‹ Prequel: Race Against Time

We'll Be Okay

Mafia Ties

Don escorted Isabella to his department-issued Buick, his gun in one hand. He knew if someone had gone after Levi in front of the precinct, they wouldn't hesitate to go after Isabella with just him.
"You got your piece?" he asked. Isabella looked up, slightly distracted. He could tell she wanted to get to Trinity as quickly as possible. He heard a voice.
"Flack!" a female voice yelled. It was Stella.
"Flack, I'm coming with you!" she called. Don nodded, waving her over. Stella got in the car with them.
"Mac asked me to accompany you, in case something happened. Is there any word on Levi?" she said. Isabella shook her head, wiping her eyes.
"He's in surgery right now. His wife is there", she replied. The drive to Trinity was a quick one, thanks to Don's police lights. Isabella jumped out and ran into the ER. Don followed closely behind her. He knew Isabella would be pulled off the case immediately and be kept under surveillance until the case was over, he needed to keep his eye on her.
"Detective Pacino is a man", a nurse said to Isabella in a condescending tone. Big mistake.
"I'm his sister Isabella, we work at the same place. Let me through or I will report you", Isabella snapped. Her eyes were flashing in anger. She was a dangerous little firecracker when pissed.
"Let her through", a doctor said. Isabella nodded to the nurse before following him into a waiting room.

"I'll need to know your relationships with the patients before I can let you further", he said.
"I'm his sister, Isabella Pacino", Isabella said.
"I'm his boss", Don added. Stella held up a hand.
"I was asked to come by a former superior, I'm also here for moral support for these two", she said. The doctor gave Stella a wary look.
"I'm Dr. Heath, Levi's physician. There was a lot of internal damage to Levi and we have him stabilized currently. He's suffered three cracked ribs, a broken wrist, a fractured tibia, we counted seven stab wounds on him that needed stitches, and a busted elbow. It'll be touch and go from here, he's not breathing on his own", he said. Isabella sank onto the chair, sobbing uncontrollably. Don sat down next to her, hugging her closely to his chest.
"Can we see him?" she asked, her blue-green eyes so hopeful.

"He's barely stable, the slightest raise in blood pressure could sent him into cardiac arrest", the doctor replied. The news erased the hope from Isabella's eyes and Don hated it. First, her brother gets injured severely, second, no one could even see him. A nurse was escorting someone around ICU and Isabella's head snapped up. Don recognized the brunette. It was Sarah, Levi's wife. The two women ran to each other and started crying. Stella looked at Don.
"Levi's tough, he'll make it", she said. Don nodded, trying to believe it.
"If he doesn't make it, there'll be such a big hole in the department. Levi's the kind of guy that makes friends. The boys won't take this lightly", he replied, rubbing his eyes furiously.
"Do all Mafia cases bring their heritage into question?" Stella asked, looking at Isabella.
"Not always. Sinclair doesn't like Izzy, but Mac's got her back completely. Isabella saved Lindsay's life after going undercover with her a couple of years ago", Don replied.
"You two seem close", Stella commented. Don nodded.
"Yeah, we are. We've been together for two years with a week off for bad behavior on my part", he replied.
"I like her. She's good at her job and she's unpretentious", Stella said with a smile.
"This is her on a bad day. Trust me, Stell, see her on a good day and you can't help but be attached to her", Don replied. The sting of Levi's accident was dulling. Stella was good at taking his mind off of things, which usually annoyed him, but now he was grateful.

"I hope Mac arranges some protection for her. If Hells and Harlequins has gone after Levi, they've already proven that they're not scared to beat up a cop. Nothing will stop them from going after Isabella too", Stella said. She was right. Isabella wasn't safe. No Pacino family member was...

Don pulled out his cellphone and went into the hall to make a call.
"Mac, we've got to get Isabella and her family out of town. The retaliation's going to ignite a war", he said into the phone. No sooner after he'd said that, a loud boom was heard, coming from inside the waiting room. He raced back in, smoke flooding the room. Stella was on the ground, unconscious. Isabella and Sarah were missing.