Only one for me

One and Only

I heard the guys practicing for their next tour in our basement from my room upstairs. Why they couldn’t go to a studio was beyond me, but I don’t care because it means I can see my brother and our friends. I went into the kitchen to grab a soda while doing my homework. I am ready for the end of the year to come around and summer!
“Well hello there baby girl!” Jimmy whistled quietly as he came up the basement stairs. I turned around and smiled at him as I grabbed my coke from the fridge.
“What are you doing up here?” I asked quietly as he walked up behind up me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and began plating light kisses along my neck.
“God you smell good!” he whispered as he took several deep breaths making me giggle softly.
“Shouldn’t you be down there with the rest of the guys?” I asked as I rocked with him as he suddenly decided to start rocking from foot to foot. He turned me around so I was facing him and kissed me quickly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me. His hands went to grip my hips, digging his fingers into them as our kiss got more heated. Reluctantly he pulled away and leaning so our foreheads were leaning against each other’s.
“Mhm, but right now I’m ‘going to the bathroom’.” He said using air quotes making me laugh.
“Really now? You must’ve really had to go since you’ve been up here for a couple minutes already.” I said glancing at the clock on the stove.
“Yeah I really had to shit.” He said making me grimace and shake my head.
“Could’ve gone without knowing that. Just so you know.” I said making him chuckle. We stood like that for a few more seconds before we untangled ourselves.
“You should go back down there and I should go back to my homework.” I said as I moved from him. He looked at my outfit and groaned to himself and wiped his hand down his face.
“I shouldn’t have done that. Now I wont be able to concentrate.” He said as he stared at me. I was in a tank top and a pair of his boxers that I stole from him a little while back. I shrugged my shoulders and placed a kiss to his cheek.
“Good thing you’re behind the drums huh? Talk to you later.” With that I made my way up the stairs. I heard him grumble and head back to the basement.
“Jesus Jimmy, what took so long?” I heard Matt yell making me smile. I made my way back to my room and lay back on my bed. I opened my textbook and started reading the assigned chapters. My phone buzzed beside me making me stop reading and look at it.
‘You’re evil!’ I immediately knew it was from Jimmy. I smiled at the corniness of it and quickly replied.
‘Shouldn’t you be practicing?’ it only took a second for a reply to come back. I don’t think the guys were practicing anymore.
‘We’re taking a break. No changing the subject!’ I raised my eyebrow and another text came in a second later, so I knew it wasn’t from Jimmy.
‘Would you mind bringing us drinks? :D’ I rolled my eyes at my dummy brother but had to smile because he was so cute.
‘any requests?’ I quickly replied to Matt as well as I grabbed some pants to put on.
‘I’m not changing the topic.’ I replied to Jimmy as a joke though I already knew the answer.
‘just soda. Not feelin’ to picky’ Matt said. I got off my bed and went back downstairs. I grabbed 5 soda’s just as my phone beeped in my pocket. I walked downstairs and saw all the guys lounging around in various places of the basement. I walked around handing each guy his soda. As soon as my hands were free of soda, I looked at my phone.
‘Yes you are. Got me all worked up right before I was going down. That girlie, is evil’ I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help but smile, making Matt look at me.
“What’s so funny?” he asked raising his eyebrow. Everyone else turned to look at me as well, and my cheeks flushed seeing as I was now the center of attention.
“Nothing.” I said smiling to myself. Matt’s faced twisted into a small frown.
“Better not be a text from a boy. You’re to young to date!” he said crossing his arms. I looked at him weirdly and raised my eyebrow.
“Matt I’m 16, I think you would know if I was dating someone…” I said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jimmy perk up but I didn’t mention anything, I wasn’t dumb.
‘I don’t know what you’re talking about :D Am I seeing you tonight?’ that I closed my phone and stared at Matt. He was looking at me expectantly, with his arms still crossed.
“What?” I asked laughing slightly.
“You better not be texting a boy!” he said making me roll my eyes.
“Matt, like I said I’m 16. I’m not going to ignore boys forever.” I said. I felt heard my phone beep in my hand.
‘Uh huh sure! Your place or mine?’ I didn’t even see Jimmy typing away; he really was ninja that way. I turned my attention back to Matt to see him still looking at me. “What?”
“Have you kissed a boy?”
“MATT!!!!!” I shouted, shocked he would ask me that, especially in front of everyone.
“What? I think it’s a fair question.” He said shrugging. I looked to my phone to finally reply to Jimmy.
‘What about Leana?’ That was another issue between us, as if age wasn’t enough, he was married.
“I’m not discussing my sex life with you.” I said. He shot up off the couch in shock.
