Status: In progress...

It Isn't Over Yet!

Ch. 3: The Hitchhiker.

Percy's POV

It was getting dark. The whole camp piled on to the camp's school bus. Clarisse had just won her match at her high school. The match was violent. And I wasn't suprised her dad is Ares god of war. To celebrate her winning we decided to go out and party. Except we couldn't go to a club because most of us were under aged. That's why Chiron rented a large room in office building right next to the Empire State Building aka Olympus. Everyone wishes he hadn't of rented that building because it was so close to the Gods, but that was the compromise. If we wanted to party we had to be next to some authority considering right now we were unsupervised.

Anyways, when we got there we went to our room. It was fairly empty except for a table and a few chairs. One of the Hermes's kids plugged their ipod into their speakers that they brought and started to blast their music. The song that first played was Telephone by Lady Gaga and Beyonce.

A couple minuts after dancing the same Hermes's kid (Raymen) called us all over. "Look at what I found." He said and of course by found he means steal. He held up a picture of a man drunk dancing, it looked like Mr. D. Even though Zeus banned Mr. D from drinking wine he didn't ban him from all alcoholic drinks. "You think it's Mr. D?" Raymen asked.

"Well who else would dance like that?" Clarisse asked.

"It is hard to tell at this kind of angle." Said Annabeth.

"How dare you." Came a serious voice. We turned to find Grover. He had his shoes in his left hand and his crutches in his right. He was a satyr (half goat) so when ever e wore shoes he had to wear crutches to walk. He set them down and walked over to us. Grover snatched the picture out of Raymen's hand. We were screwed. "How dare you accuse someone of bad dancing without giving them proper credit especially if they are a god." He held the picture up to the light. "Yep that's Mr. D alright!"

We all laughed. He was just messing around with us. A I walked up to Grover he put the picture in his vest pocket. "Man Grover, you really had us fooled." I told him.

"Well at the school in whch I have been searching for demigods I have been taking drama and I am pretty good at it." He bragged.

"Hey Grover you made it." Nico said as he, Annabeth and Tyson aprouched.

"Sure did. Now let's party!" Grover yelled.

Raymen turned the music up so loud it gave me a head ache in an instant. A minute later loud thunder boomed and Zeus's voice echoed, "Turn that blasted music down! We can hear it all the way from Olympus!!!"

Raymen immediately turned of his speakers. "Sorry." We all mumbled.

After that we all decided it was best to call it a night and head back to camp. Grover drove the bus. We were half way to camp, I knew this because we started to enter the forest. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Is that Thalia?" Grover asked.

We all look to where he was pointing and there walking at the side of the rode was Thalia, with her back turned towards us. Grover pulled over. Annabeth, who was sitting next to me opened the window, "Thalia?" She called.

Thalia turned, "Annabeth?"

Grover opened the bus doors, letting Thalia in. She was in the same clothes that she wore the last time I saw her. Why wasn't she wearing any armor and why wasn't she with Artemis? "What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be with Artemis?" Annabeth asked as if she read my mind.

"Not anymore." Thalia groaned as she sat down at the empty seat at the front of the bus.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well as Lady Artemis put it I am a good fighter but the missions she wishes to go on calls for more qualitfied skills." Thalia explained.

"So she just kicked you out?" I asked. She nodded.

"Rough." Grover said.

"Is that even allowed? To kick her out I mean?" Nico asked. We all looked at Nico. "Hey! Don't look at me like that, I am still getting use to all this demigod stuff."

"Of course it's allowed. If it wasn't Thalia wouldn't of been kick out, smart one." Clarisse rolled her eyes.

"Where were you headed?" Annabeth asked Thalia.

"Camp." Thalia replied. "I have no where else to go."

That's when I saw head light coming from behind us. I turned to find a police car pulling over to the side of the road behind us. Shit.