Status: Just beginning, may take a while to write.

Interview With The Rockstar

“Last question, Ronnie. Where do you see yourself in twenty years?” Foster had asked me, anticipating a witty answer.

I pondered on that question for longer than he and I had intended. Where would I be in twenty years? Would I be reunited with Mollie and have those two kids she and I yearned for? Would I be on tour with the band with my hair graying?

Would I even be in a band?

“Ronnie?” Foster tried to attract my attention by waving his hand in my face. I looked up and blinked my eyes and began biting the skin on my thumb.

“I have no clue.”

Ronnie Radke
Mollie James
Max Green
Foster Banks

inspiration: Interview With The Vampire
I do not own any famous person in this story.