“YOU’VE HAD SEX? WHAT THE FUCK? WHO THE FUCK WAS IT? I’LL FUCKING KILL HIM. NO FIRST I’LL RIP HIS BALLS OFF THEN FEED THEM TO HIM!” he shouted as he started pacing. I raised an eyebrow at him and looked around to see all the guys staring at him in shock.
“Matt, excuse my poor choice of words. I’m not discussing my private life with you.” I said, putting emphasize on private. He stopped pacing and stared at me.
“Have you had sex?” he asked.
“Matt I’m not answering that. This conversation is over!” I said. With that I walked up the stairs and back to my room. I cannot believe Matt just blew up like that with the little idea of me having sex. That’s why I like talking to Val much more; she’s understanding and doesn’t blow up on me. I looked at my phone and saw I had a text from Jimmy. I must not have heard my phone go off over Matt’s yelling.
‘She’s with her sister in San Diego until tomorrow.’ I debated whether or not it was a good idea because she had a habit of coming back early
‘Alright, later tonight. Has he calmed down? ’ I went back to reading my textbook and got about half a page in before my phone went off again.
‘Yeah a little. I gotta go, we’re gonna practice some more. XOXO’ I didn’t bother responding and just tossed my phone behind me lightly and went back to studying. Almost 2 hours later, I heard everyone storm up the stairs and into Matt and Val’s room, which was right next to mine. They were talking so loud I could hear them perfectly.
“Man you blew up at Jessa like that?” Brian asked.
“She’s my baby sister man. I don’t want her having sex with someone!” he said gruffly. Obviously the topic was still on his mind, just great! My phone beeped from my pillows and I reached around at an awkward angle to get it. I opened it and saw a text from Jimmy.
‘Babe we’re done and in Matt’s room’ I nodded my head.
‘I know I can hear you guys.’ Just then my phone beeped and I saw a text from my best friend Nikki. She asked if I wanted to hang out and I told her I would meet her at the pier. I got changed into actual clothes and grabbed my stuff before knocking on Matt’s door. I opened it and saw all the guys lounging around in different places with Matt lying on the bed with his hands behind his head.
“I’m going to hang out with Nikki. I don’t know when I’ll be back.” I said as I began to shut the door.
“Wait!” I opened the door and looked at him expectantly. “You’re not going out to meet some boy are you?” he asked suspiciously making me roll my eyes once more.
“Matt you’re worse than dad! No I’m not going to meet a boy. I’m going to meet Nikki at the beach. We are going to hang out, like girls do, and then I am coming home. Simple as that.” I said. The guys smiled slightly at me as I laid my day out for him like he was a five year old.
“Fine whatever. The guys are sleeping over tonight.” He said.
“Got it.” And with that I was off to my car. I tossed my back onto the passenger seat and put my phone in the center console. I backed out of the driveway and made my way to the beach. My phone buzzed but I waited until I was at a red light to check it and saw it was from Jimmy.
‘That was easy’
‘What time am I seein’ you?’ and with that I was off. I pulled into the parking lot for the beach and got out. I checked my phone and saw I had a missed message from Jimmy.
‘How bout…2 or 3?’
‘Wont Matt still be awake?’ I replied as I spotted Nikki on the pier. She spotted me and started waving at me. I waved back and smiled at her.
‘Well we’ll wait. I’ll try to tire him out’ I chuckled.
‘Alright we’ll see. I’m at the pier now so I’ll text you when I’m on my way back.’ I put my phone in my purse and made my way over to Nikki. I put my phone in my purse and made my way over to Nikki. We talked as we walked around the beach and the pier.
“So how is the whole boyfriend situation coming along?” She asked as we walked and ate our snow cones. She knew about Jimmy and me and she promised not to tell any of the guys.
“We’re good. We’re making it through. Everything is just so complicated ” I asked as we sat down. We watched the male volleyball players run around without their shirts on.
“Still can’t believe you’re doing this. I mean he’s 26, married and your brother’s best friend. Sleeping with him is a huge risk!”
“I know, but he’s worth it to me. ” I said shrugging.
“But think about Leana? How do you think she feels? What about Matt? How’s he going to feel if he finds out?” she asked looking right at me.
“I know but when I’m with him, they don’t matter. Whenever we’re together, it’s just us to and nobody else is important?” she shook her head as we began walking again.
“Well obviously you guys have something figured out since it’s lasted this long. What do you guys do when he’s on tour?”
“We text a lot and whenever I go to see the guys play, we spend a little time together.” I said. Just then my mobile started ringing making me look at her apologetically. I looked at the caller ID and saw Jimmy’s name flash across the screen, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
“Hey babe.” Jimmy’s voice came through happily making me smile.
“Hey what’s up?”
“Just wanted to see how you were doing with Nikki.” He said. I could hear the sound of a lighter so I knew he was probably outside smoking most likely alone.
“We’re good. Just chilling at the beach. What are you guys up to?”
