Stop and Stare

Dancing is a part of one’s life, most obviously. Because everyone’s danced once or twice, no matter who you are. Maybe it was at a party, maybe at a wedding, or a ball, or a Debutante’s thing. Whatever it is, you’ve surely danced once or twice.

But darling, I’m a dancer.

I twist, bend, and twirl, so gracefully around that pole, every night. No one ever said I was a proper dancer, did they now?

Why was twenty-four-year-old Frank Iero so messed up?
Why was he a dancer, earning a hundred or so dollars a night, to cover bills, and try to survive.

And why was 28-year-old Gerard Way back in town, after almost six years?
Six years, and not a word.
He and Frank used to be friends, they had chemistry.
But when he just up and left, Frank was spun into a turmoil of lies, cheats, and dancers, as he learned he could be one of the best strippers on the entire New England coast.

So why was he here, trying to convince Frank he was better than that?

And would Frank listen?

2008 (c) Copyright to Korynn