‹ Prequel: Race Against Time

We'll Be Okay

Weddings Are Whirlwinds...

The phone call to my parents telling them I was getting married was one of the most awkward calls I had ever had to make.
"Mama! I'm getting married!" I said once my mother answered. Odd silence.
"Oh, to Don?" she asked. I was a little hurt she wasn't excited.
"Yes, Mama, to Don", I replied.
"That's great news! Have you picked a date yet?" she asked. There was the excitement I was looking for. I reluctantly gave her the answer. At the end of the week.
"My, isn't that a bit early, honey?" Mama gasped.
"I know, but Aria's here for the case and one of Don's best friends is here for the case. They wouldn't be able to make it any other time", I replied.
"Well, then! Looks like we'll just have to get some stuff together, then won't we?" Mama said. I could almost hear her smile.
"Yeah. Let me tell Daddy, by the way. He won't be pleased if he finds about this last", I replied.
"Good idea, grĂ¡", Mama said, hanging up. I chuckled and dialed my dad's number. We'd already solved the case. Everyone was getting excited over the idea of a wedding.
"Daddy?" I said into the phone.
"Isabella! Mi bello figlia!" Daddy said, calling me his beautiful daughter.
"Daddy, I'm getting married", I blurted. He was quiet.
"So that's what Don had wanted to talk to me about", he murmured.
"He talked to you?" I asked.
"He'd called me last week", Daddy replied. I raised my eyebrows.
"We're getting married on Saturday", I said. It was Wednesday.
"That's a bit soon, don't you think?" he asked.
"Aria's already here, so is one of his best friends. They won't be able to come out any other time and it means a lot to us to have people here", I replied.
"We'll be there in two days", he said, hanging up with a growl. I rolled my eyes.

"My parents will be here in two days", I said, putting my phone in my pocket.
"This is going by fast", Don replied.
"I know! How on Earth are Stella and Sarah going to pull all of this off by themselves?" I said.
"You're kidding, right? Stella's got contacts everywhere. Those two are a force to be reckoned with", he answered. He kissed me.
"I know, but I'm just really nervous", I admitted.
"You're not backing out on me, right?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. He backed me against the counter in my apartment and pressed another kiss to my lips.
"Mm-mm. Nope", I responded, wrapping my arms around his neck. I was excited and nervous.
"We need to get the songs picked out", he said. We went through the lists on each other's iPods before I came across one. It was a song I'd recently gotten him hooked on. 'I Love The Way You Love Me' by John Michael Montgomery. I held up his iTouch and gave him a look.
"You weren't supposed to see that", he said. I rolled my eyes.
"Sure. Donald Joseph Flack a closet country music lover? No one would believe me", I replied. I looked up at him.
"What if we had a Lady Antebellum song as our first dance? It's symbolic", I suggested. He looked through my list before nodding. I suddenly got very excited.
"When You Got A Good Thing would be perfect!" I squealed. I took my iPod from him and plugged into my iHome for it to play. For my vows, I had a song picked out to play. Adam was our DJ.

"There's our first dance down", he said, chuckling. I wrote it down on a list. He took the pen from me.
"You picked our first dance, I get to pick the unity candle song", he told me. He covered it from me and wrote down a song title. I pulled out another piece of paper and snatched the pen from him, sticking my tongue out. My song for my vows was all picked out. 'I Turn To You' by Christina Aguilera. It fit us perfectly. Suddenly, the door burst open.
"You, move", Sarah said. She was carrying a bag on her back. She and Stella had gone shopping nonstop.
"Is that my dress?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. Sarah nodded.
"You owe me seven hundred and fifty bucks", she replied. She dragged me into my room, causing Boomer to bark after her.
"Stay, Boomer. Go see Donnie", I ordered my overexcited Lab. He turned and slunk away. I had gotten him a little bow tie for the wedding.
"Strip", Sarah commanded. Stella had slipped into my room after us. I rolled my eyes and pulled my shirt and jeans off. I was helped into the gown and it zipped up behind me. I looked in the floor-length mirror in my room and gasped. It was a strapless ballgown type dress with a fitted bodice. A 3-D flower was on the waistline. It was perfect. Simple and elegant. Stella pulled my hair out of my face.
"She has such pretty hair", she commented. Sarah tilted her head.
"Well, maybe if we pulled the sides back", she reluctantly agreed. Stella pulled out a pair of shoes from my closet and examined them.
"I wore those to the policeman's ball last year", I said. She smiled and had me put them on. Perfect.

"You are going to be the most beautiful bride when we're done with you", she promised. I fiddled with my ring, a new habit of mine.
"I hope so. My mom's going to be here in two days", I replied with a sigh. I looked out the window. We all eventually agreed that the tiara would be the easiest way to keep the veil up.
"You look so gorgeous, Izzy", Sarah gushed. I found myself even more excited for the wedding.
"Does Don know what he's going to do yet?" Stella asked.
"He got permission to wear his dress blues", I replied.
"Saturday, October eighth", Sarah said, smiling broadly.
"I just wish Levi could see it", I murmured. My brother had been stabilized finally.
"I know, but we're recording the whole thing, Iz. When he wakes up, he can watch it", Sarah replied, hugging me. Raising her two kids on her own while her husband was in the hospital was tough on her. I had tried to make it as easy as possible, taking the girls whenever I had a day off.
"Did you agree on where you're going to live after this?" Stella asked.
"I think my place would be best. It's bigger and pet-approved", I replied. We hadn't talked about it yet. Someone knocked on the door. I dove to the bathroom as best as I could in four-inch heels and a big, poofy wedding dress.
"Tell Izzy I'm gonna take Boomer out", Don said.
"Kay!" I called.
"I agree with your earlier statement: your place would be better to live", he added. I rolled my eyes after Sarah closed the door. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. The dress fit perfectly and I hated to take it off, but I had to. I pulled my jeans and shirt back on. Sarah hung my dress deep into my closet.
"Your cake is red velvet, don't forget", Sarah told me, kissing my cheek before she and Stella left.

"You two are gonna make it, Isabella. But if you hurt Don, I will personally catch a plane to kick your ass", Stella said, hugging me. I hugged her back.
"I won't hurt him, but I'd love to see you try", I giggled. I liked Stella.
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Isabella's dress

Her shoes