“We’re just discussing music. Hey babe…?” he asked, his voice trailing off.
“Yeah what’s up?”
“I’ve been thinking about cutting my hair but I don’t know. What do you think?” I started to imagine him bald and I began laughing.
“Do you mean cut it short, like all the way off?” I asked. Nikki laughed as we got back to where the shirtless volleyball players were.
“Oh my gosh look at them!” Nikki squealed as she watched them.
“What’s Nikki going on about?” Jimmy asked confused, most likely furrowing his eyebrows.
“We’ve discovered the shirtless beach volleyball players.” I said laughing.
“But you’re not interested in them right?” I could hear a little uncertainty in his voice making me sit up straighter.
“Of course not! I have what I want and I’m not looking anywhere else!” I said firmly. I hated it when he compared himself to other people that he thought I found attractive.
“Okay just checking.” He replied softly making me shake my head. I never understood how he didn’t see how crazy in love with him I am.
“You don’t need to worry baby. I only have eyes for you.” I said.
“An old guy like me?” he asked.
“Yes even an old guy like you. You are absolutely perfect to me and I wouldn’t have you any other way!” I said firmly.
“Alright. Alright, I was just making sure. I don’t want to lose you to some tan blond haired surfer boy.” He chuckled.
“Yuck! Now you should probably head back inside before the rest of the guys wonder where you went.” I said.
“Okay. I love you.”
“I love you too you big goofball.” With that we hung up and I turned to see Nikki still ogling over the boys.
“Do you ever stop?” I asked laughing.
“Of course not!” we hung out at the beach for another two or three hours before she was called home for dinner. I made my way home slowly while thinking about whether or not we should tell Matt, but I shook my head deciding that telling him wasn’t a good idea. I pulled into the driveway and made my way inside, not surprised to see all the guys sprawled out around the living room. I looked at Jimmy and saw that he already cut his hair, but it wasn’t too much shorter then before.
“Nice cut Jimbo?” I asked. He did look nice but he didn’t look super different.
“Yeah, Gina cut it for me. Do you like it?” he asked as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“I do. Makes you look older.” I saw Matt shoot me a look and I rolled my eyes at him. “Alright well I’m going to go up to my room. Holler if you need anything, please don’t holler.” With that I walked to my room without glancing back. I got to my room and changed back into more comfortable clothes and settling on my bed. My phone buzzed on my nightstand and I glanced at my computer before leaning over to see what it said.
‘Do you really like my hair?’ I rolled my eyes smiling as I quickly typed a reply.
‘Of course. I would never lie to you. Though, it doesn’t look much different’ I walked downstairs to get a soda, walking past the guys again.
“Where are you going?” Matt asked as he saw me walk through the living room.
“To get a soda. Is that okay with you oh almighty one?” I asked sarcastically. Everyone chuckled at me as Matt rolled his eyes at me.
“Whatever.” He mumbled as he turned his head around to look at the TV. My phone beeped loudly making everyone look at me again.
“What? I have a text message, that a big deal?” I asked as I grabbed my phone out of my pocket.
‘Yeah didn’t want to go to extreme. I love you’ was what it said, making me grin like a crazy person.
“Why are you smiling so brightly?” Brian asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I looked at everyone else and saw them looking at me as well.
“What is this? ‘Pick on Jessa day’?” I asked looking at everyone.
“No, we’re just wondering why you’re so happy all the sudden.” Zacky said smirking at me, like he knew what was going on.
“Is it so shocking that I have a life? That people actually want to talk to me?” I asked, sitting on the armrest of the sofa that Matt and Jimmy were lounging on.
“I guess not. But come on, you never talk to us anymore. We barely see you because you’re always out with your friends and stuff.” Brian said as he began pouting.
“You guys are also busy you know. You have your band and I have school. Communication is a two way door you know.” I said. I quickly looked back to my phone, wanting to reply.
‘I love you too. This is weird.’ I put my phone away and looked back to the guys to see them all still staring at me. I saw Jimmy’s pocket light up but he ignored it and none of the other guys noticed it.
“Why don’t you watch a movie with us?” Zacky suggested suddenly. I looked around to see them all smiling and nodding their heads.
“Alright but let me get a soda first.” With that I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a soda like I originally intended to do. Once I grabbed my soda, I walked back and sat in-between Matt and Jimmy and put my feet on the coffee table.
“Hey Jessa, do you have a boyfriend?” Brian asked as the beginning credits began to roll.
“Didn’t we already go over this?” I asked looking at everyone.
“Well I’m just wondering. Matt is gonna kill me for this, but you are insanely attractive so it would make sense if you had a boyfriend.” He explained.
“What if I was a lesbian?” I asked. Everyone’s ears perked up and looked at me with slow grins forming on their faces.
“Are you? Cause that would be hot!” Jimmy asked staring at me making me frown.
