Almost Easy

And All Things Will End..

I was sleeping on the couch, very content, when someone poked me. "What?" I mumbled, rather annoyed, this is how I woke up everyday... Yeah, guys are super like that... But, hey, they were awesome non the less.

"It's just me," Zacky replied, a smile in his voice.

"Oh... What time is it?" I asked groggilly, giving a yawn and stretch.

"2:45 in the morning," he said softly. "Want to go swimming? The hotel left us a key to the indoor pool..."

We'd been in Vega for three days with a contcert last night and the next two days off.

I smiled, "Yeah, definitely." Now, had anyone else decided to wake me at 2:45 to swim, I wouldn't scratched their eyes out... But, Zacky is hard to say no too, and for some reason, the idea of swimming when normal people were sleeping, seemed like such a great idea.

I sat up off the lumpy couch and walked over to my bag (which Matt had grabbed for me a few days ago), pulling out my brown bikini with baby blue stars on it. I then quietly made my way for the bathroom and changed.

When I walked back out, Zacky was in a pair of blue swimshorts. His chest was so perfectly toned and tattooed, it was hard not to stare... and even harder not to drool.

Luckilly, he seemed to be staring a bit lower than my own tattoo as well.

I laughed slightly, causing him to blush as I walked over and snaked my arm around his waist. "Ready?" I whispered at Matt shifted in his sleep.

Zacky and I dropped to the floor next to his bed, without thinking, to avoid being seen. I started to giggle on my back. "Shh..." Zacky said with a smirk, covering my mouth with his hand before giving a chuckle himself, as I laughed silently.

I rolled over and got to my knees, "Quick!" I mocked, crawling towards the door. "Steal mode! Dun-nuh-nuh-nuh!"

Zack laughed and followed me, helping me to my feel at the door as he cracked it open and we squeezed passed into the empty hallway.

He smiled, pushing me gently into the wall and kissing me. I smiled and snaked my arms around his neck for a moment before linking fingers with him as we continued on our way.

Zacky smiled at me as he unlocked the door to the pool room before taking my hand and leading me in. He stopped at the edge of the pool, pressing his forehead to mine and locking eyes with me. "So... you're parents wouldn't have me arrested if we went out... right?" he smiled, asking in a half serious, again blushing a bit.

I laughed, "No, besides, I'm going to be 18 in two months----wait," I smiled with realization, "are you asking me to be with you?"

He smiled shyly and pecked my lips, "Uh... yeah."

"Well, no they won't have you arrested and I accept," I smiled before kissing him deeply... and pushing him in the pool.

He, however, was quick and pulled me in with him.

I pouted as we bobbed to the surface, "That wasn't fair."

Zacky smiled, wrapping an arm around me, "I don't see you doing anything about it," he whispered, kissing me.

I returned the kiss before smirking and pushing him under. I then swam in the other direction, getting out before Zacky could catch me.

I climbed on a table before climbing onto the top of a locker. "Drea, what are you doing?" Zacky asked with concern.

"I'm having fun," I smiled before pulling myself onto one of the metal beams hovering over the pool area, the center of the beam hung over the pool by about ten feet.

I sat in the center as Cack shoo his head and smiled at me before following my climbing routine. He sat next to me, one leg on either side of the beam so he was facing my. I smiled and repositioned to do the same.

"See, isn't this fun?" I asked as he grabbed my hand.

"Mhmm," he smiled and kissed me.. then he grabbed me, holding me to him as he jumped over the side into the deep end of the pool.

The suddeness caused me to scream before hitting the water, but by the time we surfaced, I was laughing hysterically.

"You suck!" I giggled.

"Payback," he smiled.

I grinned for a moment before splashing him. He laughed as someone cleared their throat behind us.

I looked over my shoulder expecting to see Jimmy, Johnny or Matt; really, anyone but who I saw--- Brian.

"What is it now?" I mumbled in an annoyed tone, though I honestly hadn't meant to ask outloud. We hadn't talked or even looked at eachother since I screamed at him three days ago.

"Sorry to interrupt," he said honestly. "I couldn't sleep..." He paused for a moment, looking hella uncomfortable. "Drea, can we talk in private?" he asked before gesturing to a door on the other side of the pool room that led to an outdoor patio.

So this was it... I was about to get shanked with a shiv...

"Okay," I said reluctantly before pulling myself to my death--- I mean, out of the pool. Brian handed me a towel, which I wrapped tightly around myself as goosebumps formed on my skin from the chilly air. "Thanks."

He nodded as we walked onto the patio. I leaned against the railing as he lit a cigarette, offering one to me. I accepted it and took a long drag before exhaling. "I've thought alot about what you said the other day..." he said in a sudden whisper. I listened intently as he continued. "You're right, and I'm sorry Drea... This is just... ugh, it's forein to me. He literally told me about this a month ago and I didn't--- I don't, know how to react. And yeah, I'm fucking pissed as hell, and I took it out on you, which was wrong, theres just so much shit going on right now. I mean I miss my mom and sister, we're really close, and I'm dealing with their divorce like a 12 year old girl. Then I'm trying to deal with my dad, my best friend, lying to me for 18 years... And like, I'm pissed cause I had a little sister three hours away who I should've been there for... I've known you for three days and, don't get me wrong, you did fine without me... You're strong, nice, likable and just like me, temper and all... But I guess I'm kind of upset that we're just meeting and finding out about eachother... I feel almost guilty about it..."

I smiled tossing the filter of my cigarette. "Well, I'm not even 18 yet... so it's not like we're running out of time to know eachother, or be there for eachother."

He smiled slightly, "So, can you forgive me for being a douche-bag?"

I laughed, "Of course..." I then got serious, "But that doesn't mean I forgive your dad..."

"That doesn't matter, you have reason," he admitted before hugging me.

I smiled. "Wait," I said suddenly, "how'd you know I was at the pool?"

"Well, when you and your boyfriend James Bond were sneaking out, Matt was awake... Dun-nah-nah-nah," he smirked before adding, "plus I saw you two macking in the hallway..."

"Brian... I, we... uh," I paused. "When you saw us asleep the other day, nothing had happened, I promise... We did kind of get together later that night, but not officially until tonight," I sputtered.

He laughed again, "It's okay, I'm not mad..."

I smiled... Everything seemed perfect...
♠ ♠ ♠
We all know what that means...