Status: On the go!

Wizards Of The White Tower


I had escaped, for now.
I pulled up outside my small house and applied the handbrake of my old car.
My car was a true retro car. The car creaked and often swaggered drunkenly, but the car was mine and it was easy to repair by hand. The old car was built in a local factory before I was even born, some thirty two years ago.
I looked in the wing mirrors and the rear mirror cautiously; the other wizards and the law would be looking for me. I hated when the law enforcement hired wizards, it could make life... difficult.

I snatched my staff from the back seat of the creaky old vehicle and sprinted towards the front door to my house. I fumbled for my keys in a panicked rush, but that was normal for me. When I entered my darkened house I let out a sigh of relief. “Angeligo,” I whispered, and the lights of the large room turned on.

I set down my staff in the corner of the living room of my pokey little house and turned on my laptop to load. Our planet was a slow one, on planet Earth it was now 3053, here we don’t tend to keep track of the year, simply the date. Let me assure you, we on planet Zae don’t rush things. Earth has a simple way of evolving, our way isn’t anywhere near as simple, we have to actually emulate technology made on planet Earth to survive.

I was a wizard of planet Zae, I was born here and I’ll die here. My soul purpose was essentially to defend the planet against the inevitable enemies in the shadows. This time it looks like they had gotten to me before I could destroy them. Not to sound immodest or anything, but I have a lot of enemies and they all know that I am one of the most powerful wizards on the planet. They speak of wizards on planet Earth you know. We are seen as cloaked, bearded and of course quick to anger and impatience. That was correct for the older wizards that I knew, the most powerful wizards, the guys that could destroy me with a simple whisper and a wave of their staff. I was still young though, the oldest wizard ever lived till he was over two thousand.

Our technology is remarkable though, we’ve perfected the spaceship before planet Earth did, and we’ve also perfected ways to change dimensions. I rubbed my wrist and smiled. Of course the simple things we cannot do, like invent computers and it took us a century to find out how the automobile worked. We made the automobile work without harm to the environment though, that’s one of the things that the humans couldn’t manage.

Don’t get me wrong here, I’m human too, but we’re a different kind of human to the humans on planet Earth. The planet Zae grants us special powers, talents if you will. Do not be fooled that every human from planet Zae is granted the power of will, magic is hereditary and the world only has a handful of wizards, perhaps two thousand on a planet which is about twice the size of Earth.

To emulate planet Earth we would be next to the planet. Yes, we are, our planet is veiled and is the only invisible planet in the entire universe, Zae doesn’t like trouble. We live on a planet without countries or continents, our need to eat and drink isn’t different from the Earth humans, but our seas do not erode our earth, we are very fortunate for that. We will rescue the humans when they slaughter their planet, but not a moment sooner, our king will not allow it.
Zae is careful about planet Earth. The king is very wary that the power which the humans of Earth hold will let them venture out as far as Zae someday. That’s why satellites that the humans of Earth send out never seem to work as they get close to Zae, which is an awfully odd coincidence. We pity the humans of planet Earth. The state of their planet’s atmosphere is almost deemed unfit for life. They ran out of fuel in the middle of the twenty first century. That was when Earth waged war with each other. With a little cooperation the people of Earth developed a technology named “hope.” The hope programme’s purpose was the underwater city. The humans had many years to plan the project and I’m pleased to see that they pulled it off. I’m not sure how they all live down there, frankly I don’t attend the meetings that I was supposed to in the order.

I pressed damp towels to my wounds and winced as the pain became apparent. I took my wand out of its holster and threw it onto my dining room table. Screw medical attention, the order of the white tower will be watching the hospitals; I just hope they didn’t think I was stupid enough to return home.
I took off my aviator shades and washed the sweat off my face in the bathroom. I looked outside, the ground was covered in snow and a wild blizzard had begun.

The thing you have to realise about me is that I don’t have a fashion sense, I never will. I wear a suit and tie all of the time, I have a million suits. The belt I wear is my savoir, pretty much all of the time. The belt of fortification is my God; I inherited the belt from my father. My father was a very powerful wizard, and his father was one of the elder wizards in the order of the white tower. I think this belt was his once upon a time.

It was my grandfather who won the surname; Mana, personally I hate it, but I was born into a wizarding family who loved irony. Mana means magic, God, isn’t that hilarious. The dimension shift on my wrist began to dig into my sweating skin; I took it off for a moment and massaged my skin gently. The dimension shift allowed us to follow the time travellers through time and space. The time travellers were the enemy, their king would want nothing more than to wage war on our planet, but our defence is great.

The time travellers don’t use their power for good, some of them used to but now they’ve formed an army, an army which breaks the three laws of time travel. It isn’t prejudice; there are three laws of magic too. The three laws of time travel are clear and easy to obey. Law one; never use your power to hurt another human or different species. Law two, never open a pure time rift on the planet’s crust. Law three; never interfere with important past or future events. At some point all of these laws have been broken by the time travellers.

Wizard’s can only have a child once. Wizards are able to have sex as much as they want, but they’re only able to conceive a single child. The time traveller’s can conceive as many children as they wanted and there were no laws against it. Their power is hereditary too, so their armies are rising to take the planet for their own, the king is nervous and so is the order.

The order is beginning to see enemies where there aren’t any. My thoughts were disturbed as there was a knock at the door. Not just a knock, the kind of knock which belongs to the law, the kind of knock that had knocked a million doors before. I replaced my wand and aviators, and clicked my dimension shift back onto my wrist. “Open up Mana, you’re under arrest.” No one ever just calls me Bernard, I thought.

I sneaked to the corner of the room and recovered my staff. I had managed to bandage up the worst of the wounds, I would be fine. The door was hit by a mighty force, like a battering ram. I picked up my laptop calmly and pointed the staff at the door and shouted “plout!”
The strong earth spell hit my door and the door shattered into a million shards of wood, about twenty wizards screamed in pain.

I went out to greet my guests.
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Dedicated to Red Annie for her helpful advice