Die to be together or live to be apart

Chapter 15

(gee's POV)

I stepped slowly outside and looked at the window that the sound came from. I beared my fangs and went towards the bush, Suddenly a man jumped from the bush.

(chessy's POV)

I nervously waited mor gee to come back. Suddenly I heard Gee scream. I yelled at frank and we both went outside to see Gee lying on the ground covered in his own blood. "gerard,"I choked out running towards him crying, I saw him,blood,and a spike. someone had driven a spike through his perfect heart. I lied my head on his chest and started to uncotrollably cry. Mikey and frank came to comfort me while comforting themselves. Mikey called the police and I saw them carry my beloved's limp body away.

{2 days later} (chessy's POV still)

I looked at the grave where my true love lay. I read the headstone:

Gerard Arthur Way
April 9,1977-March 3,2007
'Hand in mine into your Icy Blues
and then I'd say to you we could take to the highway'