Status: Working

Another Journal From the Normal Guy


What is normal?
It is a question that I always ponder...
Yet I get no answer.

Is it just made up?
Like other words that makes no sense
Or a goal that people try to reach.

You know what!
I am not normal!
Being normal is being weird!

There are so many things
that distinguish us.
Two many differences than similarities

Normal is plain
Normal is black and white
Normal is NOT who we should desire to be.

In a sense, we are normal.
We are all the same,
because of all our differences!

That I normally think
of the weird word
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought about using this... So I am! XD

Basically, I thought I should define myself by the word normal in the title of the story.I said what I thought it was to me and I realized that nobody is normal by the means of its definition but by what society is today...

Got an opinion? Just comment on the this story's comment wall!