I’m Not A Servant Sir, I’m A Maid

The Approaching Storm

"I can't believe that's little wretch is interfering in my plans again!"Amber Livingston hisses through clench teeth, stalking through the street of London with flushed cheeks. She was so angry that it was nearly driving her insane. People who usually give her admiring glances were confused and petrified when they saw the tall legged goddess practically shoving anyone who got in her path. She was too inconsiderate to care.

"The last time I saw that little beast I had left her in pieces. Pieces! How did she mange to get back to together and waltz into the Myth's home? It outrages!" The woman growls, emphasizing this with her high heels slamming into the ground. Despite the fact she had paid a great deal for her designer wear, she had connections that could always arrange for a new pair in a heartbeat. It was one of the many perks of her job.

"I need a plan." Her eyes narrow as she places herself upon a bench. She needs a way to get that girl out of the way so she could get close to Dagan again. Slowly, the wheels of her mind begin to turn.

"I could give him a call. He does miss his dear Evett." She says, a smile forming along her lips. Oh yes, this idea just might work.

Picking up her phone from a channel bag, she quickly dials the familiar number that she knew by heart. Though she had last seen him when he had moved away, she made sure to keep in touch in case situation like this were to accrue. Of course though he didn't know that she had his number, but that was a different story.

"This is the Grail residence, may I ask who is calling." An aged voice chirps on the other line, telling Amber it was one of the maids. From the sound of it, the woman was probably elderly and one of the older maids that have been working for the Grail's since Devin was a kid."

"Hello, I'm an old friend of Devin, can I speak to him?" Amber asks sweetly, putting on the charm. If she sounded nice the more likely she would be able to talk with the man.

"Hold on." She hears the old maid calls for Devin. The man's voice was hushed as he questions the maid on whom it was. When she hears the maid say it was the woman claimed to be an old friend, she man' voice was suddenly on the other line.

"Hello?"The voice says, sending delicious chills down Amber's spin. She couldn't believe how alike they sounded.

"Hey Devin babe I-" Amber begins, her voice overly sweet as she talks but was cut off by the man's harsh voice.

"Why are you calling?"His tone took a drastic change and turns hostile; not liking the fact the blonde was the one who was calling him. Who was he hoping for? An old girlfriend perhaps? The thought of it makes Amber giggly with her horrible humor.

"Oh don't be like that. I know you love me."Amber says with a flirtatious voice, twirling her hair absentmindedly.

"If you don't tell me, I'll hang up." The man on the other line threatens, clearly showing his distaste for the girl.

"Fine, be that way. I was just going to tell you that I saw Evett today but if you want to be emo then let's end this call."Amber says while examining her nails, hearing a pregnant pause on the other line. She had him.

"Evett?" He sounded stunned.

"Yes, the cute little Spanish girl who you had a crush on a few years back. The one you broke her heart-" The blonde wasn't able to finish her sentence.

"You told me to break her heart." He says sharply, cutting her off in the process.

"Oh really now? Wasn't it you who was moving to America your idea. Saying you couldn't be with her because you didn't love her?" Amber says with an overly dramatic applaud expression. Acting as though him of accusing her was a lie.

"It wasn't that I didn't love her, it was my family that was the issue." The man defends, his voice somewhat distance as he recalls the old memory, one that Amber thought of as a pleasant reminder. It was fun causing others pain.

"So you broke her heart?"Amber raises a brow at this, a sly smile twisting its way along her lips.

"It was never my intention to return to England, so I had to." She imagines him shaking his head on the other line.

"I see." She replies with a bored tone.

"Was that all you were going to tell me? Is bring back old wounds a new twisted hobby of yours?"He accuses her, causing the model to roll her auburn eyes.

"Well do you want to know where I saw her?"Amber continues, ignoring Devin's bitterness.

"A strip joint? Oh no wait, that's you." he laughs bitterly, the model on the other hand found no humor in this.

"She was with Dagan." The voice one the other line abruptly stops his insults.

"She's with him?"Devin's voice was low, showing he didn't like this.

"Yes. She's apparently the new maid for the Myth's. The two of them seem quite chummy with each other."Amber had to keep herself from hissing the last few words. She knew her situation, and she needs it solved before the two really did become too close for her comfort.

"And you're telling me this why?"

"It just seems rather odd. She loved you and now she going for your-"she was cut off again.

"You're jealous." He says bluntly, causing the blonde to stop instantly.

"What?"She hisses, her auburn eyes narrowing.

"Nothing, continue." She could see him waving her off on the other line.

"As I was saying, she now is going for an exact replica of you. I think she is still hung up on you." The woman comments, gazing around her surrounding at a leisurely pace. She spots one bystander dressed in a pair of red boots that screamed fashion road kill but quickly looks somewhere else before the girl could see her disgusted features. Someone need to get a mirror for that girl and tell her those are a million years old and nowhere near flattering.

"I doubt it."

"Oh I wouldn't, the way she looks at him is as though she's looking through a mirror to you." It wasn't exactly a lie. From what she seen the maid would at times glance at Dagan, but perhaps she was stretching the truth a little. She wasn't a mind reader so how would she know?

"So you're telling me that I should come back because you have a hunch that she wants to be with me?" Devin voice was doubtful. She still needed to convince him.

"It's not a hunch dear, its instinct. All women have it when it comes to the matter of the heart." She states like it was a matter of fact. The voice on the other line quiets for a bit as though it were in deep thought. She thought of hanging up when he suddenly spoke up again

"I have been feeling rather home sick." The tone was thoughtful, a tone that meant promise.
"So you're coming."Amber couldn't hold back her excitement. This was great! Now she could put her plan into action and watch the drama unfold.

"Just too see if what you're sawing is true. If I see I'm not wanted then I'm booking the next flight back to America."Devin voice was cautious, but you could tell he was somewhat hopeful as he suddenly calls for a maid in the back ground to look up flight schedules.

"Then I'll make reservation for you at the nearest five star hotel." The blonde says, delighted with the way things are going. She usually wasn't so nice but since he was a part of her plan she need to make sure he wouldn't distrust her.

"Oh and Amber?" Devin asks suddenly, just as Amber was about to hang up. His tone was deeper if not sly as the blonde could imagine the man sporting off a familiar trade mark smirk. She did the same, but in her own twisted way.


"Tell that dear brother of mine that I will be seeing him soon." Then the phone went dead, leaving Amber smiling to herself.

"Of course." She purrs, flipping the phone shut as she merrily stands and begins to walk through the shopping district. This was definitely going to be fun.

Family reunions were usually the best source of entertainment you can find.