Status: In progress...

It Isn't Over Yet!

Ch. 13: A Killer Tweety-bird!

Grover’s POV-Aly’s House

“Nana!” Aly screamed and ran in the house.

“W-wait!” I yelled after her, but it was too late, she had already disappeared in the house. I cursed in ancient Greek. I kicked off my shoes, and with my crutches in hand, I ran in after her.

Aly’s POV

I ran into the house. I had no idea what was going on, but I knew one thing-Nana was in danger! I found her collapsed in the living room (it was part of the entry way). I ran to her and kneeled next to her. “Nana!” I shook her.

Her eyes opened just a bit. “Aly-run!” She breathed. But it was too late. Suddenly a large black mass pounced on me.

“Are you the one?” a metallic voice came out of the now focused mass. I stared up in terror. I screamed.

Grover’s POV

I heard a scream. I ran inside the house and saw something horrific. There was this thing, a monster-not like one I’ve ever seen before, and man was it ugly. It resembled a kindly one, but at the same time it was totally different. It had a humanoid bird-like form, but instead of there being talons, there were green scaly claws. Its eyes were sharp and cold like an alligator’s. However, the most frightening part of it all was that its beak was replaced with a sharp and deadly set of teeth. I dropped everything but one crutch. I raise that crutch and held it like a baseball bat.

“Hey, Tweety! Why don’t you come over here so we can playa little ball?” I provoked.

“A satyr?” It hissed. “How dare you exist in my presence! Be gone!” It’s hissed turned into a loud roar.

It lunged at me. With all my might I swung the crutch, hitting it directly in the face, and sent it flying. I ran to Thalia and asked, “Are you all alright?”

“Yeah, b-b-but my Nana…!” She trembled.

Before I was able to reply there was a large growl. The creature lunged at me. I held my crutch up vertically to block it. I did-no, wait I didn’t block it, it more like perched itself on the crutch. “Grover!” Aly said alarmed.

“Don’t worry about me! Just get out of here!” I said quickly.

Surprisingly she obeyed. However she only was able to go a couple steps before-“Aah!”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this chapter isn't that long...Sory, but if I didn't end it there the chapter would be really long!
