I’m Not A Servant Sir, I’m A Maid

Let the Games Begin

Love is a disease of the mind
It can slowly consume your thoughts
And quickly turns into a murderous obsession

Amber looks at her cell, pleased with the results. So now that all the players were getting ready, she needs to get herself together as well.

At this moment, she was walking down the hall of the Grand Livingston hotel, letting her mind muse over what will happen tomorrow. She still needs some decorations, a problem that could easily be solved with a few phone calls to her favorite designers and they'd be here in a blink of the eye. They would help with the music, the atmosphere and find her the perfect dress that isn't even in the market yet.

Sighing, the blonde beauty waltzes into the grand dance hall, the perfect place to host her masquerade in. She was glad when her father had allowed her to have the party, seeing it was a perfect way in showing the luxuries at the Grand Livingston. In other words, it was a way to create business.

'Though I don't understand why.' She thought while rolling her auburn eyes, knowing they were already rolling in the green stuff. They were one of the most popular hotels in London for crying out loud! Why would they need more business?

Yet, as she thought more about it, her father was a very greedy man. So greedy that it caused her mother to divorce her father and leave the two forever. So, at the tender age of three, the memories of her beautiful mother had vanished, only leaving dull fragments of some of the simple times before her mother had left her father.

"Love does not exist in this world."She remembered her father saying once to her when her mother had left. His face had been less stern back then, less cold as she could recall. "It's simply a disease of the mind that makes you believe that you're happy."

"It would seem so." She says lightly to herself, silently looking around the huge room with dispassionate eyes. That's why she could never understand it. Those who would gladly sacrifice everything for love. It's one of the many reason she envied those who could feel that damnable disease.

Amber had first met Evett when she was sixteen, a year older then the other girl. She saw the way the little half Spanish, half British girl would look upon Devin with such happiness that it made her sick. It was around that time she took pride in making loving couples crash and burn, and she had her sights on them as her next target.

It was quite hard though, seeing how loyal Devin was to the little witch, but when his family was going through a divorce of its own, he had to leave to America. Seeing how he was going to have the break the news to the love of his life, she came up with a simple plan. Tell the little beast that he saw her cheating with someone, and then come back to her and be seen by her best friend, who had seen their encounter and told the girl that he was the one cheating. Though it broke the boy's heart to see the girl looked crushed, it made Amber feel proud and overjoyed. Another victory that showed love could easily be broken.

Smiling to herself, she was now back in the present. Pulling her beloved phone out, she begins the preparations for the party.

Tonight, when Devin's private jet lands, that's when the real party will really begin.