Status: One-shot!

Where is your Yellow Balloon

We were Friends

The forest was dark and dense. I wasn't cold even though I could see my breath. Stepped over tree roots and mad sure to keep the small wooden box and index cards safe at hand.
I saw her up ahead. My "friend". Her name was Mimi and we're not friends any more. We got into a fight and decided it be best if we weren't friends anymore. But I had called her only a few days ago. I wanted to do one more thing together. Kind of as a good bye.
We agreed that we would meet up on Saturday night in the middle of the small forest and bury all of our memories together.
Mimi had her own stack of index cards and a shovel.
"You brought the box?" Mimi asked in bored tone.
I held out the box. Mimi nodded and started to dig a small hole. I opened the box and looked at Mimi to see if she was done digging. She was.
"We'll read them out loud then toss the card in the box," I said.
Mimi nodded, stepping forward. She held out her first card.
"All the concerts we went to," She said then proceeded to list the concerts and then threw the card into the box.
I pulled out my first card. "The books we shared and talked about." I tossed the card into the box.
"The movies." Toss.
"Baking" Toss.
"Talking about guys." Toss.
"Staying after school." Toss.
We continued on throwing in all of our memories. The box was completely full by the time we were done.
I gently laid the box into the hole. Mimi took the shovel and started to bury the box.
Mimi started patting the top of the mound. She finally placed the shovel down, signifying that she was done.
I turned to her and held out my hand. She took it and we shook.
"Thanks for coming. Good bye," I said turning around.
Mimi started saying something. I quickly recognized what it was.

"Graveyard, behind the church
On a tree the crow is perched
Lounging on it’s lowest branch
No great secret, no romance
I should leave this stupid town
fearing that I’d see you around.
And I would not know what to say
How you threw my trust away?
In the dirt… lies the body
In the basket…fruit is rotting
From the grass cadaver rise
if this is life I’d rather die
Misery, emptiness
straw and bottle kept me sick
What’s left of me? a floating ghost
Not strong enough to safe us both…
Take me by the hand
I will walk you through the darkness
I will make you understand,
we were Friends…
Running endless through the night
Until you told me that I changed
Well I guess that you were right
Living in squalor was a hideous sight
Just chasing a dollar in the city at night
You wanted to wallow in the pity that’s life to a liar
Swallowed in the ittiest bite
Following what the idiots like
and like an idiot, painted it the prettiest white
Insidious, was the grip that it held
fell down from Heaven, slipped into Hell
I would never blame you for the curse that i was given by my father
but to think that in your presence it wouldn’t be exercised, why bother?
…and with the lump in your throat gone,
lies gave you something to choke on.
The girl was not the issue,
I won’t miss her, I might miss you…
Take me by the hand
I will walk you through the darkness
I will make you understand,
we were Friends…
Running endless through the night
Until you told me that I changed
Well I guess that you were right
we were Friends!
Did we think that we were pure?
We were friends since I remember
But we can’t be anymore
We were friends
but we can’t be anymore
we were friends
but we can’t be anymore
Graveyard, behind the church
Carry us to the comfortable caress of the dirt
Despair everlasting under the gray skies
We leave friendship here so that it may die.
Rain falls slow to the earth, and woe is me!
Perhaps from it’s burial place will grow a tree
climbed by you and I, but 5 years younger
waiting for the undertaker to take us under.
What made us wonder?
What made us crumble like bricks?
Maybe we were afraid of thunder.
Cross silhouette in the dusk of November,
the Boys make a pact to be friends Forever.
This is like Never, “Leaving us so soon?”
We feel the kinship die, leaving it’s own wound.
We thought that we could survive anything,
but what does Forever mean when you’re 17?" She quietly said.
"Where is your yellow balloon?" I sang.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's a short story for ya'll.
Lyrics are: Fiends- JJ Demon
Yellow Balloon- JJ Demon.
The tittle comes from Yellow balloon. I love JJ Demon!
Sorry for any spelling mistakes, etc.
Comment are always loved!!!!