I Could Never Love My Brother's Best Friend, I Hate him.


"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I whisper yelled at Phoenix after we got in the kitchen.

"Me? I'm not the one trying to hook up with my brother's best friend. I bet River would love to hear about his best friend fucking his baby sister." Phoenix smirked.

"We are not fucking. I was bored, Shane called, I was already watching a movie, so I invited him to watch it with me." I glared at him.

"Uh huh, sure you did. And what did you plan on doing while watching the so called 'movie'?" He used air quotations around movie. What the hell? Is he stupid or something?

"What's with the air quotes?" I asked confused.

"Don't try to change the subject. What were you planning on doing missy?"

"Is that really any of your business?"

"Not really." He shrugged.

"Then stay out of it and go home."

"Hey, I'm trying to protect you here." He raised his hands defensively.

"Protect? From what?"

"From embarassing yourself. Trust me, you aren't Shane's type."

"Oh really, and what is his type?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Trust me sweetie, Shane's type has something you don't."

"And what is that?... wait a minute, how would you know what Shane's type is?"

"Trust me." He smirked.

"Ha! That's funny. Why the hell would I trust you?"

"Because I know things you don't."

"Like what?"

"He's gay!" He whispered frustrated. Immediatly after, his eyes got wide and his mouth hung open like he just told a deep dark secret.

Phoenix's pov

I didn't mean to say it! It just came out! I just got jealous is all. It wouldn't have happened if Shane would have stopped leading her on! He knew she liked him and he just lets her think she has a chance!

"What do you mean he's gay?" Teal asked hesistantly.

"I mean that he likes guys. That thing that you don't have? Yea, it's called a dick. He doesn't like girls and I was trying to stop you from embarassing yourself by trying to make out with him. I know that nothing would happen between you two and so does he, why he wants to lead you on is beyond me."

"So... I really have no chance with him?" She asked, her face falling even more, if that's possible.

"Only if you had some major surgery. But listen Teal, you can't tell him I told you and you most certainly can't tell River." I warned her.

"Wait, how do you even know this?" She asked.

"Last night, before I had to watch you, I was trying to find a bathroom and I walked in on Shane and Chuck making out, intensly. Trust me, it was not pretty. Shane made me swear not to tell River."

"My best friend Chuck?"

"I don't know any other guys named Chuck that are gay." I rolled my eyes.

"Well this is just great." She sighed.

"I'm sorry Teal. I know you liked him."

"Thanks Phoenix, for watching out for me." She said. I nodded my head before we both walked back into the front room where Shane was waiting for us to start the movie.
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