Status: In progress...

It Isn't Over Yet!

Ch.10: Taking the Blame

Percy's POV-The Mall

The group of security guards led us to the same mall jail I was in only moments ago. I stared down at the ground as we walked. "Percy." Annabeth said. I looked up at her. She nodded to my left.

I looked in that direction. That's when I noticed we were walking by the Weird & Ancient store, but the thing was, it wasn't there. It was completely gone! I stared at the blank wall. What happened to it?

Eventually we arrived at the mall jail. Somehow, we all managed to fit in the cell. While some of us sat down on the bench (like Annabeth and I), some sat down on the ground while the others remained standing.

A moment later all the security guards left the room, but they were on the other side of the door so we couldn't escape. It was crowded in here, I thinks that was why the left the room.

"So can someone explain what just happened?" One of Mr. D's kids asked.

"Well it's complicated, but this is what happened..." Annabeth explained what happened.

"But I still don't get why they were chasing you, Annabeth." Clarisse announced.

"Don't you see?" Annabeth stood up. "They weren't after me they were after the book I had. But it doesn't matter anymore." Annabeth sighed and sat back down. "They have it now."

"How we get it back?" Tyson asked.

"We can't if we are stuck in here." Nico said.

"And that brings us to another problem." Thalia said. "How do we get out this time? If our parents find out we are in jail again-"

I stood up and interrupted her. "They aren't going to find out. Look." I pointed to the window. "We all can crawl through that and get out of here. Our parents we never know."

"We already know." I heard Athena's voice coming from behind me.

I immediately sat back down and looked up to find our parents. The looked angry...shit. "So what is the excuse this time. Hm?" Zeus asked.

So we, as best as we could, explained what happened. And of course they didn't believe us. We began to argue with them. "That's what happened!" Thalia argued.

"Yeah! We aren't making this up!" Nico shouted.

"We aren't lying! Why don't you believe us?" Annabeth argued.

"For several reasons!" Mr. D spat. "And one of which the security guards said nothing of that sort."

"What did they say?" Clarisse asked.

"They said that you kids were causing disturbances and getting in fights with random teenagers. " Ares replied. "Normally I would approve, but when it comes to you kids I don't."

What teenagers? The mean men we were fighting looked nothing like teenagers-wait a minute- the mist. Ugh, that stupid mist disguised what really happened!

"What?! We didn't get in fights with teenagers!" Clarisse exclaimed.

Everyone started to argue again. I knew arguing wouldn't help. It would only make the situation worse. So I did the unexpected. I sighed. "Okay. No more pretending, guys. They caught us." I stood up. All the demigods looked at me weirdly, wondering what I was doing. I ignored them and looked at the gods. "You were right we are lying. We made it all up. I was the one who started the fight. Don't blame the others; they were only trying to stop me."

"Percy." I heard my dad say I knew he was disappointed and ashamed of me.

"He's not the only one that started the fight, I did too." Annabeth said walking over to my side. What was she doing?

"Me too." Clarisse said and joined us.

All the other demigods joined us. Zeus looked appalled. "Well until you can decide who is to blame we'll be outside discussing whether to leave you here or not." The gods left the room.

"You guys should have let me take the blame." I told them as I sat back down.

"Well, we couldn't. After all, it wasn't your fault." Annabeth said.

"So I guess climbing out of the window isn't really an option now is it?" Thalia asked.

We all laughed. I leaned back and gripped the edge of the bench. That's when I felt something sharp and pointy underneath. I grasped it and tried to pull it out but it was stuck in the wood. I pulled harder and finally it came out. I took it out from underneath the bench and examined it closely.

It was a metal kind of weapon. There was blades on the edge. In the middle was a design engraved in it that I have never seen before. It was one of the things you would see a ninja through at you in a karate movie.

Everyone had their attention on the thing I was holding. "Percy, was is that?" Annabeth asked.

"I don't know. I think it was what those big men threw at me." I replied. I turned the metal weapon over in my hand. On the other end I noticed in the middle of the design was a small switch. I grazed my thumb over it and accidently flipped the switch. And that's when the unexpected happened.

Suddenly, a flame sparked in the middle of it. "Whoa!" I exclaimed and though it to the ground.

Everyone, including me, was now on their feet. We all began to stomp on the flame to put it out, it didn't help. The flame just grew bigger. From the corner of my eye, I saw Clarisse spit into the flame and put it out. We all looked at her in disgust. "What? It worked didn't it?" Clarisse shrugged.

All of the sudden, the metal weapon burst into a flame 10 times bigger than before. Because of the smoke, the smoke alarm above us(which I didn't notice before) went off. "Some one turn that off!" Thalia urged. "We don't want to draw attention to us!"

Nico and Raymen began to jump up and swat at the alarm to knock it off. They hit it a few times but it wouldn't come off. I knew some how we wouldn't have to put the fire out. I looked around the room. That's when I saw a full water bottle sticking out of one of the draws of the desk. That could work.

Because Poseidon was my dad, I could control water. I extended my hand to the bottle and began to use my powers. The cap of the bottle popped off hitting the wall and the water shot out of the bottle. It came across the room, through the cell bars and onto the fire.

The fire was now out, but there was now scorch marks on the ground. Luckily the alarm became silent. Less than a second later the gods burst through the doors, wondering what was going on. At the same time, the smoke alarm fell of the ceiling and hit the ground. We gave a weak smile at the gods knowing we were in trouble.