Status: In progress...

It Isn't Over Yet!

Ch. 9: Been There, Done That

Percy's POV-Mall Jail

The two security guards led me to the mall jail. It was basically one big room with a large cell. We walked up to another security guard that was sitting at a desk outside of the cell. “Does he have anything on him?" He asked.

One of the security guards took Riptide out of my pocket and tossed it on the desk. "Only this."

"Put him in." The guard at the desk said. The two security guards unhand cuffed me and locked me in the cell, then left.

The only thing in the cell was a wooden bench connected to the wall. Though the cell was big enough to fit the whole camp in...barely.

I sat down on the bench and thought about Annabeth. I hoped she didn't get caught or worse... I shivered at that thought. I couldn't think about thatnow.

Suddenly a voice came from the security guard's walky-talky. I couldn't hear it though, it was too muffled. "Okay, I'll be there in a minute." The security guard replied into the walky talky. He stood up and looked at me. "I have to go. I'll be back in a moment. Don't try anything." He said then left.

I stood up. This was my chance to escape. But how? I looked up to find a foot long window that lined the ceiling above the bench. I bet I could crawl through that. But what about Riptide? Even though it was ment to appear in my pocket when I lost it, it didn't appear. Why? Because I didn't lose it I know exactly where it is, I just don't have it. But if I stay so I could get it my dad will find out and who knows what will happen. I had to escape through the window.

I was about to step on the bench to climb out the window, when the door of the room busted open. I looked expecting to find the security guard but instead I found three big, mean men and one of them was the one in the store. "Let me make this short and simple." The big man from the store said. "Kronos wants you dead, so we are going to kill you."

I had barely anytime to react they threw something at me. It went by so fast I didn't even know what it was or where it landed. I jumped up on the bench and dodged what ever it was. They were about to throw another when Annabeth, Nico, Clarisse, and Raymen came running in. I noticed Annabeth was carrying a large book. The big three men noticed it too because one of them shouted, "The book!"

"Oh crap!" Annabeth said before she ran out of the room. The big men chased her. Clarisse and Raymen ran after them trying to help Annabeth. Nico stayed behind to let me out of the cell. "Come let's help them." I said while grabbing Riptide.

We chased after the others. But we unexpectedly ran in to more big men. There were two of them. Nico ran past them but was being chased by one. That left me with the other one. I was about to press the button on Riptide to transform it into a sword, but the big guy wacked it out of my hand making it roll a few feet away.

I tried to punch him in the face, but he caught my fist. He twisted both of my arms so they were at my back. It kinda hurt. He slammed me against the meal railing that looked down to the floor below. My stomach slammed into the railing knocking the breath out of me. That really hurt. One the floor below I saw Tyson, Thalia and a good portion of the camp talking. They didn't notice what was going on. "A little help would be appreciated!" I yelled down at them.

That's when they noticed me. They started to run towards the stairs, a couple of the campers ran the other way probably to get the rest of the camp.

Then the big man threw me to the ground. "Percy!" I heard Tyson call.

A few feet away I saw Riptide. The big man approached me, but I kicked him in the gut making him fall back. I jumped to my feet and grabbed Riptide. The rest of the camp was at my side now. "What's happening?" Thalia asked. I looked back to were the man fell, he was gone.

"No time to explain. We have to go find Annabeth, Nico, Clarisse, and Raymen." I said. Transferring Riptide into a sword we ran to help Annabeth and the others.

Annabeth's POV-The Mall

I was being chased by the big and mean creep guys with Nico, Clarisse, Raymen, and Percy following. Wait-I looked behind me I didn't see Percy. I hope he is alright.

Shit-the creeps were catching up. Even though I was exhausted, I ran faster, but that didn't help. They only ran faster too. By the way those creeps aren't tiring, I new they weren't human.

All of the sudden I tripped making the book fly out of my hands. I looked to see what I tripped on-ugh! My shoe laces were untied! The closest creep lunged for the book, but I tackled him, while the other creeps were fighting with Nico, Clarisse, and Raymen.

The creep man pinned me down while I reached the book. To stop me, he grabbed my throat with one hand, and began to choke while reaching for the book with the other. I punched him in the nose. He released me and I gasped for air.

Suddenly, Percy and the rest of the camp came running towards us. Finally! I got up on my knees but the creep forced me back down as he reached for the book. Percy came running towards me with his sword out and swung it down at the creep. But as he did the creep touched the book and then strangely all the creeps evaporated into a black mist and were gone. Yep, definitely not human. Percy's sword hit the ground. "What the fuck?!" Clarisse exclaimed.

Percy transferred Riptide into a pen and helped me up. I hugged him. That's when several security guards surrounded us. "Put your hands up where I can see 'em!" They pointed their tazers at us.

We all put our hands up. "Here we go again." I heard Nico mumbled. We were getting arrested. Been there, done that.