, had just cruely broke up with Randy, by kissing the other man like he was a ice cream sundae--Isabelle's favorite dessert. After seeing that horrifying scene, Randy ran to a place that can kill him in seconds. The pain of his heart was aching badly and he needed it to stop, and not ever, ever let it feel that way again. Randy halted at the edge of the fountain/ waterfall and gasped for air, due to all that running.

Randy studied the fountain/waterfall carefully. If he fell onto the rocks below, he could get a concussion, drown in the water, and suffer from hypothermia.

Slowly, Randy untied his shoelaces, and slipped off his shoes, placed it onto the cement pavement. He took off his green scarf and jacket, if he couldn't die by a concussion, might as well die by hypothermia at least--The winter air was chilling. Taking a deep breath, Randy climbed onto the edge, standing.

The fountain/waterfall place was beautiful, full of water and big smooth stones at the bottom, with water flowing down on the side. Randy clutched where his heart was supposed to be and allowed a tear to stream down from his eyes.


Randy was about to launch down when a hand has grabbed his arm. Randy whipped his hand around and was ready to fight but before him stood a girl wearing a scarf high to her chin, a white shirt along with a tie, a peach-colored thin jaket, a matching peach colored skirt,and knee high socks. Her hair was scarlett red, in pony tails, and in a black, blue hat. She had crystal green eyes that showed concern and her breathing was rapid. Randy looked past the girl and saw a backpack on the pavement about thrity feet away. She had abandoned her backpack, ran as fast as she could, once she realized what Randy was about to do.

"Let go..," Randy said, locking eyes with the girl. The girl shook her head and pulled Randy down from the edge.
'"I said to let go!" Randy yelled, yanking his arm away from the girl's grasp. The girl shook her head and said the one sentence that Randy needed the most.

There, at the fountain/waterfall, began the friendship that no one can come between.


A few minutes later, Randy heard light footsteps and whipped around to see Kimmy, shocked. She let out a laugh.

"Wow, Randy, when did youbecome so awared of your surroundings?" Kimmy teased. She was wearing a tee that said " Teamwork!" And keyboard letters that worked together and went "F" and "U" along with that she wore black, ripped skinny jeans, a black open vest, and she let down her scarlett hair with curls and had put on a red plaid-patterned hat.

" I learn," Randy snickered. They both stared eachother down and then laughed slightly, an inside joke.

"So, where are we going?" Kimmy said, nudging Randy.

"I... really have no idea...Walk?"Randy lied. He knew exactly where they were going, they lived in L.A. after all. And that Disney place basiclly always have some kind of firework going on.

Kimmy let out a sigh. " Geez, you are always so clueless," she turned to me, starting me dead into my eyes. It looked like she was serious, very serious. Then, a smile carved onto her face.

"Ag, you did it again,Kimmy!" Randy scolded. Kimmy always gives Randy false expressions to tease him--repeatedly.

"Oh forgot-" Kimmy said, digging through her bag, then pulled out some black framed glasses, "- to pop these on." She noted, then put on the glasses. Then we stopped. There was a crosswalk saying to chose either left or right because straight was no option. Randy looked at Kimmy-who was thinking- hoping that she'll pick left, the way to the disney place.

Then, Kimmy clapped her hands together. "Oh! I know, let's go to that cartoon place!"

"Er... You mean that...uh...Disneyland place right?" Randy asked, he needed confirmation. Kimmy shot him a "No duh" look over her shoulder and started towards the left path.

As they got closer and closer to the Disney place, the path got more and more crowded. Soon, Kimmy and Randy were shoved around. Kimmy eventually had to hold on to Randy's arm so they wouldn't get lost. Randy flashed her a look. Kimmy sighed, " What?! I don't want to get lost, you idiot." Kimmy said. Then, Randy saw it.

Familiar elegant blonde curls, the same curves-possible more-, the beautiful red tinted lips, and the eyes, those hazel colored eyes. It was Isabelle.Randy stopped in his tracks, causing Kimmy to run into a stranger. After repeated sorrys, Kimmy turned to Randy.

"What the hell? Why'd y-" Then Kimmy saw her too, and her fists clenched. One of the things that she has kept from Randy was that Kimmy hated the girl's guts. Unlenching her fists, Kimmy shooked Randy. "C'mon let's go..." Kimmy pleaded but Randy didn't move an inch. Unnoticed, the night was slowly getting darker and darker.

In moments, the fireworks started bursting in the air. Beautiful and radiant colors. Randy, who has finally snapped back into his senses,slowly turned to Kimmy. Brushed her scarlett colored hair back, and their lips met. Kimmy kissed back, her heart pounding, holding Randy in her arms and kissed him like no tomorrow.

Randy broke from their kiss and stared into Kimmy's enchanted, loving eyes. Randy wanted them, he wanted her heart. But, his heart would face that terrible feeling agian. He couldn't afford that feeling ever, ever again. Unawared, Randy had said it.

"April fools," had escaped Randy's lips. Shocked took over Kimmy's face for a split second, a second that only Randy can catch. Then, she remained a neutral expression. But her eyes spoke more. Her eyes screamed betrayal, hate, hurt and heartbreaks. As her face stayed neutral, streams of tears flowed out of her eyes.

Regretting it immediatly, Randy reached out a hand for Kimmy, " Hey.I-" but it was too late. Kimmy slapped Randy's hand away and was backing away, whipping her head. Kimmy turned and left, ran as fast as she could, her heart burning like it was on fire.

Dropping down on his knees, Randy screamed angrily at himself, causing others to stare. Randy pounded the concrete as hard as he could. He though he was bleeding but didn't care. He had just lost something--someone.

" I won't leave you and you don't betray me" was broken that day, with the fireworks booming so beautiful in the sky on a terrible night.
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Done! :D