I Could Never Love My Brother's Best Friend, I Hate him.

Curiousity killed the cat.

To say that the rest of the movie was awkward, would be an understatement. I had no problems with anyone who was gay or bi or anything like that, trust me. It's just the fact that the guy I have practically known my whole life, that I really liked, turned out to be gay, it was just awkward for me.

Thankfully Phoenix stayed with us for the rest of the movie so it was a little less awkward than it would havve been if he had left me with Shane. I don't know what's getting into Phoenix lately, but I had to admit, I liked it. Phoenix and I had never really been on good terms, but I felt like he cared for me deep, DEEP, down inside.

After the movie, Shane got a text and he said that he had to leave. That left me alone with Phoenix once again. It wasn't nearly as awkward as it had been a few moments ago, but you could still sense the awkwardness.

"I better go too. River's probably wondering where I'm at." Phoenix said after Shane left.

"Yea. Thanks for staying though. You really didn't have to." I said.

"What? And miss watching you squirm and be uncomfortable around Shane? I don't think so." He chuckled, but there was something different in his voice, I couldn't exactly put my finger on it.

"Well, for whatever reason you did it, thanks." I said sincerely.

"Just... don't mention it." He sighed before leaving. After he left, I sat back down on the couch sighing. Finally it was over. As soon as I sat down though, I heard a quiet buzz. I looked around puzzled, until my eyes landed on a cell phone sitting next to me. I picked it up and realized it was Phoenix's phone. I almost laughed at the irony. Phoenix had came back to get his phone and then he leaves it here again. I got up and ran to the door but when I opened it I saw that Phoenix had already left.

"Great." I mumbled. Oh well, he'll come back for it sooner or later. I walked up to my room and decided to finish up the rest of my homework for Monday.


Saturday night and Sunday morning passed by without Phoenix coming back for his phone. River had decided to spend the whole weekend at Jennifer's house since her parents were off on a trip.

As Sunday night came, I started getting ready for bed. I had finished brushing my teeth and laid down on my bed. I couldn't help but think back to Friday night. I felt like something happened that night that I should remember but I can't. Phoenix said nothing happened but if that were true then why do I feel like this? But Phoenix would have no reason to lie to me, right? Unless it was something bad, but if something bad did happen then surely he would have told Shane or River and they would have told me.

After a while, I decided that I was done thinking about it. If something happened then I would know by now. I shouldn't worry myself over nothing, so I didn't. I allowed myself to close my eyes and drift to sleep. However, just as I started to fall into a peaceful sleep, I heard a buzzing noise again.

"What now?" i grumbled tiredly as I rolled over on my bed so I could reach to my sidde table and grab Phoenix's phone. I opened it and saw that someone was trying to call it. I clicked the ignore button and was about to close it when I saw that he had a text message too. It was from Phoenix's brother Jacob. Jacob was in college and as far as I knew, they weren't all that close.

I had a mental battle about whether or not I should look at it. Eventually my curiousity won. But you know what they say, curiousity killed the cat.

-You need to tell her. She needs to take a morning after pill just in case.I swear to god Phoenix if you gott Teal pregnant, mom and dad are going to KILL you.-

I stared at the message and reread it about ten times. I was so confused. How would Phoenix had gotten me pregnant? I'm still a virgin. I would know if I had sex or not, expecially if it was with Phoenix, which I would never do.

After thinking about it some more, I realized how ridiculus this was and shut the phone before putting it back on the side table. Phoenix was probably playing some joke on Jacob and had stupidly brought me into the middle of it. I'll talk to Phoenix about it tomorrow, but for right now, all I wanted to do was sleep. I laid back down and closed my eyes hoping to fall into another peaceful sleep, but I got the total opposite.

"I want to dance!" I whined, drunkenly at Phoenix. I forgot how many shots I had by now, but even though we took the same amount of shots, Phoenix only looked slightly buzzed. I hated to admit it, but I was light weight.

"No Teal." He shook his head at me.

