Die to be together or live to be apart

chapter 12

~Gerard's P.O.V.~

We kissed after she said yes and I knew I was the happiest person alive. "It took you long enough I," I heard Mikey yell from downstairs. I laughed and looked in her eyes,"I love you,"I told her.
"I love you too." We went and layed down in my bed. She quickly fell asleep. I sat up and looked at her with her black waist length hair and white skin. I watched her chest steadily rise and fall as she breathed. i layed back down and fell asleep.

~Mikey's P.O.V.~

"It took long enough,"I mumbled to myself while walking towards my room. I saw Gee and Chessy in bed together they were both asleep. "Aww...they're so cute,"I thought to myself as i went and fell asleep in my room.