Status: In progress...

It Isn't Over Yet!

Ch. 14: We're Gonna Die!

Aly’s POV-Her House

The creature pinned me down in front of the recently lit fire place, its claws digging deeper in my now bleeding leg. It would be and understatement to say it hurt. “Do not think you can escape me!” It hissed.

Just then, Grover ran up behind it and swung his crutch at its head. The creature dogged it flying to the other room. As it flew past Grover, it swiped at his arm leaving a deep, gushing cut. Grover winced at the pain, but held his ground.

I started to feel weak and dizzy, my vision started to fade. It was obvious we were going to loose, let alone die. There must be a way to defeat that thing. But how?

Fire. A voice in my head said, it took me a moment to realize that voice was mine. I looked back at the fire place to find there were still some embers burning. I had almost no energy now; I knew I had little time before I passed out or even die. So with all my might I reached for those embers. Finally, my hand grasped a few of them. Funny, they don’t seem to burn me; either that or I was too numb to even feel a thing.

With my last bit of strength, I threw the embers at the creature, but passed out before I could see the result.

Grover’s POV

This was bad, even if I am a protector there was no way I could win against this chicken. No matter how many times or how hard I hit it, it doesn’t seem to falter. Well, I am done for. Goodbye, Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, Nico, Tyson, Chiron, and whoever else-it was nice knowing ya.

The Tweety-bird, lunged at me as I prepared for my death, Hades here I come! Before squeezed my eyes shut to escape from the view, I noticed small, bright dots flying past me and onto the Tweety-bird who was just inches from me. As they made contact with the Tweety-bird’s skin and feather-like things, it shrieked in pain.

Suddenly, Tweety-bird was engulfed in flames. It panicked and flew out a closed window, making glass shards fly everywhere. That bird was a goner. I can’t believe I did it-no I didn’t do it, Aly did. Then it hit me, “Aly!” I yelled and ran over to her.

She laid unconscious on her stomach in front of the fireplace. I kneeled down next to her and turned her on her back. “Aly? Wake up!” I said shaking her.

“Satyr!” A hoarse but weak voice said.

I looked behind me to find Aly’s nana. She didn’t look so good. Her skin was pale- the same color people get when they are very sick- and the light in her eyes were fading.

“Satyr,” She repeated. “Take her, protect her, do what I cannot. She is more important then you know.”

“C’mon, now.” I said standing up. “Don’t act like everything’s over for you. I’ll take you both to Camp Half-Blood to get you treated. Where’s your car keys?”

I looked around and saw them on a table in the far corner. I walked over and grabbed the keys. “Alright then. Let’s…go…” I turned around and noticed that Aly’s nana wasn’t there anymore. Instead, in her place, was a pile of dust and the clothes she was wearing. Did she…turn to dust? I wasn’t sure what was going on, but there was one thing I knew for certain, Aly was a demi-god.
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