Status: Will continue around November!

We Just Need Time

In The Studio With Matt and Val.

I glare at Matt and Val from across the studio. He whispers something in her ear and she giggles then pecks his lips.

Why haven't I been able to find a man like that? All of my boyfriends have either cheated on me or just all of a sudden broken up with me. I have really no friends from school like the guys and Val and Michelle. I have no connection like the guys have Metallica and Chris Jericho. I have no one yet Matt and Val have each other and it seems like that's all they need.

Val gets up from Matt's lap,swaying her narrow hips and pushing her blonde locks behind her shoulders. Oh how I envy her walk. She walks like a seductress ready to take on her next victim. She walks like she's a stripper. She walks like a 5000 dollar prostitute;with her head held high and her hip swaying back and forth. And don't even get me started on her hair! Ugh,I can't even get my hair as straight as her,nor as shiny.

I can't be like Val for anything!! The girl is straight up perfect and I'm just...not.

I run my hand through my blonde hair,almost growling when I think about Val being better than me. It's not fair. We're all suppose to be equals but how am I suppose to feel equal standing next to her??

“Hey Avril?”

I take my vision off of Val and look over at Matthew Charles Sanders,my only weakness. It bring heat to my core just thinking about him.

“Yes,Matt.”I answer,my voice going down to a seductive whisper.

Matt shifts in his seat when I breathe his name. His muscles flex as he lifts his arm and scratches the back of his neck. I groan inwardly at the thought of his muscular arms wrapped around my small frame,holding me to his chest as he ravages my body.

“Umm...Val is going out of town to see her parents,alone,so I was wondering. I was wondering if you would like to stay over and keep me company while she's gone. Maybe we could see a movie or play golf or...something.”He says, blushing as he finishes.

The seductress in me smirks when he says this. On the outside,I smile gently and says, “Of course I'll 'keep you company Matt.”

“Great. So once we finish up this song,let's say we help Val pack and on our way to the airport I'll drop you off and by the time I come back through,you should be finished.”Matt grins boyishly.

“Sounds like a plan.”I purr involuntarily. I'm actually having a hard time not crossing this studio and showing him what a real woman like me can do to him. Val is cute,she's a little girl and according to my experience with being stuck over their house while their making love,she doesn't know how to pleasure someone of Matt's size and aggressiveness.

Matt just nods thoughtfully and smiles as Valary enters the room again. She goes back to his lap and goes to kiss his neck,most likely his soft spot, making him growl lowly.

“GET A FUCKING ROOM!!”Zacky screeches as he enter the studio.

Val sticks her tongue out at him,making me roll my eyes. What a childish move.

“Hey Zack,we didn't complain when you and Gena actually had sex in here.” I retaliate for the sake of Matt.

Zack blushes scarlet. “It just felt like the right place and the right time.”He says weakly,going back to silently blushing.

“Oh so I was off schedule huh?”I ask sarcastically,rolling my brown eyes at him.

“Actually I think you were. We weren't even finished before you walked in.”Zack groans.

“Oh stop!! Please I'm having flashbacks!!”I whine.

Zack and Matt both laugh while Val pouts about something. Zack goes back to practicing his part in the song and Matt actually attempts to remember the lyrics.

Jimmy bounces in about 5 minutes later,probably from running around the building. He goes to the drum set inside of the recording studio and plays around with them for a while.

He startles me when he yells “SOMEONE RECORD ME,I'M READY TO DO THIS SHIT!!”

I smile at Matt as he fixes the sound and records Jimmy. All throughtout the recording,he sends me wink and half smiles.My core heats up again when his dimples pop out of his cheeks.

I frown at Val when she comes wrap her arms around his waist and kisses his cheek. Stupid Bitch.

I guess I'll just have to get rid of her to get what I want.