Status: In progress...

It Isn't Over Yet!

Ch.16: I am a stupid seaweed-brain!

Aly’s POV- The Big House

“W-w-what? Camp Half-Blood? I-I don’t understand what’s going on….” I tried to sit up, but then felt really light-head. I groaned and put my hand to my forehead as if it would keep the world around me from spinning.

“Easy.” The blonde girl said pushing me back down on the cot I was lying on. “You shouldn’t push yourself.”

I nodded weakly. “But what’s going on? What happened? Where’s my Nana?” I asked as the memories flooded back to me.

“I fear she didn’t make it, child.” The centaur said. That sentence made me feel like I was being pelted by rocks.
She is gone….

Annabeth’s POV-Camp Half-Blood

The sun rose in the sky as I walked out of the Big House. It had been a long night. As I walked back to my cabin I noticed the seaweed-brain sitting on one of the docks by the lake. He better not be moping still. “Stupid seaweed-brain.” I huffed as I walked over to him. He didn’t seem to notice me as I walked up behind him. “What are you doing?” I asked. He jumped a little.

“Oh, Annabeth it’s just you. You scared me.” Percy looked up at me.

“Shouldn’t you be still asleep?” I crossed my arms.

“I’m not tired and Tyson kept talking in his sleep so I came here.” He explained.

“I see…” I said as I sat down next to him.

“So…how is she?” Percy questioned.

“Huh?” I said confused.

“That new demigod.” Percy specified.

“Oh, you mean Aly? She is okay…at least physically. Mentally not so much…..” I said.

“What do you mean?” Percy asked.

“Oh right I guess you wouldn’t know…” So I told him the whole incident Grover told me and Chiron. “Finding out you’re a demigod is a nerve-wracking thing especially when you have just fought a monster, but to make things worse her nana died…”

Percy nodded. “That really…sucks I would know, but I am sure things will work out. Anyway do they know who her godly parent is yet?”

“No, but Chiron says she should be claimed soon.” I said.

“Who do you think it is?” He asked.

“I don’t know…” I said. “I don’t even know what gender they will be. From what I’ve heard Aly never knew either of her parents, but…”

“But?” Percy repeated.

“From what Grover said, Aly threw hot embers at the monster, but she didn’t get burned. So I was thinking she could be a daughter of Hephaestus, but I don’t know…Also when that monster scratched her leg it seemed to inject some kind of poison in to her. No matter how hard we tried we couldn’t cure the poison nor get it out of her system. We thought we had to amputate her leg to keep it from spreading but then it just started to heal on its own with the help of a little ambrosia of course, but still it’s remarkable. So I was also thinking that she could be a daughter of Apollo, but then again I don’t know. I guess we will just have to wait and see….”

“I guess you are right.” Percy said thoughtfully. “It’s strange though…”

“Huh? What do you mean?” I asked but he was too deep in thought.

Percy’s POV-Camp Half-Blood(Lake)

From what Annabeth said, this Aly girl isn’t normal even for a demigod. Why do I have a feeling of impending doom? I have had that feeling ever since I heard that prophecy. That stupid prophecy! How could Kronos be rising again? I know am being paranoid thinking that it was Kronos that the prophecy was talking about, but how could you blame me? So many lives were sacrificed to stop him before, I just don’t want it to happen again. So I am being careful, but now this Aly girl comes into the picture…. “and she is found at last”…was the prophecy talking about her? But that would be too easy! Prophecies are never so explicit…are they?

Ugh, what am I doing? I shouldn’t thinking about this, I will only get stressed and-“Hey! I’m talking to you!”

Annabeth’s POV-Camp Half-Blood

“Huh? What do you mean?” I asked but he was too deep in thought.

“Percy?” Silence.

“Percy!” Still nothing.

“Hey, seaweed-brain!” I know I have been calling him that a lot lately but that is only because he is acting like one. I was starting to get irritated so I yelled, “Hey! I’m talking to you!” I pushed him off the dock and stormed off. “Stupid seaweed-brain.” I huffed.

Percy’s POV-Camp Half-Blood(Lake)

Annabeth pushed me off the dock. “W-w-whoa!” I said trying to regain my balance, but it was too late. I dove head first in to the lake. My head emerged from the water just in time to hear Annabeth say “Stupid seaweed-brain.” And walk away. Great…now she is mad at me. I can’t blame her. It is my fault after all. Acting like this…being depressed and worrying about something that probably won’t ever happen…what good is it? I am a stupid seaweed-brain after all! That’s it, from now on I‘ll go back to being normal, regular old Percy.

I began to swim the short distance to the dock when I heard a familiar voice. “Having a morning swim, I see?”

“Chiron!” I looked to the bank to greet. “Well something like that.”

I boosted myself on the edge of the dock, coming out of the water perfectly dry of course. Chiron chuckled and made his way over to me. “Percy, I’d like to ask a favor of you.” He said.

“Eh? Like what?” I asked standing up.

“Well I am sure you’ve heard about Aly by now…” Chiron started.

“Yeah, what about her?” I inquired.

“Well, she has been taking recent events kind of hard and I would like you to show her around and get her used to things here. After all you two share a few things in common.” Chiron said.

I understand what he meant, after all when I first came here I was attacked and nearly killed, twice, and also I had thought I lost my mom. I could understand how Aly must be feeling right now. And besides helping out might get my mind off things. “Sure thing, Chiron.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know these last two chapter have been a little dull and uneventful but I will to step it up a notch with the next one. At least this chapter is longer than usual...I think. Anways......
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