Status: slowley yet surely! mabye once every week and a hlaf -two weeks

this love is so un-worth it.

Lodi, California. Westerville, Ohio. Very similar but also very different. Both are suburbs of citys that are of moderate size. But they are on opposite coasts of the country. Now this little difference will be a bit of a challenge for two of our charecters.

New Note is, Dom, Connor, Brown, Eric, and Kadie . They are an up and coming metalcore band that has just signed to rise records. This band differs from most rise bands because they have a girl in this band. Yah people tend to make a big deal out of Kadie James' vocals and her guitar playing but that is just one of the things that sets this band apart. Kadie and the rest of the band, wich includes Dom the screamer, Connor the guitarist, Brown the bassist and Eric the drummer, are recording thery're first full legth with Caleb Shomo and they can't be more excited. But Kadie, the creative force of New Note, and Caleb, just a straight up creative person all around, butt heads while trying to right for the record and things don't nesicarily end up well.

You can probably asume what will happen by the tittle of the story but it's how they get there thats the interesting bit

I don't own attac attack! but I do Own New Note and their songs(unless otherwise noted) I'm trying a difrent writing style then my Wetzel story and it might take me longer to update this since I'm trying to get this right. and not fuck it up like the rest of my storys ( excluding my wetzel story I actualy like that one.)