Status: In progress...

It Isn't Over Yet!

Ch. 4 "Run for it, goat-boy!"

Percy's POV

We all waited silently in the bus as the cop stepped out of his car and walked on the bus. Grover quickly but the hood of his jacket on to cover his horns and Tyson put on a base ball cap to cover his third eye incase the mist didn't work. The cop had a flashlight so he could see. His hair was brown and he had a mustache. He was an over weight man but not one to mess with. He stepped on the bus. He pointed his light at us. "You kids know this is a no parking zone?"

"Yes sir." We all mumbled.

"Then why did you park in a no parking zone?" Questioned the cop.

"Well we saw our friend out on the rode so we stopped to let her on the bus." Explained Grover.

"Oh really?" The cop approached Grover. He bent down and sniffed him. Yeah that isn't weird at all.

"Hasn't the dude heard of personal space?" Nico whispered behind me.

"Have you been drinking alcohol?" The cop asked Grover.

"No..." Grover replied confused.

"License and registrations please." Said the cop.

Oh no. Grover didn't have either of those. If the cop finds that out he will take Grover to jail and if he does that he will realize he is not human. Grover knew this too. "Uh..." Grover said then stood up and ran past to cop out of the bus and into the forest.

"Hey! Hey! Come back!" The cop shouted and chased after him.

“Run for it, goat-boy!” Clarisse nearly screamed.

"Go Grover! Go!" The rest of us yelled and soon Grover was out of sight.

The cop marched back on the bus. "That's it! You all are coming with me."

The cop drove the bus and with us in it to his police station. Once there he led us to two very large cells in one room. On the way he made us drop all our stuff in gray bens. I was about to drop in Riptide (in pen form) when my hand wouldn't let go of it. Something told me to keep it with me. "Percy, it’s okay," Annabeth whispered from behind me. "You'll get it back."

Before I had time to react the cop snatched it out of my hand. After everyone left their stuff, we piled into the cells. "Girls in the left cell and boys in the right." There was about a four foot space between the two cells.

After he locked us in, he left the room closing the door behind him. "What now?" Annabeth asked.

"We can't leave unless we get bailed out." I said.

"It is going to be a pretty big bail." Mumbled Nico.

Suddenly the door opened and the cop walked in the room. "Phone call time. Who wants to call their parents first?"

No one volunteered. I sighed, "I will." I should probably call Grover.

The cop waited for more volunteers but all was silent. "Fine, more time you spend in here then." The cop said to the others as he let me out.

He led me to the other room to a payphone; he gave me fifty cents and walked over to his desk at the other side of the room. I quickly put in the money and dialed Grover's cell phone number. Luckily I was able to convince him to get a cell phone last month. It rang once and then he answered, "Hello?"

"Grover? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Percy? Yeah I am. What about you? Where are you?" He questioned.

"I've been better. I am in jail, the whole camp is. Where are you?" I asked.

"I figured. I am sitting on the steps in front of the Empire State Building." He replied.

"What? Why?!" I Questioned.

"Please don't be mad. I didn't know what to do I had to tell them." I said.

"You told them?!" I asked shocked and angry.

"Don't be mad." Grover begged.

I sighed. "I am not, but how are we going get out of here?"

"They should be there soon." Grover announced.

"You mean they are bailing us out?" I questioned.

"I don't know they just said they were coming." He told me.

"All of our parents?" I confirmed.

"Yep." He replied.

"Times up." I heard the cop said from behind me.

"I got to go, bye." I said and then hung up.

As the cop led me back to the cell he asked, "Are your parents coming?"

"Supposedly." I replied.

After he locked me back in the cell and left the room Thalia asked, "Well? Who did you call?"

"Grover and he told our parents. They are supposedly coming here right now." I replied.

"By parents do you mean the ones that live in the Empire State Building?" Annabeth asked trying to be vague incase the cop could hear.

"Yep." I said.

We all groaned. "We are done for." One of the Aphrodite's girls said.

"It's all Grover's fault!" Clarisse shouted.

"No it wasn't!" I shouted back.

Everyone began to fight with each other about if it was Grover's fault or not. It became so loud I could barely hear my own thoughts. But we all stopped when we heard Zeus clear his throat. We are so screwed.