Status: In progress...

It Isn't Over Yet!

Ch.18:The Horse Whisperer

Percy’s POV-Camp Half-Blood

It was midday now and I stood by the lake. Aly, who sat next to my feet on the shore, was taking everything I just said in. “…So you’re say the Greek Gods I learned about in history class are actually…real?”

“Yep.” I said popping the ‘p’ as I stared out to the lake.

“And that their children that they have with humans go to this camp?” Aly confirmed.

“Yeah, hence the name Camp Half-Blood, have human, have god.” I added.

“But wouldn’t that also mean that you’re…” She looked away from the ground and looked up at me.”

“That’s right. I am a demigod and so are you.” I informed but perhaps I said too much.

Aly’s POV-Camp Half-Blood

“What?” I stared. This was all too much to take in. So much has happened in such a short time. This…this isn’t possible! I stared at my feet again in shock. This didn’t make any sense, how could I be a demigod? But I couldn’t help but feel it made a little sense. It was true, I never knew a thing about my parents and I realize now that is because one of them is a Greek God. I had no doubt in my mind that Nana knew. It was the only plausible reason that she always kept my parents a secret. Nana…if she were I am sure she would be able to explain everything to me. There was still so much I didn’t understand. I was lost in my thoughts, until my thoughts were interrupted. I looked up to view the source.

Percy’s POV-Camp Half-Blood

There was a long silence. I was unsure what to do. ‘Crap…’I though, ‘If she starts having a mental breakdown what am I suppose to do?’ I could only imagine the thoughts going through her mind. I couldn’t help but remember the feelings I had when I first came here, I thought I was going to have a mental breakdown back then.

Suddenly, I heard multiple footsteps. I turned to see Clarisse and a few other Ares’ kids coming my way. This can’t be good… “Hey, Jackson!” Clarisse yelled even though she was only a few feet away now.

I sighed. “What do you want, Clarisse?”

“Huh.” She scowled. “My cabin and a few of the Hermes’ kids are going to sneak out of camp and look for that book. Are you and your girly-friend with?” By ‘girly-friend’ she obviously meant Annabeth. But before I could even answer she continued. “Don’t get me wrong. The only reason I am even inviting you two wimps is because it was you two that found the book! And because of that you two might actually be helpful!” She scoffed.

“I’ll pass.” I said. “And I am pretty sure Annabeth will say the something.”

“What ever.” She scoffed again.

“Besides, aren’t all demigods confined to camp until further notice?” I questioned as I folded my arms.

“That’s why I said ‘sneak out’, you dumbass!” Clarisse said as she rolled her eyes. I was about to make a retort but Clarisse began to speak again. “And what’s this?” She looked down at Aly. She must have just noticed her. “Don’t tell me this is the new demigod everyone is talking about? Doesn’t she look weak! Now wonder, she couldn’t even defend herself against that creature!” Clarisse scoffed yet again.

“Back off, Clarisse she is just a newbie!” I growled. Over the years Clarisse and I on unspoken terms created a type of peace...kinda. I really, really, vague type of peace. But boy, she really gets on my nerves! Clarisse ignored me.

“She looks like a lost puppy.” One of the other Ares’ kid snickered.

“Aw you poor thing!” Clarisse said in a fake sweet voice and crouched down in front of Aly. “Did the big-bad monster hurt you?”

Then suddenly, the small, gentle waves of the lake grew big and violent towards the Ares’ kids. They got the picture.

“Damn you, Jackson!” Clarisse shouted as they retreated. “This isn’t over!”

“Like I never heard that one before!” I yelled back and they were gone.

“Sorry about that the Ares’ kids can be kinda…well…assholes.” I looked over to Aly who looked completely unfazed with what just happened.

She looked up at me. “What was she talking about with that book and all?”
“Oh, that was just a mess me and my girlfriend got into a while ago. Now it seems the whole camps is involved.” I said a casually as I could. I didn’t want to go into detail about it. I could tell she was going to ask another question but was interrupted.


I looked over my shoulder to see a very distressed Nico running towards me. I turned around. “Oh hey, Nico. What’s wrong?” I asked slightly confused to what got Nico all stressed.

Nico was now in front of me panting. “We got a problem.”

“Eh? What?” I asked.

“The horses escaped from the stables.” Nico informed me.

“WHAT?” I asked. “What happed?”

“Well, I was cleaning the horses’ stalls for awhile and then when I looked around they where gone. I must have latched the stalls closed wrong or something.” He said with a grimace.

“Nico, how could you let the horses escape?!?” I said slightly angry. Of course I was angry. Me being the son of Poseidon, who created horses, meant that I had a connection with horses. I would often go to the stables to tend the horse and sometimes just talk. Yes, I talk to horses.

Nico was a little bit pissed at my comment. “Hey, stop acting like this is completely my fault. If this is anyone’s fault its yours! It was YOU that asked me to take care of the horses today because you had had other stuff to do! Why you asked me instead of Annabeth or Thalia or ANYONE else, I have no idea! You know my history with animals! I haven’t had a pet that lived more than a week! I tell you it’s the damn curse of having Hades as my father…But still, at least they ran away and didn’t die like all the other animals I had taken care of had!” Nico huffed.

I was a bit taken back by his sudden outburst. I knew Nico doesn’t have the best past with animals, but I didn’t think it upset him this much. And the only reason I asked him to tend to the horses was because everyone else was busy. I sighed. “Look, Nico. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”

He sighed, he had seemed to calm down. “Yeah, I’m sorry too. Bros?” He asked with his fist outstretched toward me.

I smiled. “Bros.” We fist-bumped.

Then it hit us. “The horses!” We both remembered.

“I’ll go find them. I probably have a better chance than anyone else.” I was about to leave when I remembered soothing or rather someone. I turned. “Hey, Aly. I have to go do something. Is it okay If you spend sometime with Nico instead of me?”

“Huh?!” Nico said.

Aly’s POV-Camp Half-Blood

“Sure.” I said. I didn’t really mind nor did I care. From the conversation just now it seemed like those horses were really important to them, especially Percy.

“Alright. Nico she is in your care!” Percy said and began to run off. Nico’s eyes widened.

That’s when Nico yelled at Percy. “Did you not listen to what I just said!?!”

“She is a person not a pet, Nico!” Percy yelled back in the distance and was soon out of sight.

I looked over at Nico who gave a small smile and nodded. “Sup?”
♠ ♠ ♠
So this chapter is a little bit longer I hope. COMMENT TELLING ME YOUR FAV PART OF THIS STORY AND WHY!!! If you do that I will write longer chapters!

-Katie aka Midnightrose613