Status: In progress...

It Isn't Over Yet!

Ch.5:The Gods Bail Us Out of Jail/We Get Kicked Out of Camp

Percy's POV

We all became silent as we turned to face our parents. And there before us stood Zeus (Thalia's dad), Hades (Nico's dad), Poseidon (my and Tyson's dad), Athena (Annabeth's mom), Ares (Clarisse's dad), Hermes (Raymen's dad), Mr. D, Apollo, and Aphrodite. They all looked really mad. Great.... "Would any of you mind explaining why you're here?" Zeus asked crossing his arms.

"Uh...well..." We all murmured.

"You see," Annabeth started to explain. "We were on our way back to camp when we saw Thalia. We pulled over to let her in when a cop came to tell us it was a no parking zone. He wanted to see Grover's license, since Grover didn't have one he ran and it all went down hill from there."

"Still no excuse. I am very disappointed in all of you." Athena said.

"As am I." Aphrodite agreed.

A moment later they left the room. To my surprise they returned with the cop carrying the keys. Finally we were let out of the cells.

Percy's POV- Outside of the police station

Luckily we were all able to get our things back. Every demigod was now speaking or should I say getting scolded by their parent. Tyson and I were talking to our dad. "I am afraid I am going to have to tell your mother, Percy." Poseidon told me.

"What? Why?!” I asked.

"She is your mother she has a right to know." He told me.

"Fine." I grumbled.

"And Tyson, try to stay out of trouble." Said Poseidon said.

Tyson nodded.

Percy's POV- Back at camp

The sun was starting to come up. The gods were with Chiron trying to decide if we should get punished or not. Annabeth, Nico, Thalia, Tyson, and I were talking next to the entrance of camp, when we saw Grover enter camp.

When he saw us he ran over to us. "You guys survived!"

"Barely." Thalia said.

"Grover! I am going to kick your ass!" We heard Clarisse shout.

We looked to where she was. She was walking down the hill towards us with two other Ares's kids. When she was close enough, she grabbed Grover's shirt and held him up to her face. His hooves barely touched the ground. "Because of you we were arrested! And now you are going to pay for it!" Clarisse shouted in his face. Most the camp saw this happening they all ran toward us.

Instead of replying, Grover just exhaled in her face. "Aw, gross!" She released Grover and pinched her nose. Grover fell to the ground. "You do smell like alcohol!"

"Only because I ate an empty beer can." Grover explained as he stood up.

"Either way I am still going to kick your ass." Clarisse growled.

"Clarisse chill, it doesn't matter anymore." Raymen said.

"Yes it does!" Clarisse shouted and then lunged at Grover.

Before she could reach him Raymen tackled her. That's when the whole camp broke out into a fight.
""Hold me back Tyson." I heard Grover say. Tyson grabbed Grover as he tried to lunge into a fight.

People were wrestling each other to the ground. Some were pulling each others hair or were in fists fights. I dodged Raymen and Clarisse’s fight as they came tumbling towards me. Annabeth, Nico, Thalia, Tyson, Grover, and I seemed to be the only ones not fighting. Things were getting ugly. ugly.

Suddenly thunder boomed and lightening flash in the center of the fight. We stopped and looked to find Zeus storming down the hill towards us. "That's it! All of you are going home. It is clear that you kids cannot behave properly and camp is closed until you do!" Zeus boomed.