Status: Complete.

Just Come Running

I don't mind at all.

1 week has passed for Spring Break. One week of skiing out here on Mammoth Mountain. And fuck, what a week it’s been. I did end up only have the three days of lessons, Johnny taking me on easy runs after that, the both of us taking our time. I must admit, I don’t usually enjoy not being all that good at something, but the scenery, the rush of adrenaline, the fun…well, they just make it all worth it. Johnny’s parents are more than happy to let us go off on our own, as long as we meet them for lunch at the hotel every day, and meet them at 5pm at the bottom of the slopes every day too.

Pretty sweet deal, if you ask me.

Today Johnny and I are trying a harder run. I’m not all that confident about it, but I’m taking it slow, taking my time. At least then I can say I did a harder run, right?

“Go on, Drew. It’ll be fine. There aren’t even that many people on here, so you don’t have to worry about swerving out the way of people,” Johnny encouraged.

Okay, I can do this. Come on Colm, pull yourself together!

With a deep breath, I readjusted my ski goggles over my face, smiling at Johnny before setting off. Easy does it, Andrew, easy does it. I turned across the slope, yelping as I caught a sheet of ice. Fuck! Somehow I managed to keep myself upright, and continued across the slope. Okay, calm down, I can do this. I turned back across the slope, smiling as I didn’t slip. Alright, this is good!

But as I turned back across the slope, the edge of my ski got caught on another sheet of ice, my skis completely sliding out from under me. Fuck! I managed to cover my face as I tumbled over and over, not daring to look at where I was going, hoping I’d hit a pile of snow and just stop that way.

“DREW! LOOK OUT!” Johnny shrieked.


I got my answer as my body slammed into a tree. I screamed in agony as I felt white-hot pain shooting across my ribs and chest, before forcing myself onto my back, only making the pain worse. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. This really fucking hurts!

“Drew? Drew, can you hear me? Are you hurt?” Johnny panicked, stopping at the side of the tree and kicking off his skis.

All I could do was groan, my head falling back. I honesty don’t think I’ve ever been in this much pain before. Fuck, what have I done?

“HELP! SOMEONE HELP!” Johnny yelled, running to the side of the slope and waving his arms frantically.

I tried to move to face my friend fully, but another sharp pain shot through my ribs, making me cry out in pain. Fuck!

“Oh thank fuck, thanks for stopping, my friend hit some ice and crashed into that tree, and I don’t know what the fuck to do,” Johnny rambled.

Oh someone’s stopped? That’s good.

“Have you got a phone?”

Why do I recognise that voice?

“Yeah, who should I call?” Johnny nodded.

“Pass me your phone. My parents own this resort, I’ll get our private medics out,”

Who the fuck is that?!

“Thanks man, really. Fuck Drew, we’re lucky this guy stopped,” Johnny sighed.


Fuck. I know exactly who that is. But it’s impossible. It can’t be.

“T-Tyler?” I whimpered.

“Oh my fucking God,” Johnny gasped.

I forced my body round to face them, yelling in agony as more pain shot up my ribs. It’s him! It’s actually him!

“Fuck, Johnny, call them quick. Drew, don't move,” Tyler said.

Tyler pulled off his hat and goggles, and jogged towards me, crouching down by my side.

“Drew, shit, where are you hurt?” Tyler asked.

“My ribs hurt pretty bad,” I groaned.

Tyler winced and pulled off my goggles, letting me look into his eyes properly. Wow, he looks so worried, like properly frantic. I guess I didn’t expect that, after all that’s happened between us, even if we are talking civilly now. And wow, I can't believe he's actually here. Of all places, he's here.

“Why are you here?” I asked him, trying not to breathe so quickly because it hurt.

“Like I said to Johnny, my parents own this resort. Well, they own all the hotels and chalets. They wanted to be able to vacation somewhere close to where I’m going to college, and skiing is all the rage now, apparently,” Tyler explained, rolling his eyes.

“I knew I saw Max in the village on our first day here! I just…I didn’t think you would be here. It made no sense to me that you would be on vacation where I would be,” I admitted.

“Is it such a bad thing?” Tyler frowned.

I didn’t answer. Why? Because yes, it is a bad thing. Time with Tyler away from Sean? Bad, very bad. Very bad for me.

Tyler cleared his throat. “I didn’t think you could ski,”

“Clearly I can’t,” I mused, wincing after.

“Okay, less laughing. Uh, fuck, have you even had lessons?” Tyler frowned.

“Yeah, I had three days worth. I wasn’t even going fast, I swear!” I protested.

“If you say so. You could have broken ribs, you do know that right?” Tyler pointed out.

Broken ribs?! Fuck! Tyler saw the worry on my face.

“Don’t stress, I’m sure it’s just a bruise. Don’t panic, you might injure yourself more,” Tyler said quickly.

Injure myself more?! Oh that helps, thanks Tyler. Not.

“Please don’t panic. I couldn’t bear it if you really got hurt,” Tyler said softly, touching his gloved hand to my face.

I frowned at that. What does he mean?

“Tyler, I…”

“Okay, they said they’d be here asap. Someone’s on the way now,” Johnny announced, appearing at Tyler’s side and interrupting me.

“Great. That’s…great,” Tyler nodded, moving backwards slightly.

Yeah, just fucking great.

