Status: In progress...

It Isn't Over Yet!

Ch. 8: X Marks the Spot

Annabeth's POV- In "Weird & Ancient"

"Percy, no." I begged, but it was too late. He was already heading towards the entrance. The next thing I heard was glass break, wood hitting the floor, and the old man shouting "Hey!". Then it went silent. I peeked over the counter. Percy and the old man were gone.

I knew I had to be quick so I could find the book before the old man came back. I stood up. I knew the book was valuable, so I doubt the old man would keep it out in the open in the store. So of course he probably kept it hidden back here.

I looked around the back room. All that was in it was a few boxes, a couple of crates, and a hand woven rug that laid in the center of the room. I stepped onto the rug to inspect the boxes and crates when I heard wooden floor boards creek. Wait-wooden floor boards? The store's floor was cement. I grabbed the rug and threw it to the other side of the room. As I did, dust flew everyway catching me off guard and I sneezed. But that wasn't what really surprised me.

Underneath the rug was and old wooden trap door. I grasped the metal latch and unlatched the door. I opened it to find an old wooden ladder that led down to a dark room below. Something told I shouldn't go down there. But I swallowed my fear and carefully climbed down the ladder. Once I reached the bottom, I turned to find an empty room. The stone walls and floor were bare. The room was completely empty. I walked into the middle of the room, to see if I missed anything, I didn’t. I sighed abruptly. I can't believe Percy and I did all this for nothing.

I looked down at me feet when I saw something that caught my eye. Right next to my feet was a floor stone that had an X engraved in it. X marks the spot, I thought. I pressed my foot down on the stone. Suddenly, a part of the farther wall separated (like how elevator doors do) revealing a ancient looking chest. As I approached it, I noticed it was Greek. I tried to lift the lid, but it wouldn't budge. "Locked." I muttered.

Even though I couldn't open it, I still had to take whatever is inside it with me. I picked the chest up, it was really heavy. I had no idea how I was going to get it up the ladder. I set the chest down on the ground and looked back to where I took in from and there laid a key. The old man must of hid the key underneath the chest. I grabbed the key and opened the chest.

I looked inside to find what looked to be an ancient leather book, which its cover was died green. On the front was a symbol that looked awfully familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I opened the book to the first page. Some of the symbols were Greek, but the rest was I language I have never seen in my life. I could only make out a few words scattered through the page like: "First daughter", "stone", "defeat", "Titan King". I had no idea what this all meant, but I knew I had to get out of this place.

I closed the chest and put it back. I stepped on the stone making the wall close again. With the book in hand, I climbed back up the ladder. I looked around. Good, I thought, the old man isn't back yet.

I closed and latched the trap door. After I placed the rug back over it, I made my way out stepping over the mess Percy made on the way. I had to find Percy. I hope he didn't get caught. I wandered through the first floor of the mall looking for him.

A minute later I ran into Nico, Clarisse, and Raymen. "I am so glad I found you guys. Have you seen Percy?" I asked them.

"Yeah." Answered Clarisse. "He was being escorted by two security guards while wearing hand cuffs."

"Where were they taking him?" I asked worried.

"Probably to the second floor where the mall jail is." Raymen replied.

"He mouthed to us to go find you, he looked worried. Where did you get that book? What happened?" Nico asked.

"Come on." I said. "Let's go get Percy. I'll explain on the way."
♠ ♠ ♠
To all those who are waiting for the 'mysterious girl', she will appear in chapter 11. So bear with me a bit longer....


Midnightrose613 a.k.a. Katie