‹ Prequel: Race Against Time

We'll Be Okay

Where Are You?

Don got Stella out and felt her pulse. She was alive, just unconscious. He looked up and around for Isabella and her sister-in-law. Not a thing. Everyone was bustling out of the ICU.
"NYPD, everyone calm down!" Don called, holding up his badge. After everyone cleared out, the crime lab showed up.
"I'm currently looking for two women that may have disappeared from this floor", Don said. He held up one picture of Sarah. Mac was on his way with Isabella's academy photo.
"I saw her outside one of the ICU rooms", the janitor said, pointing to Sarah's photo.
"The other woman was a crime scene investigator, she had a badge clipped to her belt. She's pretty small, slight build, short black hair and green eyes", Don said. He pulled out his phone and pulled up a picture of Isabella.
"I didn't see her. If I did, I would've remembered, trust me", the janitor replied.
"Flack!" Don heard Jo call. He turned and walked over. Two cards were side-by-side on the floor. Jo held them up with gloved fingers.
"Looks like Hells and Harlequins had a partner", she said. A viper was curled around the jester with the Harlequin mask.
"Snakebite and Hells and Harlequins banded together and took Isabella and Sarah. They're trying to start a gang war by luring out Shadow's Blade", Mac said, examining the card.
"So they attack the eldest grandson and the eldest granddaughter of Armando Pacino Sr., who ironically turn out to be police officers", Don added. He looked at the card, cursing under his breath. His girlfriend and her sister-in-law were kidnapped right under his nose. And he couldn't do a damn thing about it.

"It could be a warning to us. They could be telling us to back off the case", Jo suggested. Mac shook his head.
"No, then they wouldn't have bothered to take Sarah Pacino", he replied.
"This was very intricately done. They wanted to piss off the Pacinos big time", Don said.
"Not unless she was just collateral damage", Jo replied. Something occurred to him. Collateral damage. Rae and Mariah.
"Get a uniform out to the elementary school in Brooklyn and the daycare. We need to get Rae and Mariah Pacino out of there now", Don said into a walkie talkie.
"You think the kids are the next target?" Jo asked.
"Right now, anything is possible", Don replied, leaning against the wall. These guys were trying to piss off Shadow's Blade and now a nasty gang war could be on their hands.
"No one talks to the press", Mac yelled as he opened the door and news crews tried to pile in. Don stormed up, showing his badge.
"Bye", he said, shoving the door closed.
"We'll give you a call if we find anything, Flack. Go on home and go to bed", Mac said. Don nodded. He was drained.
"I'm gonna stop by Izzy's place and grab her dog. She'll flip if he's not taken care of", he replied, fighting a yawn.