“NO! It was an example. My gosh you guys are perverts.” I said crossing my arms and huffing.
“So no boyfriend?” Brian asked again.
“Can we please just drop this?” I pleaded.
“Just so all of you know, none of you are allowed to date my sister. She’s off limits.” Matt said.
“Matt all the guys are at least ten years older then me. Pretty sure I’m not going to start dating any of them. You know, kinda illegal.” I said looking at him weirdly.
“I’m just saying. In fact, if you do have a boyfriend, you have to bring them here so we can all meet him. You will not be dating a guy that we do not approve of.” He said.
“Matt, who I date is my decision and if you don’t approve of him, tough shit!” I huffed at him before getting off the couch and making my way to the backyard. I sat down and took a couple of deep breaths as I tried to calm myself down. My phone buzzed and I looked to see that I got a text from Brian.
‘You alright?’
‘No, can you come out here. Don’t want to explain via text.’ Within a few seconds the door was opening and Brian stepped out and walked towards me.
‘“Why do you let him get to you like that?” he asked sitting down next to me. I sighed and leaned my head against the wall.
“It only bugs me when he tries to control me. I should have a say in who I want to date. It isn’t up to him!” I said.
“He’s just looking out for you. You know that.” He said bumping me with his shoulder lightly.
“Brian, I have a feeling any guy I want to date isn’t going to be good enough for him. I swear, having him as a brother is almost worse then having a father with a shotgun.” I said shaking my head.
“You just have to give him time to the idea of you dating?” he asked.
“I’m sixteen, he should be aware of the fact that dating is on mind at least. I may as well face it. I’m just going to remain single for the rest of my life! I might as well join a covenant and become a nun” I said throwing my hands up dramatically making him chuckle
“You’ll find someone, and Matt will either like them or not, but I have a feeling you wont care.”
“I do care about what he thinks. I know I don’t act like it, but Matt’s opinion means the world to me, which is why it hurts so much whenever he talks down on things I like.” I said sadly. Brian sighed and threw his arm around my shoulder.
“Listen kiddo, eventually you and Matt will both mature and see that you have your own lives and he can’t control your life. Don’t worry, your time will come.” He said.
“Did you just call me kiddo? You know I hate it when you call me that.” I said laughing.
“I know, but its funny.” he said. We both laughed and stood up and walked back inside. No one had moved from where they were and the movie had been stopped.
“I’m sorry Jessa.” Matt said softly. I nodded and sat back down in-between him and Jimmy.
“Don’t worry about it Matt. I just wish you would realize I’m 16, not 6.” I said shaking my head. He nodded and turned the movie back on without saying another word. A little bit into the movie I felt my phone buzz and I leaned towards Matt at an awkward angle to fish it out of my pocket.
‘Think Matt would approve of me if you brought me home?’ I rolled my eyes at Jimmy’s text and quickly replied.
‘I have a feeling he wouldn’t!’ I nodded and laughed to myself quietly as I envisioned the look on Matt’s face.
“’Well hey now. I can date you but not have sex with you ;)’ I thought about it before shaking my head.
‘Pretty sure you can’t do either with you being married and me being underage. Kinda stops things.’
“Will you put your damn phone away? Pay attention to us.” Zacky said lunging at me and reaching for it. I squeaked and held it away from him, holding it above my head as best I could. I felt someone grab it from my hand and I looked to see Jimmy smirking at me while holding it up.
“Let’s see who you’re talking to!” he said flipping it open. I pushed Zacky off me and made to lunge at but Matt stopped me.
“Who’s she talking to Jimmy?” Matt asked as he held me back. Jimmy shook his head and flipped my phone shut and handing it back to me.
“Just a bunch of shit between her and Nikki.” He said looking disappointed.
“Sorry I don’t have a more interesting life!” I said getting out of Matt’s arms and sitting back down and crossing my arms and stared at the TV.
“Well Ms. Grumpy pants!” Brian teased from the other couch.
“Shut it Haner!” I said shooting him a look, making him laugh at me. My phone buzzed in my hand and I flipped it open seeing Jimmy’s name across the screen. For the rest of the day, and well into the night, we all hung out and watched movies. We ordered pizza and when the girls came back, we moved from in front of the TV to downstairs where played pool and blasted music. The guys drank steadily into the night, which made for much more entertaining conversation for the sober people. Finally I got tired and bid the girls, the guys were too drunk to comprehend what I was saying, goodnight and went into my bedroom and got ready for bed. Just as I got comfortable my phone buzzed on my nightstand. I reached over and grabbed it, flipping it open and squinting at how bright the screen was. Jimmy’s name was written across the screen and I clicked open.
’You’re the only one for me. I love you’
♠ ♠ ♠
Not too sure how I feel about this one honestly...