Girls and Boys in the Redlight District


There was a big party on at Mr Carmago's place the next day. The four of us were invited and I couldn’t wait to go, just the thought of seeing Blaire again was enough to get me smiling. Nate, Frankie, Dan and I took our time getting ready in some of our better clothes, Mr Carmago had warned us that he would be entertaining clientèle of his and that we needed to dress in our best.

"Hey Nate, pass me that shirt." I said to my brother as he picked up a white shirt and threw it at me. I pulled it on over my head and lifted the suspenders into place looking at myself in the mirror. I can't help but smile a little, and hope that Blaire likes the look too.

I looked at the four of us as we headed down to the van that was waiting at the edge of the curb. I thought that I would be the only one looking this sharp but as I looked over my brother and friends I saw that we were all looking similar, each in a white shirt with a set of tight black slacks.

"Hey Frank," I said as we climbed into the van, "why are we all dressed the same? I mean I thought this was a party, shouldn’t we all look at least a little different?" He smiled at me knowingly, like a child who had no idea what he was in for.

"You'll see when we get there, but this party isn’t held for us, it's all about Mateo's clients tonight, we are there to serve them as well as him." I opened my mouth to say something else but thought better of it, I guess I would find everything out when we got there.

"Looking good boys." Said Mr Carmago as we stepped into the sitting room, he looked over each of us appreciatively before stepping up to me and smiling. "You look sharp Matthew but there is something that is missing." I felt his big hands find the collar of my shirt and I resisted the urge to push him away. My chest grew cooler as I realized that he was unbuttoning my shirt, he kept going and didn’t stop until he had opened my shirt half way down my chest. He tucked the collar under my suspenders and smiled. The boys all did the same, leaving the collars of their shirts wide open showing a lot more skin then before and when our boss was satisfied he lined us up at the bar.

"Tonight you will wait on our guests, get them the drinks they may need and anything else. You will do as they ask because tonight you are on audition for them, what you do reflects on my company and in turn your wages. Do your best boys, make me proud." From the corner of my eye she caught me, in a gown of brilliant violet crushed velvet she sashayed past the double doors and out to the pool where a lot of the guests had begun socializing. I saw her radiant smile as she spoke with a short stout man allowing his big fat lips to press into her hand, I inhaled sharply, how could she be that way with such filth?

"Matt? Get your head in the game man." I looked at Frank who was snapping his fingers in front of my eyes.

"Sorry, what?"

"Here, take this tray and notepad. Trust me on this, you don’t want to miss any orders or get them wrong, the tips at one of Mateo's parties is almost enough to buy a condo. " He smiled lazily at me as he lounged over the bar, I followed his gaze and saw that he was making eye contact with a younger, Prada suit wearing man, no doubt that Frank would enjoy himself tonight.

"Will I need anything tonight Frank?" I asked in hushed tones. He smiled back at me again with a little wink.

"In the guest room that we use for dressing usually, you'll find my kit bag, inside is a party bag with your name on it, take what you feel you need. If it's not there then come find me but I warn you, I plan on having a good time tonight. Don’t worry about anything Matt, you're gonna have a blast!" I watched him walk off towards the Prada man with a little swing of his hips and shook my head. Dan was already off in the crowd and I was left there with Nate.

"Hey Matt, how about we work this together tonight?" I nodded and picked up the drinks tray properly.

"Sure thing, lets get to it shall we?" He smiled at me and we walked out to the pool side by side. Many of the guests looked at us with appreciation, both of us getting more physical attention then we were used to. By the time we had taken several orders I found myself leaning on the bar rubbing my behind, sure that it was bruised.

"Man, that last woman had sharp nails, I think she cut into my ass!" Nate couldn’t stop laughing as I rubbed my butt with a little animation. I had to admit aside from the bruising, the tips were already rolling in, my pockets were bursting with notes and one man had slipped me a set of diamond cuff links, needless to say I was pleased.

"I know what you mean Matt, my ribs have been jabbed and I swear that I have claw marks from that trannie all over my chest." We gathered the drinks and set off to distribute them.

The music was loud but I didn’t mind, it meant that I could do my best to just smile and nod. For the evening I was able to keep an eye on Blaire, cherishing the few moments that her eyes caught mine and my cheeks flushed.

"Matt? Hey, you seem distracted, do you need to do something?" I looked back at my twin who seemed a little concerned. I just nodded mumbling my apologies to the guests we were serving. The woman smiled slyly at me and as I walked off to the bathroom, I could feel her gaze on my back but chose to ignore it as I allowed my hand to brush over Blaire's waist on my way past her. I hurried to her dressing room in the hopes that she might follow me but as I sat on the edge of her bed, it became apparent to me that she was preoccupied.

"Matt? Are you in here?" I heard Nate's voice calling out to me and I took a moment to wash my hands before leaving to room and finding my twin.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Do you remember when we first came to Chicago? That producer guy? The pervert? Well he is here and Mateo is schmoozing him, he's looking for stars for that movie of his." I shrugged my shoulders trying to appear calm but I had a feeling that I knew where it was going.

"What of it Nate? I mean, it's not like we're gonna get the part or anything, not after the way we left that place last time." Nate was shaking his head like I just didn’t get it.

"Mateo told me to come and get you, the producer, wiL, he wants to see us again, he wants us. That’s it, we're gonna be stars, movie stars." I looked at Nate with wide eyes, he wasn’t serious, he just couldn’t be! After seeing the producer last time and walking off the set, he still wanted to go back? I mean yeah we were male prostitutes but this was different, it was actual documentation of us in compromising positions.

"Nate… Are you serious? You want to do this?" I stepped closer to him and further into the hallway as my brother nodded.

"I want to be famous and right now, I don’t care what takes us out of this line of work as long as it does. I mean Mateo is great, a great boss and I know we live pretty much how we want to but this could mean riches that only our dreams have been made of. Not to mention all the girls, anyway, wiL said that he is only interested in the two of us, without you Matt, he wont take me." I rubbed at my hair subconsciously, I hated the idea of being filmed while I was in the middle of something I had never even done yet, in a room full of people, all watching me waiting for me to reach a climax but as I looked at my brother, I just wanted him happy.

"Sure Nate, lets go talk to this wiL and find out what he wants us to do."
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Hello one and all.
Its been a darned long time but I have finally had a chance to post. Hope you like it.