"You're no fun!" I pouted. He shook his head again, this time laughing at me.

"You're just drunk." He said.

"Nuh uh. I just want to dance."

"I told you, no." Phoenix said more sternly this time.

"Well, if you wont dance with a pretty girl like her, then I will." I heard a voice behind me. I turned my head and saw some guy I didn't know. But he was offering to dance with me, which is more then I could say for Phoenix.

"Thank you." I smiled at him. He held his hand out for me and I grabbed it. he started to pull me into the living room but Phoenix grabbed my wrist making me stop walking.

"Teal, you know what your brother said." Phoenix glared at me.

"Relax! Nothing bad will happen? Will it guy I don't know?" I asked the guy.

"It's Derrik and I will make sure nothing bad happens to you." He smirked at me.

"See? Now let me go." I tried to pull my arm away from Phoenix, but he had a tight grip on me.

"No." He said.

"Dude, the lady wants to dance with me, leave her alone." Damon, or whoever the hell he was, said glaring at Phoenix.

"Dude, shut the fuck up and go away. This is between me and her, not you." Phoenix glared back.

"It's her decision. If she wants to dance with me, then let her."

"Stay out of this you dick!" Phoenix yelled.

"I'm not a dick." DJ said pushing Phoenix backwards.

"Hey! Don't touch him!" I yelled at the guy.

"Whatever. You wanna leave with this asshole, fine." The guy turned around and walked away.

"See what you did?" I glared at Phoenix.

"Let's go. We're going home." Phoenix pulled me towards the door to go outside. I stumbled after him. Phoenix got me in the passenger seat of his car and buckled me in before going to the driver's side. He started the car and drove to my house. Once we got to my house, Phoenix helped me up to my room.

"Do you enjoy ruining my fun?" I asked Phoenix as he set mee on my bed.

"Oh yes, because you would of had loads of fun doing something you would regret in the morning with that asshole." He grumbled.

"I think you were jealous." I smirked.

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous?" He laughed.

"Because I thought Danny was hot."

"His name is Derrik and I'm not jealous about that."

"So you admit you were jealous?" I accused him.

"Are you drunk?" He asked.

"Yes, you retard!" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I was jealous." He sighed as he helped me take my shoes off.

"You were?" I asked surprised. He looked up at me and smiled.

"I might as well say this since I know you won't remember in the morning. I like you Teal. I have for a while."

"How long is a while?"

"Since before that asshole Max tried to rape you."

"Why haven't you told me?" I pouted.

"Because you hate me."

"No I don't. In fact, I'm going to let you in on a secret." I pulled his shirt closer to me so I could whisper in his ear.

"I thoughtt Derrik was hot, but you are the sexiest guy ever." He pulled away and looked at me surprised.

"You mean that?" He asked. I nodded my head. I grabbed his face with my hands and pulled him closer so I could kiss him. He started to kiss back immediatly. Things started to get heated but then Phoenix pulled back.

"Wait. You're drunk. I can't do this. Maybe if you were sober." He shook his head.

"I'm not drunk Phoenix." I shook my head.

"I can't." He shook his head again.

"Fine. But this was a one time offer. It will probably never happen again." I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I could feel him staring at me for a couple minutes before I felt his lips on mine.

"You swear you aren't drunk?" He whispered against my lips.

"Positively." I muttered. Things took a turn for the worse, or was it the best? Either way, the night ended with both of our clothes on the ground, my head on Phoenix's chest listening to him breathe heavily, just as I was.

I sat up in bed sweating. I looked at the clock. Only five minutes had passed. There was no way I had been asleep! That wasn't a dream... it was a memory. Of Friday night. My stomach twisted with the horrible thought of losing my V-card while I was drunk to Phoenix. And the worst part? I think I might have liked it.
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Yea! I got two comments so I decided to update this. I hope you like it and Death flower 9625 I hoped this satisfied your curiousity. Lol. Thanks for the comments! =D