“You’d better contact your parents, Johnny. Don’t want them worrying about you. Thanks for helping, Tyler. You can get back to your skiing now. Sorry for, well, interrupting your day,” I mumbled.

“You’re kidding right? Like I’m going to let you go by yourself,” Tyler scoffed.

Johnny sent a confused look my way, but I just shrugged. How am I meant to know what Tyler means anymore?



Andrew was in surgery for three hours. Three freaking hours before anyone let me, Johnny and his parents know what the hell was going on. Johnny and I rode in the air ambulance to the hospital, Johnny waiting outside for his parents while I went in. Every half an hour I begged for one of the nurses for any updates, but like I expected they were useless and didn’t know anything.

Fuck, I’ve been so worried. What if Andrew’s really injured himself? Like I said to him, I couldn’t bear the thought of that. I really can’t. I know he’s got that Sean kid now and all, but he’s still my first and only love. I still care about him, I can’t help that. I’m just glad that it was me that found that. Of all the chances and coincidences in the world. I’m glad I was able to get Andrew to a hospital quicker than anyone else would’ve been able to. At least I can still look after him in this sense.

But yes, three hours passed before a Doctor came into our little waiting room. I covered Andrew’s medical expenses (not that I’m going to let him know that) so he could have a private room, not a mass ward, so we got our own waiting room too. At least my parents money has some use.

“Friends of Andrew Colm?” the Doctor asked.

We all just nodded.

“Andrew had broken three ribs and fractured two more ribs on his left side. Luckily, none of his organs were pierced. He had a little internal bleeding but we were able to get that under control quickly. The force of the fall and the crash could’ve seriously damaged him, especially if he had moved much more than he did. He was lucky to get here so quickly,” the Doctor said.

I wanted to do a victory cheer, but I refrained. Andrew has broken his ribs, after all. Fuck.

“So I’m guessing skiing for the remainder of the week is out of the question?” Johnny frowned.

Of course it is, dipshit.

“Yes, I’m afraid he’ll need bed rest for two days and then he’ll have to take it very easy, no more than light walking, for at least 3 or 4 days after that,”

“Damn,” Johnny cursed, “He was just getting into the spirit of skiing too,”

“The three of us can take it in shifts to stay with him for a day,” Johnny’s mom suggested.

Uh, think quick Tyler!

“You don’t have to. I can stay with him,” I said quickly.

“What?” Johnny frowned.

I ignored him.

“You shouldn’t ruin your holiday by missing days of skiing. I’ll stay with him. I don’t like skiing much anyway,” I shrugged.

“If you’re sure,” Johnny’s dad frowned.

“I am. When he’s out of bedrest, we can all meet for lunch in the hotel, or something. That way at least you guys can all spend some time together during the day,” I suggested.

Johnny’s parents looked at each other, before shrugging. Hell yeah!

“Sounds alright to us. Andrew’s lucky to have such good friends,” Johnny’s mom smiled.

If only they knew.

“Can I talk to you outside, Tyler?” Johnny said suddenly.

I nodded, following him out the room. The short boy immediately turned to face me, frowning heavily.

“I don’t know what’s going through your head, Jenkins, but you had better not hurt Drew,” Johnny warned.

I scowled. Like I could ever willingly hurt him.

“I’m not going to. I’m trying to help out,” I defended.

“Your money already helped out, why do you need to stay with him in the chalet?” Johnny shot back.


“Think what you want, DeLuca, but I’m only here for Drew’s wellbeing. I want to look after him because I know I fucking can,” I said lowly.

“Don’t fuck up his relationship with Sean,” Johnny said firmly.

Where did that come from? And fuck off, I’m not that kind of guy.

“Don’t get your nose in my business,” I retorted.

“I mean it, Jenkins. Don’t fuck him up again. We nearly lost him, thanks to you. Sean’s starting to bring him back,” Johnny said angrily.

I grimaced. Like that Sean kid could ever measure up to me. I’m not being arrogant, I’m being honest. I’m three times the man Sean will ever be.

“I’m here to look after him, nothing else. Drew wants us to be friends again, so I’m going to be his friend. I’m going to be in his life and there’s nothing you can do to stop that,” I said simply.

Johnny gritted his teeth, clenching his fists, knowing I was right. Of course I’m right. I’m always right when it comes to Andrew and I.

“Just don’t hurt him, okay?” Johnny said, sounding defeated.

“Scouts honour,” I said with a fake smile.


We turned around to see Johnny’s parents behind us.

“Yeah, ma?” Johnny asked.

“We can go and see Andrew now. He’s come round from the anaesthetic,” Johnny’s dad said.

“Brilliant,” Johnny smiled, walking after his parents.

I took a deep breath, running my hand through my hair before following them. I can’t fuck this week up. I can’t fuck it up, or I’ll lose Andrew for good. And there’s no way I could ever live with myself if I did that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh, drama starting!
And a little bit of Tyler's POV just to give you a few of his thoughts.
Will Tyler keep to his word and not come between Sean and Andrew?
Or will he just do whatever he wants?
More Mammoth Mountain fun in the next update…

Thank you to everyone for commenting on the last chapter! There are still 11 chapters to go, so please keep your feedback coming =]

The Lucky Ones
Rory The Roman
miss.sobriety (haha be as negative as you want!)
crescendo. (I am terribly sorry for not writing your name down before!)
Hello Fascination. (lol he’s Tyler’s brother?)
Baiser de la Morte
