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It Isn't Over Yet!

Ch. 12: "The Die Is Cast..."

Aly’s POV-School Hall

My second day of school came and went in a flash. I walked through the school halls on my way to the exit, with my books in hand and my backpack slung over my shoulder. Then I noticed Grover.

Grover’s POV

Papers were everywhere. I was rummaging through my locker. Because my locker was on the bottom, I had to squat while I was looking for it. What I was looking for you ask? My crutch. I had one of them and for some reason I couldn’t find the other. I bet it’s the foot ball team playing a joke on me. But I needed that crutch; I couldn't walk with shoes on without it!

“What are you doing?” A voice asked from behind me.

I turned, it was the new girl, Aly. “Oh, just looking for my other crutch.” I responded.

“You lost it?” She questioned.

“More or less.” I sighed, now way I’d see that crutch again.

“Well if you need a crutch, I could lend you one.” Aly said.

“Why would you have a crutch?” I gave her a confused look.

“Oh, I don’t. My nana’s the one who uses them once in a while. She has a spare and I am pretty sure she’d be happy to lend you one.” Aly informed me.

I guess I didn’t have a choice. “Okay, sure.” I quickly cleaned up the mess I made and followed her home.

Percy’s POV-At Camp Half-Blood

Nico, Thalia, and I were out on the training field. We just decided to take a break, when Annabeth came running our way. “Annabeth, what’s wrong?” I asked.

“It’s Rachel.” Annabeth panted. “I think she is about to tell a prophecy.”

And with that we ran. Soon we stopped in front of the Big House. Many people were crowded around Rachel, including Mr. D and Chiron. Rachel was unconscious but was sitting up strait on the ground. As if she was waiting for us to get here, she told the prophocey:

“The die is cast,
he, once more, rises
and she is found at last,
evil equivalent to their sizes,
soon a great battle comes,
and the future is dim,
all they can do is run,
for the gods cannot win.”

Grover’s POV-Aly’s House

The entire way to her house, I had to constantly lean on her so I didn’t fall. After a few minutes, we reached her house. Her house wasn’t anything special, just a one story, olive green house, with a tan Cadillac in front of it. However, there was one thing that caught my eye, the front door was busted open. The top hinge of the door was broken, so the door swung awkwardly back and forth. “Nana!” Aly screamed and ran in the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this chapter is so short. I will make it up in the next.

---Midnightrose613 a.k.a. Katie